Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Presidents and Prime Ministers - Are they mentally blocked in the pay of the King of Saudi Arabia? Our politicians water carriers.
Seeing this other senseless attack occur, it is both disturbing but also a source of solidarity. "- Philippe Couillard is it completely sold and stuffy to the point of becoming a terrorist sleeping in the pay of the Islamic state in America? Is it with the Honourable Prime Minister and his Liberal team, the Muslim extremist river that flows through all the ramifications of the provinces and Canadians and Quebecers companies.
Philippe Couillard remains a mystery Liberal at odds with other leaders, his predecessors. Certainly they were all federalists but they still wanted the good of Quebec and Quebecers and francophones in Quebec from time to time. Often they sold us for minorities to fill the campaign coffers and be reelected but never went to the point of Philippe Couillard to deny the entire Quebec, to act as a thief, sold to Islam, a minority as others in the country.
the past five years to be brain washed in Saudi Arabia with his family certainly affected him all the reasoning of a supposed statesman who is patriotic vis-à-vis their own country and not to a country of barbarians and inhuman advocating a prehistoric religion by these same imams in this country and endorsed by our politicians.
Philippe Couillard is a man who obviously intellectual capacity above the average, a personality, warm without being in public, however, is nice.
It certainly was not the visibility of the head of state as Jean Charest with his humor, his way of market, its way of describing the event, the style normally seen politician in the public square. I can say that it is cold like Stephen Harper, no human feeling to the media, the cameras, but in some people it was the most cheerful and friendly man with his friends and family.
In a way I can understand, be the prime minister, the first to be executed in the public square is not easy. They mortuary paces. Having said that, it has beautiful manners, a well-trimmed beard, clothes made to its size. He speaks calmly, nobody understands what he says, but the majority of politicians talking about two sides of the simultanéments mouths as always. Considering that now that it is summer in Quebec, in North America we can say that our glorious premier of Quebec is frankly "Halal", well cut, tame, indoctrinated and bounded.
Mr. Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau are the antithesis of Donald Trump angry, angry, hysterical, screaming, frenzied, belligerent and vengeful whose inauguration speech. It's amazing. Philippe Couillard is hell-bent to be an Islamic water gate in the heart of the Americas and Mr. Justin Trudeau played with the ballerina, arises admires, to praise, to incense, loves, he is alone, selfish, ignoramus, but also the lenses of cameras turn it also persists in turn stab us all as Canadians selling to Saudi Arabia.
He closes his eyes, as the minister of external affairs Stéphane Dion, I don't envy the lies he tells us every day on the country of fairies with magic carpets, harems, women as beautiful as each other. Meanwhile, the military, imams, religious, behead their people, Christians, Jews, prison throw them, flog them as did the Jews in Jesus Christ.
But, Mr. Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau this time is over and our evolution and many religions have begun to evolve with the exception of the Muslim religion, Islam. What are they your reasons to close your eyes and make laws to withdraw the right to speak and write about this religion which some members terrorize humanity. You know Bell or Vidéotron and other TV and Internet providers are in the market to provide the services for non-believers and the blind.
But you two will never, and I mean never quite what Donald Trump has a quality lacking in our Canadian prime ministers and presidents of several countries. To open their eyes are closed further, if opportunities their ears, landed on terra firma with the real world, not just career politicians who have never worked in their lives and begin to "read, learn and know the mood of the people. " The fear is disgusted to see you lie to them so you can put more money and power.
It is normal people are afraid, and no future thanks to politicians who did not want to listen to the alarm bells Islamist groups
Without falling into the Trumpism and plow fields of fear and hatred for political gain, is it too much to ask the Premier of Quebec to feel some empathy molecules for Quebecers and fears legitimate? It is cold as the corpse bodies of three weeks. We can certainly say that our Canadian ministers and heads of multiculturalism Quebecers are true turnips for the destruction of our
identity.Canada is not an Anglophone countries, or Francophones, it is like a watermelon filled pips, an empty country without any identity, values and history.
There are limits to rise above the fray, I, Philip of Arabia, I am the only man whose knowledge of Arabic is excellent believes that Islamic terrorists are isolated, and not an organized group. We must therefore do not take care and let them attack Europe. When they attack other continents, they are far from home us. As a result, their historic crusade, on our land, we hope it will be fruitful for our children.
