dimanche 31 mai 2015

Couillard Government is seeking additional income for stuffing liberal envelopes

Couillard Government is seeking additional income for stuffing envelopes.

The dog days of summer is coming in the next days with temperatures over 30 degrees Celsius. Knowing that this season carries an additional fee for packaging the provincial and municipal buildings with the cost of several million dollars annually.
In their wisdom elected, the Government considers that adults over 18 benefit over the air conditioning in places such as shopping centers or elsewhere, and even in their homes.
Beginning July 1, 2016, our good government knowing that there must be equality between all Quebecers citizens will have to pay a tax "tax conditioned "of $ 200.00 per year to be responsible on your tax return with a maximum of $ 600.00 per family.  
People aged over 18 attending schools, CEGEP or universities are not subject to this overload air conditioning until they got out of their studies.  
Considering that our communities are in Quebec and wanting to welcome them with all our friendship, these new considerations will apply after 10 years of residence in Québec beginning in July 2026. . We see them as full citizens
This regulation does not apply to those living in long-term care centers, we have only one meal a day entrenched in each of our guests
Signed:.Government of Quebec, Our Strength This is the Taxation

jeudi 28 mai 2015

College Maisonneuve in Montreal Adil Charkaoui teach terrorism to student, Can our Prime Minister Philippe Couillard or the College stop him?

Adil Charkaoui can we have confidence in Philippe Couillard and Maisonneuve College as follows:
Maisonneuve College in Montreal, including the Imam Adil Charkaoui teaching professes happiness to become jihadists as

It is a holiday camp for middle school or academics who have no employment during the summer months of late May to mid-August. During their humanitarian vacation, their first thoughts would be of help all the poor Muslims martyred by Jews, Christians, Hindus and other religions.
Our package included mandatory section of the Koran written by our colleague deemed Iman Charkaoui selling all Muslim values, without forgetting the stoning of women, how to beat their children without leaving too many traces significant because Quebec is a nation of unbelievers that protects human rights. We are the hands of Allah on earth to make him the greatest possible glory.
Second,after you have passed customs and other checks, we will lead you towards the heavenly places or you can choose to you practice kill on real humans, either Christians or Jews or other nationalities if you want.
Our impure catalog is filled with pictures of these people do not deserve to live and giving you solutions to stone them by inches, as gently as possible. Our first goal is to perfect your social education on the vitality of our ancestral knowledge.  
Third males are separated from females. As you know my dear males, females are very dirty beings, who deserve only to be penetrated to generate benefactors as Iman Chaoui Hamza.Women are women to remain at home at the service of man. They should never have the right to speak.
In the current global situation caused mainly by American, British and French we have to include these bad seeds in our journey to Allah.For, the female must kill two miscreants to have the same rights as male by killing an infidel. The woman is the cause of all our problems in the West.  
Fourth, all explosives are your choice, and every night before bed you should flog you and asked Allah for forgiveness for having lived in the West. If you do kill during this religious journey, your place in the sky of Allah you will be provided with all the joys that will carry you throughout eternity, only if you are born Muslim.

By bad luck, you have not killed, transportation back to your home country you will get paid. The Collège de Maisonneuve will follow up its efforts and will be more rewarding sessions documented by emeritus professors like Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair who will give specialized courses to learn the ins and outs of politics. For more information please contact the most ready Mosque at home.  A man is twice as smart as four wives.
Cégep de Maisonneuve
Then we learned Wednesday that four out of ten young Montrealers arrested late last week at the airport by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) attended the Collège de Maisonneuve,Prime Minister Philippe Couillard promised to unveil shortly politics he is preparing to fight against radicalization. Can we trust our first Minister?
The RCMP reported late Tuesday that ten youths were arrested late last week at Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport.The authorities suspected them of wanting to leave the country to swell the ranks of jihadists in Syria.

Young people were questioned at length and then released for lack of evidence. Their passports were nevertheless seized. No charges have been laid yet, but the RCMP states that the investigation continues.
The four students from Collège de Maisonneuve arrested during this operation are to 11 the number of young people attending the facility to leave the country or to be arrested for alleged links with terrorist activities in recent months.
The authorities have lost track of seven young Quebecers parties in Turkey in January. Five of them were studying at Collège de Maisonneuve. Then, last month, two other youth attending the establishment - Sabrine El Mahdi and Djermane Jamali - were notably accused of having wanted to leave the country to commit a terrorist act abroad. The two 18 year olds pleaded not guilty.
"Over the past months, it is clear that the phenomenon of indoctrination of young people has taken a turn that we would have suspected," said the College early evening in a statement.

