Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Barack Obama - David Cameron - François Hollande - Angela Merkel - Fantoches of presidents and prime ministers
Saudi Arabia "country of terrorists, Islamist criminals, the Koran and Sharia" "TERRORISM The COUNTRY RELIGIOUS HYPOCRISY "that have formatted to scratch the terrorist attack of 11 September 2001 in New York and Western countries ironic tragedy of this country criminals should be perfect morons as Philippe Couillard or Manuel Valls to deny that we are war against Saudi Arabia.
It is certainly a war of a new type, remodeled, "WARS oF RELIGION the TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY" which will bring the destruction of our civilization through religious disqualifications and civilizations signed by our politicians in the pay of Islamist lobbies.
We must also add the oil, money and power.
When you want to win a war, you need an understanding clear of our strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of our enemies. First we need to name them by name. Their name is Muslim,Presidents, Prime Ministers, The Footmuffs, these are Islamic, terrorists, refugees, the Koran, sharia, non-integrated, crazy Allah veiled, sold our elected Islam, weapons sellers, our laws, judges, etc. So all those traitors who around us and destroy our Western civilization that reigns in our parliaments.
The most obvious is certainly the inability of our leaders to call a spade a spade. As often said the Premier of Quebec, if the terrorist attack in France is that the French have refused to be integrated into the Islamic State and become a Muslim like him, his wife and daughter did.
Saudi authorities, the King of Saudi Arabia and his entourage, criminals continue, protected by the United Nations, bought us weapons and we just laugh in the face by sending terrorists to kill us every day . Our presidents and prime ministers do nothing to stop them, we do not want to frustrate them because it could affect the enabled production of weapons which is very lucrative and brings a lot of money and profit to the coffers of political parties.
And they always categorically denied any involvement, and even have possessed any information of what was going on and knowing that the top leader of every country knew it was them criminals Mr. George W. Bush, another criminal. Have you ever waited for a criminal that he is guilty? Is Hillary Clinton will say that it was she who made Libya and Gaddafi is dead and that the Islamic state has increased.
Does Tony Blair will say that George W. Bush lied about Iraq and Saddam Hussein, and that both knew that the weapons of mass destruction did not exist? Which we also lied about Mali, and that France always protects. Now, we are all ignorant, blind, our politicians, multinationals, are the United Nations trust?
Another of our weaknesses, at least as debilitating but less talked about, is the hypocrisy of our leaders or, you prefer, the fact saying the opposite of what we know to be true.
Take the most massive example of all, George W. Bush with the Saudis.
the most spectacular terrorist attack remains that the World Trade Center New York, which occurred on September 11, 2001.
Fifteen of the nineteen terrorists involved were Saudi nationals and personal friends of the Bush family,good Republicans, billionaires who govern the United States of America. A country that people have their eyes closed and blinded by their lack of openings on the peoples of the planets. This is the most ignorant people of what is happening on the planet and that it continues to interfere in case of others.
Meanwhile the misery Coasters every day, their racism hangs in their nose people sick if not money left untreated, but nobody says anything, America is great, that's all. Jobs left, saying unemployment is 5% but the truth is 15%. America, the United States, Americans are blind, the US is increasingly indebted and poor, the billionaire is becoming richer. The middle class is disappearing in this great country.
This amazing percentage of people from the same country, combined with the extraordinary sophistication of an operation that was to hijack four airliners simultaneously, raised two questions you can easily guess.
If can such an operation has been able to plan and deploy without the government of Saudi Arabia is aware and the US government gives his total consent? Could it be he even offered logistical assistance? The US government had orchestrated beforehand with some combine murdered thousands of citizens during the war in order to get hold of several oil wells with the help of Saudi Arabia.
No, l was rather invaded Iraq by fabricating pretexts. Saddam Hussein was a sadistic brute, but did not export terror. Saddam Hussein had nothing to do in this conflict, it is the Americans and British who were criminals with Saudi Arabia.
It is the same for Assad in Syria. Should he beat the Taliban in Afghanistan? Yes, probably, but it was an easy decision because our trade relations with them are nonexistent. But certainly not forget our friends the French, this martyred France chooses its targets carefully. It strikes in Libya strikes in Mali, but treats Saudi Arabia.
But we in Quebec, we have our testicle, Philippe Couillard, he was an adviser to the Minister of Health of this charming country. Mohamed Justin Trudeau, he disguises himself in the religion of the week, praying in mosques on Fridays and other day masquerades as Tamils and Jewish addict who pays or adds money or funds in the coffers in its legal or non-election funds but Canada sells armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia
Our hypocritical politicians will they limitpart.?
See first part
Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Our politicians protect Islamic - Nice, terrorists - Who will be next murdered protected you-
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