By his sadly customary intellectual arrogance (the man does not read the Quebec newspapers and do not watch the news, preferring to The Economist and PBS , teaching us news), the Prime Minister chooses to ignore the anxieties aroused in the population mass massacres, ax attacks, the attacks in the name of Islam, from Munich to Kabul to Brussels Baghdad.
following the Nice bombings Premier of Quebec told us again that this show of force of the Islamic State showed good knowledge of Europe and the West. We Quebecers, the Liberals support this thinking, we must all support them in their actions and provide all necessary means, here, that they may fulfill their destinies.
We also would expect that he condemns imams Quebec who keep worrying speech. But no. Fundamentalism is a personal choice. Philippe Couillard, will go in the coming weeks to legislate new laws for new powers for schools, mosques, imams in Quebec. Source on, we learned that they pay more taxes and taxes for their families, and their religious places if they are the moderate Islamic certification application
He did not miss one for us to understand, by it does not say that we understand nothing about anything. When he says it takes more immigration and multiculturalism to fight against radicalism, it is he who does not understand anything.
He has applied to the Honourable Mohamed JustinTrudeau,adding a hundred thousand new Muslim refugees exclusively for Quebec. The sends to Ottawa, it is specified that these newcomers will consolidate Muslim communities across Quebec and it will be possible to have at least two Muslim district in Quebec.
Multiculturalism is Canada's shame
when Philippe Couillard refuses to pronounce the word Islamic terrorism to describe the attack of Bataclan, preferring to speak of act "criminal" when it surrounds fundamentalists to combat radicalization, when he leaves his justice minister persist for a year with a bill on hate speech developed by a man, Jacques Frémont, who declared on Radio-Canada that he was "people who write against Islam ...", he sinks into a political correctness - dare I say it? -. Senseless
Philippe Couillard is a liar, anti-Quebec, it is the shame of the whole Canada with hate speech against Canadians and Quebecers to protect its extremist Muslim friends supplier of his election funds. Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau as several prime ministers and presidents are dangers for the Western democracies with their complacent speech against the Islamists.
A prime minister should be unifying, ensure social peace. And not throw fuel on the fire. He has reason to believe that the vast majority of Quebecers Muslims are not fanatics, but deny that there are pockets of resistance to integration which could, in extreme cases, lead to radicalization, borders on contempt popular wisdom. Adils of Charkaoui there milers of Quebec and you well know.
Please, Mr. Prime Minister, do not be so morons. Make an effort to understand them, to reassure them instead of making them swallow force a hogwash they do not want and do not honor your intelligence.
How lead Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau or other politicians
Warnings, it's not nice to know
do not use suction cups just after pouring chemicals down the toilet as Majoub Mohamed Hamza Chaoui, Adil Charkaoui, Manuel Valls, Zunera Ishaq, Abdelrazik, etc. and their fervent supportaires employees and you could splash your skin with religious goods and become Canadian terrorists sworn pros.
Is it possible to ask a French-Canadian water carrier, ill at ease, having seen tremendous achievements the part of Anglophones in Canada near his hometown of not feeling inferior. But yes, it is lower. It is a disease that many Quebecers 1800s to the 1960s had. This wound incurable, bleeding every day, who came to Montreal, where the businesses luxuries were English speaking, the west side of the Rue Saint-Laurent, assets pledged were in Westmount, beautiful homes, schools, universities , hospitals, where the life of the Montreal area was the reflection of Canada English at the time.
But Philippe Couillard, was part of the second group, the east side of Maine, the rue Saint-Laurent, Francophones, Catholics, populated with families of many children, poorly educated, no, insecure, poor housing, etc. The east side of Montreal, was this side of Philippe Couillard, the water carrier, the person looking at the overcoat high fence because it is high extreme to join the other side of the Rue Saint-Laurent and be accepted by Protestant Anglophones. They do not accept that they do not matter unless they have money which brings power.
Philippe Couillard, being an extremely brilliant man following all medicines course knew her pins out of the game. For be had to make the pirouette of the curvature to access Anglophone elite Montreal. But that was not enough, his ambition was the world but it is still a small francophone Québécois, water carrier, a last class citizen of Canada English.
He wondered what should I do to become a man world. He defected in Ottawa, scheming business with Arthur Porter, the Arabs, the secret agencies of safeties, tax shelters and end poses as the best collaborator that Saudi Arabia will have on the soil of America.
It will be wearing Islamic word Muslim, Allah in Canada with his friend Justin Trudeau. Consequently, Philippe Couillard is no longer water carrier, it is Mr. ................................................... ..
How to unclog Islamically our politicians?
Our politicians have needs'COUMADIN
"tolighten their intelligence in the brain
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