lundi 25 juillet 2016

A cat has committed nearly 60 flights in two months - unless the Liberal government members, Philippe Couillard, prime minister of in Quebec

VERNON, BC - Sketch is not a cat like no other. Instead of interest in hunting birds and mice, she prefers to seize dog toys, gardening gloves and even bra.

The kleptomaniac cat two years old began stealing items belonging to his neighbors neighborhood Vernon BC there about two months, reports Global News.

During the night, she walks the streets of the town to find his next target. In all, she stole approximately sixty objects, most of which are pairs of gardening gloves, but also towels and dog toys.

"She can relate very bizarre things, testified his teacher, Cindy Schmidt. Once she left a bra on my bed"

To return the stolen items to their owners, Sketch of the family turned to social networks. According to Global News, some items have already been given back.

Schmidt admits that there is not much she can do to stop the Sketch flights. "How can we stop it? It's only a cat. It was not enough envelopes to fill the coffers of the Liberal Party"

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