Adil Charkaoui can we have confidence in Philippe Couillard and Maisonneuve College as follows:
Maisonneuve College in Montreal, including the Imam Adil Charkaoui teaching professes happiness to become jihadists as
It is a holiday camp for middle school or academics who have no employment during the summer months of late May to mid-August. During their humanitarian vacation, their first thoughts would be of help all the poor Muslims martyred by Jews, Christians, Hindus and other religions.
Our package included mandatory section of the Koran written by our colleague deemed Iman Charkaoui selling all Muslim values, without forgetting the stoning of women, how to beat their children without leaving too many traces significant because Quebec is a nation of unbelievers that protects human rights. We are the hands of Allah on earth to make him the greatest possible glory.
Second,after you have passed customs and other checks, we will lead you towards the heavenly places or you can choose to you practice kill on real humans, either Christians or Jews or other nationalities if you want.
Our impure catalog is filled with pictures of these people do not deserve to live and giving you solutions to stone them by inches, as gently as possible. Our first goal is to perfect your social education on the vitality of our ancestral knowledge.
Third males are separated from females. As you know my dear males, females are very dirty beings, who deserve only to be penetrated to generate benefactors as Iman Chaoui Hamza.Women are women to remain at home at the service of man. They should never have the right to speak.
In the current global situation caused mainly by American, British and French we have to include these bad seeds in our journey to Allah.For, the female must kill two miscreants to have the same rights as male by killing an infidel. The woman is the cause of all our problems in the West.
Fourth, all explosives are your choice, and every night before bed you should flog you and asked Allah for forgiveness for having lived in the West. If you do kill during this religious journey, your place in the sky of Allah you will be provided with all the joys that will carry you throughout eternity, only if you are born Muslim.
By bad luck, you have not killed, transportation back to your home country you will get paid. The Collège de Maisonneuve will follow up its efforts and will be more rewarding sessions documented by emeritus professors like Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair who will give specialized courses to learn the ins and outs of politics. For more information please contact the most ready Mosque at home. A man is twice as smart as four wives.
Cégep de Maisonneuve
Then we learned Wednesday that four out of ten young Montrealers arrested late last week at the airport by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) attended the Collège de Maisonneuve,Prime Minister Philippe Couillard promised to unveil shortly politics he is preparing to fight against radicalization. Can we trust our first Minister?
The RCMP reported late Tuesday that ten youths were arrested late last week at Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport.The authorities suspected them of wanting to leave the country to swell the ranks of jihadists in Syria.
Young people were questioned at length and then released for lack of evidence. Their passports were nevertheless seized. No charges have been laid yet, but the RCMP states that the investigation continues.
The four students from Collège de Maisonneuve arrested during this operation are to 11 the number of young people attending the facility to leave the country or to be arrested for alleged links with terrorist activities in recent months.
The authorities have lost track of seven young Quebecers parties in Turkey in January. Five of them were studying at Collège de Maisonneuve. Then, last month, two other youth attending the establishment - Sabrine El Mahdi and Djermane Jamali - were notably accused of having wanted to leave the country to commit a terrorist act abroad. The two 18 year olds pleaded not guilty.
"Over the past months, it is clear that the phenomenon of indoctrination of young people has taken a turn that we would have suspected," said the College early evening in a statement.
Can we have confidence in the direction of MaisonneuveCollege?
A apprehended youth was enrolled in a workshop of the Islamic Community Centre of Montreal (CCIEM) Adil Charkaoui,according to information of ICI CBC. On Wednesday, the Center stated in a communiqué that "it has no information concerning the identity or motivation" of individuals arrested by the RCMP.
The CCIEM "takes very seriously the issue of youth radicalization" and wants " contribute to the harmonious integration of the Muslim community in Quebec and Canadian society.
"Aplan unveiled soon
RCMP would not confirm Wednesday the link between the ten individuals recently arrested and the group of young Quebecers parties in Turkey in January . She also remained silent on the arrest of another youth last Friday in the borough of Saint-Léonard, Montreal, as reported by various media.
In the National Assembly, Prime Minister, Philippe Couillard, said he was "very concerned" about the arrests in recent days. "These are young people who were born at home [and educated] in our educational institutions. This is of course a concern at the highest point, "he has said Wednesday morning. "Security forces fortunately play their role," he added.
The Liberal government will announce "soon" a "broad policy" fight against radicalization subject to different measures of prevention, detection and repression, said Mr. Couillard after the Liberal caucus elected. This time Mr. Philippe Couillard he telling the truth? I doubt it.
The government gives them the tools to counter Colleges Imams like Mr.
Quebec ministries of Justice, Immigration and Public Safety are hard at work to deposit "legislative documents" before the end of the parliamentary session, said Minister of Public Safety, Lise Thériault.
The spokesman of the official opposition of secularism, Agnès Maltais,asked the government of Philippe Couillard to press they not on the front of the fight against radicalization."There is a bill that was promised. It's been a year and a half that awaits him, "she lamented.
But Philippe Couillard with his ministers have the disease typically French Canadian,to not be well into the skin of a francophone at birth to hate the majority of born Francophones and Anglophones in Quebec to encourage votes of visible minorities in the Quebec Liberal Party. In Quebec, the minority government of the majority,it's the world upside Philippe Couillard.
Lise Thériault she wanting to counter the jihadists?
"I commend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Integrated National Security Team for their continued vigilance to protect our streets and communities against the terrorist threat continues,"for its part, said Federal Minister of
PublicSafety, Steven Blaney. This one promised to meet premiers soon at a
conference dedicated to the phenomenon of radicalization of young people.
Mr. Stephan Harper can you deport Adil Charkaoui and his family, including his wife, children, parents, and friends, and anti terrorist -canadien that destroy the lives of our young people who will become murderers? Our rule of law should not apply to these terrorists. Also we do not want to pay lawyers to defend the terrorists.
The Premier of Québec Mr. Philippe Couillard being sold to Muslims Quebec will be lost. Moreover Ottawa Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair as easily lie with these terrorists.Their ridiculous partisanship play their tricks may be the next federal election.
Especially Mr. Thomas Mulcair,in the last federal, it was an error of course you have so many members in Quebec, people voted for Jack Layton,not not for you or your political party.
In relation to what Justin Trudeau,his bird brain, his inexperience and Canadian patriotism because it is also dedicated to minorities label him oflabel. General Petain. As so say the Muslim Association of Canada Justin Trudeau "is our man in Ottawa." You understand what that means, sharia and the Koran soon be compulsory in all our schools.
When that Bill C-51 Will -it strength-
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