Our politicians do not care less about terrorism and fear of citizens
Too often these days, our days begin: Muslim terrorists, Islamic attacked in France, Belgium, Germany, the United States? The media spend in loop as news items, during the daily shootings that occur in major US cities.
These innocent victims excursions have become so commonplace it is as if we were watching a horror film to reality TV with our smartphone. Our politicians, authorities are even more awareness of what happens in their own territory considering the laws enacted by their own governments prevent them from stopping these religious criminals, Islamic, for reasons of Rights and Freedoms.
Eh well yes, criminals, religious, Islamic, Muslim, have the right and the power to kill you but you, laws entitle you to let you murder. Do you think your Charter of Rights and Freedoms are the property to real rights. Criminals, distorted judges all the rights of honest people and people, religious, supposedly by cause of barbaric religion have the right to kill. These laws made to help justice have turned against justice by lawyers, criminal companies that control our governments and judges heading.
A new religious recipe
in our newspapers, there may soon be "The attack of the day "as we have in our restaurant, the daily menu with a starter, as a salad, a performance or a hanging, main course, rape Christian or Jew and as desert, a halal cutting vipers languages prime ministers or ministers for encruchonner in wine vinegar.
Islamisms make more shine in the east and West
each death caused by Islamist terrorism is tragic. But this attack has particular symbolic. It is directly the spiritual and historical roots of France.
A threshold has been crossed in the total war declared by Islam to civilization. One day, the Islamists try to blow Notre-Dame de Paris. Unless they hope to turn the mosque into a cathedral?
Though we define ourselves only by our worship of human rights, the Islamists them lead a religious war and a war of civilizations.
We have beautiful we define only by our worship of human rights, the Islamists them lead a religious war and a war of civilizations.
in an attack in another, they push us to the mental and moral collapse.
reasonable accommodations are shit the whole population, qu'amène vis-à-vis the majority injustices, inequalities, and non-integration, exclusion of these new immigrants
Is an example,very simple, that even a fool can understand, c that is to say, your President and ministers, deputies, leftists, intellectuals, even the CBC investigators can certainly have certain skill intellectual spirit of understanding such a simple situation described in a report, as in the program "Survey, it has no Islamic fundamentalist, terrorist Canada" Thank you, the honorable Mélanie Joly for hundreds of millions of dollars of subsidies to the CBC network, have tied all kept our jobs and we will tell the liberal propaganda as you asked so subtly us.
what i mean, many of our media, sleep with our politicians, judges, police, mayors, lobbyists, chambers of commerce, multinational directions, which willfully blind eye on these Muslim terrorists, extremists who finance financial empires worldwide. For those people who control the world, ELITE, the innocent who die of these religious criminals are simply part of a mathematical equation.
You certainly expected to say during times of war, innocent victims, but this is part risks. What I would say this, our elites will never react until that one of them or someone in their family or entourage is in gear terrorists.
See how today Bernie Ecclestone who blackmails Montreal, Quebec on the F1 car over, to tens of millions each year. His stepmother is kidnapped, I think Brazil and a ransom is demanded of him 31 million dollars. Two equivalents singers to master two singers masters.
So our extremist Muslim terrorists cease when our masters of the world and their own families, friends, funders will be attacked. Meanwhile, the innocent, as is often said my brother, we are all ground meat sold to barbarians, bearded extremist imams, protected by our laws, our judges, our accommodation, our laws, our charters, our schools, our universities, our intellectuals, our leftists.
in general, the authorities beat around the bush when speaking not of Islamist terrorists, but of madmen.
it is to believe that the Western world is the victim of a horde of mental patients. But the mentally ill have names Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Stéphane Diana, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Francois Hollande, Barack Obama, Henrietta Recker, etc. Some are willing to put out the eyes not to see what happens. It is the triumph of cowardice.
But this time, the ambiguity quickly dissipated.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms should not protect the rights of other religions that secular citizens' rights, the Charter is not Charter a religious and religion is not above the law of the government of secular law. All religions and religious institutions must submit to the secular laws of the country
Do you want to fit - well - here's the door worse...