Can we have confidence in the direction of MaisonneuveCollege?
A apprehended youth was enrolled in a workshop of the Islamic Community Centre of Montreal (CCIEM) Adil Charkaoui,according to information of ICI CBC. On Wednesday, the Center stated in a communiqué that "it has no information concerning the identity or motivation" of individuals arrested by the RCMP.
The CCIEM "takes very seriously the issue of youth radicalization" and wants " contribute to the harmonious integration of the Muslim community in Quebec and Canadian society.
"Aplan unveiled soon
RCMP would not confirm Wednesday the link between the ten individuals recently arrested and the group of young Quebecers parties in Turkey in January . She also remained silent on the arrest of another youth last Friday in the borough of Saint-Léonard, Montreal, as reported by various media.
In the National Assembly, Prime Minister, Philippe Couillard, said he was "very concerned" about the arrests in recent days. "These are young people who were born at home [and educated] in our educational institutions. This is of course a concern at the highest point, "he has said Wednesday morning. "Security forces fortunately play their role," he added.

The Liberal government will announce "soon" a "broad policy" fight against radicalization subject to different measures of prevention, detection and repression, said Mr. Couillard after the Liberal caucus elected. This time Mr. Philippe Couillard he telling the truth? I doubt it.
The government gives them the tools to counter Colleges Imams like Mr.
Quebec ministries of Justice, Immigration and Public Safety are hard at work to deposit "legislative documents" before the end of the parliamentary session, said Minister of Public Safety, Lise Thériault.
The spokesman of the official opposition of secularism, Agnès Maltais,asked the government of Philippe Couillard to press they not on the front of the fight against radicalization."There is a bill that was promised. It's been a year and a half that awaits him, "she lamented.
But Philippe Couillard with his ministers have the disease typically French Canadian,to not be well into the skin of a francophone at birth to hate the majority of born Francophones and Anglophones in Quebec to encourage votes of visible minorities in the Quebec Liberal Party. In Quebec, the minority government of the majority,it's the world upside Philippe Couillard.

Lise Thériault she wanting to counter the jihadists?
"I commend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Integrated National Security Team for their continued vigilance to protect our streets and communities against the terrorist threat continues,"for its part, said Federal Minister of

PublicSafety, Steven Blaney. This one promised to meet premiers soon at a

conference dedicated to the phenomenon of radicalization of young people.

Mr. Stephan Harper can you deport Adil Charkaoui and his family, including his wife, children, parents, and friends, and anti terrorist -canadien that destroy the lives of our young people who will become murderers? Our rule of law should not apply to these terrorists. Also we do not want to pay lawyers to defend the terrorists.
The Premier of Québec Mr. Philippe Couillard being sold to Muslims Quebec will be lost. Moreover Ottawa Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair as easily lie with these terrorists.Their ridiculous partisanship play their tricks may be the next federal election.  

Especially Mr. Thomas Mulcair,in the last federal, it was an error of course you have so many members in Quebec, people voted for Jack Layton,not not for you or your political party.  
In relation to what Justin Trudeau,his bird brain, his inexperience and Canadian patriotism because it is also dedicated to minorities label him oflabel. General Petain. As so say the Muslim Association of Canada Justin Trudeau "is our man in Ottawa."  You understand what that means, sharia and the Koran soon be compulsory in all our schools.
When that Bill C-51 Will -it strength-

mercredi 27 mai 2015

Philippe Couillard is in conflict of intérest qith Charles Lecavalier of public loan of 100 millions $

