Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Barack Obama - Hillary Clinton - Angela Merkel - David Cameron - François Holland - Henriette Recker and many other Muslims Terrorists - Our Ormy Politicians
Terrorists Muslims * Islam * - Nice - Orlando - Paris - Geneva - Istanbul - will not change nothing - and yours, Christians and Jews are innocent martyrs, sacrificed in the name of "Islamophobia, silver and oil" to please the Arab Muslim countries
hell is the friend of religions.
the West suffers from lethargy regarding "Muslims and Islam in Europe and America"
Look well logs in the coming days. We will say that the bombing in Nice change everything. Our politicians will go openly of empty phrases. Muslim associations of this world will condemn him on the lip this attack.
Our newspapers are afraid to tell the truth about these Muslims about Islam, these barbarians will say it's a lone madman. He was always like a psychiatric patient. What of the Premier of Quebec, this is another patient who should be interned, but he is the head of government and nobody does anything.
On the other like the CBC or CBC not dare come forward decrying Adil Chakaoui or Colleges and illegal mosques that teach our youth, subsidized by our institutions and how to become jihadists to fight in Syria or Iran or another country for the sake of Allah.
to do like the 'did our Prime Minister Philippe Couillard with Hasidic Jewish allow them not to go to school and throughout their lives only to study the Torah and give them a grant of one million dollars and to make English illiterate in a French province. The media has stifled this liberal foul SPEED ads as always favoring allophones, anglophones and religious minorities as their breeding ground for their next election next year.
Our dear Muslim Quebec, we battery on the back, every day , and yes, they are not even satisfied enough of their accommodations are reasonable, they pass before us in the hospital, in the public place, best served and the services continue to be agreeable to them for fear of being accused racism.
But it is the contrary, it is they who are racists, they do not want to integrate as you see in other countries. You are their slaves and our politicians have sold us their pastures
As usual, we Canadienshitheads and forget Québéc shit heads
This is said in the wake of Charlie Hebdo, the Bataclan, Brussels and Orlando Istanbul. Now, you've seen a change you?
the dead have been nice to build up, we kept repeating the same empty phrases.
"There is no problem with Islam. The West has what he deserves. Who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind. He was a lone wolf. Above all, no amalgam because Islamophobia is the main problem of the hour.
"Why Nice, France, attack would change anything in this jingle?
We will continue to wallow in political correctness as before.
Especially do not call things by their name. Keep our heads in the sand up to his neck. Who knows, if we do not look at them, the fools of Allah may leave us alone.
Let us close our eyes and let us be content to send our best thoughts to relatives of victims.
A minute of silence, it is fine for families of the victims, because the pain is so great, but your political leaders literally care about you all. Our politicians are playing us a piece of vaudeville, they know those who have sponsored these Islamic crimes, ramifications, judges, justice, the secret services of these people need to be playing politics and money too. my dear victims,you all left the game, pawns of the chess parties that these powerful machines religious or not saying the man on the power of money.
Meanwhile, in Brossard, a Party member Canada's Liberal JustinTrudeau Mohamed famous beautiful Canadian values in a mosque led by an imam who is Sharia amputation for thieves and the stoning of adulterous women. It is unfortunate that Mr. Trudeau could attend crucifixion of a Christian first born that first day Friday because he was forced to make his ablutions genital in Palace Al-Yamamahis the official residence of the King of Saudi Arabia with her son.
Fortunately we live in Quebec, "LAND OF INNOCENT hospitable" and here the movement Islamist does not exist.
It's Alain Gravel, the French CBC in Montreal, who told us to survey. All this is an invention of Islamophobic.
Whew, I feel reassured ... And I thought that Muslim fundamentalism knew no border. It's good to know that poutine and our legendary exhilaration protect us from madness. Thank you, CBC. Thanks to you, we will be able to rest easy - as the left. Eyes closed and mouth open.
Hon Melanie Jolie has managed to increase the budget for subsidized CBC and CBC several hundred million dollars and since that good times the Honourable Justin Trudeau has more to fear the lightning CBC and CBC French and English Canada. The loves of a coast to coast, including the CRTC came back looking good with liberal credentials, the envelopes are full of monies, travel awards and fly all the press galleries.
Lie and write anything to get elected is a democratic voter deception that turns into a kind of consumer that is trying to chip away with false advertising by selling anything.
the amorphous people asleep, handled and welcoming
It is equally important to condemn the liars that castigate those who want to believe them when they know they are lying. Politics, paradoxically, is satisfied with a poor government but no promises and poor verbal jousting. The unrealistic promises maintain a deep sense of being members of the same political community.
In the first Quebec, Philippe Arabia Couillard, which currently occurs in Nice, the terrorists is our fault, the West because we are Islamophobic, we are the real racists cursed
We are at war, but shhh, do not tell, it may awaken our self-righteous, who take the war cries of Islamo-fascists to religious songs.
"to fight against radicalization, we need more welcome, more integration, more shared citizenship celebrations "said Philippe Couillard. We must give our homes, our schools, our cultures, our children. Look, I am even ready, if I had a daughter to be raped on the field for a Muslim to be happy and can integrate my home. I am also for honor killings, it will help us to elucidate the murders faster knowing that it is part of their ancestral traditions and our laws have no jurisdiction.
So if Allah crazy massacring innocent this is the fault of Quebecers, francophones, and Catholic and Christians.
We Canadians and Quebecers, we have not sufficiently integrated them, we have not sufficiently celebrated their culture, we have not welcomed them. That's all you have to say, Mr. Prime Minister? Is that we are all cursed bastards worth of nothings and that they are gods.
But how is it that on the planet that are Muslims who spread wars, hatred, massacres, terror everywhere, rape, it is certainly not Quebecers? You need glasses and a brain to think and stopped selling Quebec as corrupt Liberals.
For what reasons the terrorists usually attack France and Belgium. Two Catholic and French and hospitable country that receive foreigners with open arms and let themselves eat the wool on the back. They are even willing to give everything to please the other.
What has happened in World War II, the French in Paris cried and the English fought. What has happened with the Muslims, the French have received them with open arms and they were massacred by terrorists educated good in their own schools, financed by their own monies, and their politicians have sold them to the radical Islamists. And you see, cried Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel sees, and she did even worse, she destroyed all over Germany in order to unburden himself of the two world wars.
The terrorist Islamists have no consciences, moderate Muslims and extremists who do not rise to chase your territories have no consciences as our prime ministers and politicians from home, it is simply received bills that would sell their mothers for pennies. Beware of Justin, of Philip, Barack, Angela, of Theresa, Francis, popes, rabbis, imams, religious faiths, sects, all these political or religious manipulators have only one idea in mind power over all of you.
I'm not saying not to believe in your religion and practiced in a logical and humane way, but as in all things moderation tastes better. In addition, if you are not smart enough to discern between religion and your God, you should start to educate you. Religion and God are not the same things. God must be love, not vengeance as claimed by Islam. Some religions are now mainly deadly, suicidal, prehistoric, non-progressive reproducing hell planet with the help of Western countries and our Arab friends that we politicians their sell weapons to come and kill us Westerners.
Thanks to our politicians to kill us
our politicians, religious and religions of all agamies like the ignorant and proud people of being
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