The Islamic State claimed responsibility and politicians have done nothing concrete
we learned that one of the two terrorists was known to the authorities. He had wanted to fly to Syria recently. He was arrested. To release him. He was stuck. Under the supervision of the authorities. But he still managed to strike. Our judges, did not want to know, the rule of law prevailed, the innocents are dead, long live democracy, freedom of criminals, murderers, damn the innocent. We should send our judges, our judges, requiring them to make therapies and visits to prisons and take citizenship classes, patriotism, collective consciousness to be above the laws that protect terrorists.
What was he doing in freedom, these Islamic criminals? They are probably thousands in his situation. Here, a certain conception of the rule of law collapsed. The rule of law that makes criminals can walk in the street while violating everything and everyone, killing with impunity, and ending their lives at the expense of the state and ordinary citizens will have to pay all their lives for these expenses Muslim criminals who have neither hearts nor souls but our laws and protect politicians.
the rights of the misunderstood man become a straitjacket preventing the State to defend its honest citizens, Christians, patriots as our ancestors were. The judges, disconnected and often believing Gods face to the nation, paralyze political power with their false morals humanitarian spread their judicial dictatorship through the laws.
We must have an overall vision by removing all rights to any terrorist person any religion whatsoever and that person is no law. So this terrorist has no more right than let rock in the way. He has no right to life, and must die, line item.
From the mass sexual assault of women in Cologne on the evening of New Year 2016, the slaughter of Jacques Hamel Tuesday through bombing against Charlie Hebdo and the one against the Bataclan is one war going. Our politicians and administrators keep their eyes closed, they like that the coffers are full of money from these terrorists.
The terrorists want civil wars broke out in the country
It leads also through the daily attacks from " unbalanced "attacking a woman because she is walking bare leg or hitting ax passengers of a train. We must stop these events to reduce untoward trivia. Even the mayor of Cologne, Henrietta Recker found that girls often Cologne assaulting Syrian refugees and it is their fault if they are raped. How do you do you think that a German, mayor, city says this is a real bitch.
This reflects that it is even sold to terrorists and Islamists and what is patriotic and anti anti-German. So the mayor, like many other judges in different countries, are drafts, Mr. Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau.
We should also mention the speeches of radical imams who push their followers to hatred of the West as gentlemen Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza, Mohamed Majoub and thousands more.
Islamism gnaws France, Canada, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Australia, the United States, throughout the West, several countries in the East like a cancer of humanity. The radical, extremist Islam is the devil incarnate on earth spread by countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Ethiopia, and many other barbaric Muslim countries where the people are not educated, and fear is a must every day.
one wonders what may look like a real response. It will certainly require you to issue a legal straitjacket crucify, decapitate all persons, agencies, groups, organizations, religious, media, working for the terrorists by making them the same thing they did to Christians and Jews . The eliminated once and for all on the planet, kill them.
Facilitating the life of the Islamist enemy and not to accommodate Philippe Couillard Halal. There is no serious waged war with a breast peas Stéphane Dion.
How should we categorize our Muslim
What is a Muslim? Regular, moderate, extremist? Is it like gasoline? Regular, unleaded, super, extra?
Do we choose according to their qualities or their octanes. Muslims, according to their degree of terrorism or not?
What are the reasons have to do to tell these qualifiers because people said these things to Christians, Jews, Tamils, other religions but only for Muslims?
A Muslim " normal '' moderate '' extremist '' religious'
If words have any meaning, it can only be a moderate Muslim who practices his religion, not crazy religion. Which is not too Muslim.
Moderate Muslims are fanatics to "the primitive soul" and "natural savagery" that easily played the knife, raped women and abandoned themselves to their "violent instincts." The Muslim man, as caricatured: violent, sexist, homophobic, ignorant ... This is the absolute Other own.
"Because of fanatics who do not know more, call themselves Muslims and in the name of their fantasies and frustrations, plant bombs, murder? Probably too. Because governments of countries called Muslims use Islam to better dominate their people, maintain in oppression and condemned to obscurantism? Probably even. We must also add that our western governments condone very often under the table for terrorist actions of its often obscure reasons for the population.
In conclusion, Islamic or Muslim, is a person of its origin is not integrable and reject always Western society. So you have the answer, choose carefully and discernment-
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