Charles Lecavalier and friend of the Premier of Quebec, Mr. Philippe Couillard suspected conflict of interest of a public loan of 100 million.
A public loan of $ 100 million granted to the Chinese mining Canadian Royalties has put the Prime Minister on the hot seat Tuesday. He is suspected by the opposition Parti Québécois for having placed a conflict of interest.
Canadian Royalties Mining
"As a former member of the board of this company, would he not had to withdraw from any discussion and any involvement in this matter, "commented MP Stéphane Bergeron Room yesterday.
The Journal of Montreal revealed last week that Ressources Québec, a subsidiary of Investissement Québec, is about to pay $ 100 million in the mining company Canadian Royalties and its parent Jien Canada,which has the Nunavik Nickel nickel mine in Northern Quebec.
Or Mr. Philippe Couillard has served on the company's Board of Directors in the past.Yet it has met its leaders during his economic mission to China.
"Quebecers are also entitled to know whether, in a case like this, the Prime Minister took part in discussions or not. Now it appears that he has not withdrawn from discussions in the Council of Ministers, and more, we learn that he even traveled Beijing to to discuss the issue of mine, Canadian Royalties "said Mr. Bergeron launched.
Quebec Pigs
latter also note that Canadian Royalties "is probably the only mining in Quebec that has no registered lobbyist
registry.""How has she done so for a walk record of such importance to the government? Is it because the company has said, we do not need, lobbyists, it was the Prime Minister to do the job friends?."has dropped the member for Verchères  Philippe Couillard always treatable his  even in Panama.
"mudslinging" as does all political parties
The government reacted sharply to the "smearing" of the MP Bergeron. The parliamentary leader Jean-Marc Fournier asked the president, unsuccessfully, to "call to order the colleague who makes accusations not only baseless, free, and yes, I'll say is the smear, as we do to other parties.
"Furthermore,the Minister of Economy Jacques Daoust replied that negotiations took place"only between Investissement Québec and CanadianRoyalties,with its own funds. "" The Prime Minister n has not involved any more than I have been involved in this issue then, "commented Mr. Daoust.
Dear deputies mentioned above instead of saying that there's smear, you mess yourself anyone all day long. Look at the beams you in the eye gentlemen Bergeron, Daoust, Fournier and company.
We certainly can not say that your political party is unblemished and pure. You are left as passed on the subway. The whores are not all on the sidewalks do  and will not receive bonuses from $ 500,000.  At least these whores have some honesty and their work is very dangerous. But you luxuriate at our expense and making us vomit very like children at Club Med. Furthermore the majority of people who have spent the Charbonneau Commission are liberals.  
Some PQ or other people but you, as the Liberals always federally or provincially were strongly represented is not it. Corruption that knows you. If I would be in your place, I would go to university and do a thesis on "corruption". I'm sure she would do the annals of Quines Book.
Mr. Philippe Couillard Vatican
We also wonder if Mr. Philippe Couillard during his visit in China wanted to sell their pork. Philippe Couillard will meet with Pope Francis in the coming days, he will suggest to buy rosaries and Korans.
Being on the scene it could be a nice confession on behalf of his party and his name have we mentis all last electoral race 2014 and promise that the Liberal Party will provide the billions stolen from the citizens of their own pockets. And now he will choose his friends more openly and honestly that are part of the press everyday about corruption among its acholic and friends.

Committee on ETHICS Quebec
Ethics is the Greek science of morality " place of living; Usually morals; character, state of the soul, psychic disposition, "morality is a philosophical discipline practice chosen responsibility, in a natural and human environment; that the corporation would be less relativistic, more prescriptive and more experienced (with more fixed rules). It gives purpose to indicate how humans should behave, act and be with each other and to those around them.
Philippe Couillard should better choose their seats directions of boards of directors and discover the pedigree of his colleaguesand friends
Different forms ethics are distinguished by their degree of generality applied ethics such does not have the degree of generality of general ethics.
Specifically when it comes to a social or political group as parties sitting in the National Assembly of Québec or in the House of Commons of Canada including the Canadian Senate.
The question is "How do the best?". Ethics has both feet in reality: it is not that of a set of abstract concepts. This concept is marked by nuances: nothing is black or white. Be aware nuanced colors​​-.
In ethics, it is commonly about values  Which are of the order of Being and Welfare, which indicate ideals to pursue (Autonomy, life and health, justice) - principles - that give broad guidelines for action which set of attitudes (Self-determination, respect for life, give everyone his due) - standards and rules - that determine the action that frame the decision

(Free and informed consent , take "proportionate means" respect for contracts). The word "value" is the broadest and most dynamic; it was first a philosophy evocation before an ethics settles. The word "principle" means a basic direction, inspiring action. The word "rule" suggests something more concrete, closer to the action. The principle is often indeterminate, and admits various applications. The rule has a specific questionable?
Can a politician be ethical and honest
The main principles are relatively few and  the rules can be numerous and variable. Thus Durand (1994) highlights the difficulty of presenting ethical (or moral) on three points: it comes from the fact that it is not a separate sector of life, but a permanent dimension of any behavior. Values, in fact, are being implemented more or less explicitly in all behaviors and decisions.

Thus the practice of medicine, nursing, social work, law, for example, inevitably involves ethical choices, the choice of moral values; she holds the vocabulary that varies according to the authors. The words include, from one medium to another, various connotations or meaning; it is that this one finally refers to a philosophical reflection, which gave birth to a multitude of more or less contradictory ethical theories.
Currently the National Assembly of Quebec there is discussion on the ethics of Pierre Karl Péladeau , head of the Parti Québécois.
How can you imagine that the Government Couillard can speak of ethics, integrity, is taking us for idiots screwed up. Who are the people at the Charbonneau Commission, wonderful people of the Liberal party, that Mr. Jean Charest, has accumulated with taxpayers hundreds of millions for the Liberal Party of Quebec. Who was being bribed by accountants, advice centers, all possible and unimaginable associations. http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2015/04/14/couillard-suspecte-de-conflit-dinterets-par-lopposition

lundi 25 mai 2015

Adil Charkaoui , Iman Hamza Chaoui, Iman Mohamed Majoub want the destruction of Canada and Quebec


Iman Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza Iman Iman Mohamed Majoub want the destruction of Canada and Quebec with the supports of some of our politicians
us destroy the Canada- politicians help us
You say that you fight against Islamophobia and for Muslims to have equal rights: with whom? I do not know. As an individual and a native of this culture, I consider that I have the same rights as any other citizen of this country.
Unlike you, I do not also forget that I have the same duties. You do not have the name of the community which you have self-appointed spokesman, condemned the extremist groups.Within the meaning of the entire population, including the Muslim community, you make us passive accomplices. I am so unworthy and rejects your self-appointed sheikh attitude.

You mentioned Afghanistan, Iraq, and Gaza, but how is it that you were not talking to Algeria or Pakistan, and Boko Haram the Shebab militia?
Yet Shebab militia and the GIA in Algeria had made ​​their exaction before Gaza, Afghanistan and Iraq. You speak to your students, only evil that Westerners are in the Middle East, according to simple count four conflicts week to oppose fundamentalist Muslims.
You do not speak the Taliban and Wahhabism.Oh yes, on this side, it's true, I forgot that you encourage your students to read, rather their books, but of course, you are not responsible for readings of your students. What hypocrisy!
For your misfortune, Mr. Adil Charkaoui know that I am part of that generation born in the late 1980s, in Algeria, and whose earliest memories, children, correspond to the beginning of the civil war.
I have not had childhood or adolescence, the universal sense, and why Mr. Charkaoui because of people like you, the devils of mankind? You are one of the worst human waste that Canada has left its polluting nation. Lise Thériault will similarly go study with you at College Maisonneuve, to teach terrorism simple.

The answer is very  because Islamists like you, Mr. Adil Charkaoui we grew the liking of checkpoints, military checkpoints, road closures and other military strategies. I remind you that this war was caused by Islamists in the same speech that you wear on camera. I know, only too well the discourse of the Islamists with a forked tongue and withering venom. You profess this religion barbarism of antiquity in denying all developments.
But in Canada gentlemen Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair profess belief of radical Islamists like you. Even support women who want to take their Islamic veil at the Canadian oaths. Veiled women and are often raped and abused by your fellows.
Today, I am certainly one to express myself in the stands of the press, but tomorrow it will be more, I am confident. People who have already spoken join their pen to mine and refuse your speech. We also reject all forms of violence, and refuse amalgam. It is clear that, with your beard you only reinforce the stereotype.

During the1990s,the Algerian resistance was organized around intellectuals, many of whom were murdered by Islamists because they thought differently, because they spoke of love.
In the name of what led fight, I stand and you forbidden to speak in my name, in a country that I chose to live away from your political religion.I chose the camp of democracy, intellectual honesty, respect, love. I choose to live and not die. I choose to love life with what she imperfect and beautiful.
The community from which we come needs true leaders, to speak in public space, not clown like you.Muslims are full persons, not as you support, the second-class citizens, religion is personal and you do not have the right to speak in the name of that religion. You have no weight, given the strength of democracy and freedom.
Our premiers are they fundamentalists?
It is true that our host society is imperfect. What am I saying? OUR COMPANY simply with its flaws and qualities. I do not hesitate to condemn you, you.

By your speech to the punch, you feed a political class endlessly justifying Islamophobia. From your defiant and mocking attitude, you make the speech THEM exclusive andUS reclusiveon ourselves, by your willingness to exclude us and impose your Islam to everyone, it becomes a de facto crazy to Allah.
I'm doing the speech we Quebecers proud OUR province with its quality and diversity. I'm the talk of love and sharing, not one of hatred.
This discourse must go with the the condemnation of Islamic state,and I strongly condemn these monsters. As a person born of Muslim culture, I do not apologize and does not justify me, I simply condemn their barbarity, and I choose my camp.
Mr. Adil Charkaoui,and I would end on that note, I do allows more one minute to speak in my name, I will not allow you to speak of Islamophobia, for, in my opinion, you are responsible for the current situation. Represent the Salafi ideology in its simplest and most perfidious instrument. If the community wishes you much at heart, it is high time that you learn to be silent.

Mr. Charkaoui you are one of the worst Muslim terrorists in Canada and Quebec. You preach revolution,the destruction of Canada through the colleges, seminaries, mosques.  
Allah curse you should see your ingenuity to destroy everything around you.You are a rapacious destroyer of humanity with your Imams of Montreal.If hell exists, you're coming from that place to eliminate us.
You're not happy to be in Quebec,the Islamic State awaits you with a brick and a lantern, terrorist and liar of the worst kind giving a very bad name to Muslims and creating ADDITION racism and Islamophobia as you grow constantly.
When the deportations of our Imams?
You are a contemptuous and without conscience hoping your love of Allah will make you justice in hell with your loved ones. As I could say it in good vocabulary Quebecers "consecrate your camps here as fast as possible with your Islamophobic you have trained and seduce at Maisonneuve College to make jihadists, martyrs." When you go, your Allah awaits hell farms feet.

Why Islamic who come to Canada they want to destroy Canada to make a human desert, intolerant like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and so on?
Eradicate Islam in the world for the good of human
Fadelle Joseph, a former Muslim turned Christian,author of "The price to pay," distinguishes between Muslims and he loves Islam abhors it.
And for good reason ... anfatwa updatehanging over his head for leave Islam, for making a free choice, in good conscience in religious matters. As he points out, Islam is the only religion that orders to kill the other:the Koran request to treat non-Muslims as unclean that we must fight and kill. Obviously ... Islam is a global threat
My gaze on Christian when I was Muslim
before meeting Christ, I saw Christians through the Qur'an, I saw as I was asked to consider them. That is to say, as unclean that we must fight and kill. The worst insult that one can receive in these countries, it is "opposite Christian."

New Look since I am a Christian
I think it's really important to distinguish first of all Muslims and Islam . Muslims are my family, we are equal in humanity. But Islam as a religion or as an idea, is the worst thing that humanity could produce barbarians. It is the only religion that orders to kill the other.
It is therefore obvious that this is not good for humanity, it is even a global danger. First for Muslims themselves. They even split between Shiites, Sunnis, Salafists and driven to kill. I said it once, do well and I repeat: the only thing good in Islam, these are some Muslims as well.?
Islam is it a religion or blood-thirsty killers and to
Christians as  are divided and history tells us that they were not the last to kill?

That's true but there is a major difference between the two. Christians are killing or killed each other, but the Bible never calls to kill the other, while Islamic law and the Koran are pushing to kill. If you want, there are Christians "bad" are those who do not follow the Bible. Muslims "bad" or extremists are the ones who read and apply the Qur'an.
This difference between moderate Muslims and extremists is in your void?
Yes, for sure. There is no difference, there is only one Quran and therefore only one Islam. Some Muslims ignore what Islam says and they are good because their humanity dictates them to do good things.
In France, the rest are Muslims who know the Koran.They seem moderate because they are - for the moment - in the minority and therefore can not apply the Koran. But those so-called "good Muslims" will be pushed to kill (like other Muslims) when they read the Koran. Or, they leave Islam, as I did.
Our politicians in Ottawa are- they at the height of the insurgency Canada by religious extremist movements-
in Muslim countries, but  my story shows - leaving Islam is so difficult that some continue to live in fear of Islam. There is more danger of democracy in France. Muslims seek an identity that is not France and they therefore refuge in Islam. The day they will be the majority in Parliament, they will vote Sharia.

I want to destroy Islam
This is a shocking sentence, in fact, on which I absolutely do not believe, but which deserves to be well understood. I want to destroy Islam, first to save the Muslims. The distinction between the two is again paramount. It is the salvation of Muslims that matters to me. Their foundation is the Koran, push Muslims to understand the Qur'an and not just learn it by heart because it can not be God's word.
This is a very concrete way, but difficult to implement, I know . Everything must begin in prayer. We are instruments, it is not we who destroy Islam and Muslims save him, but the hand of God. The French Christians must awaken, awaken their faith.
The religious are perils in European mansions
It's been too long they sleep.Now we must speak to Muslims, it is our duty. The situation is such that we can not afford to sleep. This is not only a question of charity, it is now our responsibility to wake up and fight Islam.

Our politicians are selling to all pressure groups.
Muslims do not want to integrate point line .
Omar kesraoui            Open Letter 2 March 2015