vendredi 1 mai 2015

Publications censored on Muslim and Jewish religions

Publications censored on Muslim and Jewish religions
Two major events have marked the modern era: the publication in 1988 of the book The Satanic Verses and the Muhammad cartoons enacted.
The Satanic Verses
were considered so blasphemous that Ayatollah Khomeini  in 1989 a death fatwa against the author who was then forced to go underground. In addition, the book sparked peaceful or violent demonstrations against the world and demonstrations of support under the freedom of expression.
On the other hand, diplomatic tensions arose between Western countries and countries with the Islam to the state religion. These tensions and hostility still endure today. Mohammed caricatures are a series of cartoons published in a Danish newspaper, and which one is theProphet of Islam Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban. The drawings illustrated an article on self-censorship and censorship considered accruing for topics related to Islam since the murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh.

The cartoons have provoked peaceful or violent demonstrations against the world and supporting events under freedom expression. It should be noted that the second event has given rise to the concept of "defamation of religions" to the UN supported by the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
In December 2005 in France, Fanaticism, or Mahomet of Voltaire,a play was prevented. In February 2006 in Finland, the chief editor of a cultural magazine Kaltio, cartoon five pages about Muhammad (hidden), was dismissed. In September the same year in Germany: the representation of Idomeneo show, King of Crete Mozart is canceled. In October in Britain, removing a dozen erotic drawings of Hans Bellmer an exhibition was dedicated to him.
In January 2008 the United States, an episode of the television show Flamthrowe refused to antenna Britain.
in August the same year in  The Jewel of Medina, a novel by S. Jones is canceled publication of the book by Random House. The Butterfly Hunter, Mr. Malik is also removed from the Muslim Writers Awards contest.

April 2009 in Turkey, Nedim Gürsel, author, was summoned to court for threatening social peace in his novel The Daughters of Allah.
In in October 2009 in Belgium, Cocktail exhibition or self-portrait company that is a reconstruction of a Muslim prayer space represented to infinity was dismantled earlier than planned due to repeated attacks.
The author Georges Mehdi Lahlou , explained the purpose of his work: "A prayer mat thirties are disposed on the ground in the direction of Mecca. In front of each mat is placed a pair of men's shoes, which represents man in prayer. In the middle, on a green cloth is arranged a pair of bright red shoes with heels. In my practice, I use very often that one female stigma for me "disguise" and therefore questioned my sexuality.
"JewishCensorship in France
The usual presenter of 7/10 on France Inter, Nicolas Demorand, having left short vacation We had the pleasure and honor to replace when issuing on 16 April. We have therefore been able to question the Minister of Interior invited this morning, Michele Alliot Marie, the interview preserving the possibility for listeners to phone the radio to ask him questions directly.
The Betar

So that some Sabrina spoke: "Madam, we have in France a Jewish organization, Betar, who stabbed a French police commissioner, in central Paris, there are three years ..." Before the silence of the Minister we have relaunched "Our listener addresses here the issue of tolerance enjoyed by France of extreme Jewish right-wing groups such as Betar and the Jewish Defense League (JDL), the latter being banned in the organization States States and even in Israel, classified as racist and terrorist.

How to explain the leniency of the French government towards them, yet when justice has repeatedly condemned their activists for acts of violence? " To inform our readers who do not know these organizations, carry a reminder, taken from our post of June 25, 2008, one of the most read press pen with its 15,164 visits to the counter:
"There were also more shares muscled, such as protection of demonstrations. We landed on a scooter, helmets on their heads. They encircled the opponents of our ideas and, with batons or unarmed, it was beating them. I have participated in several actions, including the press . spoke Today, because of that, I'm in a meeting violence under judicial control "thus says Mickael Toledano, former member of Betar, interviewed by the site searches on terrorism. Betar?
Ultra Zionist youth movement actually known for its violent practices. As for the JDL, the Betar worse. One of its activists, Anthony Attal, was sentenced to 10 months suspended sentence and two years probation for his involvement in the assault of four students of the extreme left of the General Association of Nanterre Students perpetrated December 30, 2003 right inside the Administrative Court of ParisBetar.
Another of these extremists,  - borders between the two factions are porous - Joseph Ayache, for its part was sentenced in August 2004 to four months in prison for racist attack (that of pro-Palestinian activists and Jewish peace organizations, during a demonstration outside the headquarters of the Palestinian delegation in France in Paris).

The president of the Movement against Racism and for the Friendship between Peoples, Mouloud Aounit, was also attacked on 13 November 2003. Note also the attacks against the intellectual extreme right Alain Soral in 2004 (in a bookstore where he was signing his book) and against the humorist Dieudonné in 2005 (which is believed also what we want).
Worse, April 7, 2002 on the sidelines of an event organized by the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France "against terrorism and anti-Semitism with Israel for peace and security ", a policeman had been stabbed, a crime attributed to a member of Betar, never arrested. Scenes of racist attacks also took place in the wake of the demonstration on 26 February 2006 in memory of Ilan Halimi, murdered by Fofana and the "gang of barbarians".
On May 15 again, 25 of the JDL thugs assaulted 5 people closing the International Center of Folk Culture, which is domiciled example the very recommendable "French Jewish Union for Peace" at the end of a conference on Palestine. See the kind of fanatics. Further investigation was interested in the question and a cautionary extracted from the France 2 program is online on You Tube. We see that the folder Betar or the JDL is heavy, very heavy ... How Michele Alliot-Marie will it justify that the Interior Ministry does not take measures to ban?
Women are at male of the service
Onewill not know. Because it's obviously not that we were replacing Nicolas Demorand that morning on Inter, but Eric Delvaux, who conducted the interview alongside the usual columnist, Thomas Legrand. And what's happened when the auditor asked his question? Delvaux was interrupted before it even finished formulating it!
"I'm not sure it is the register of Madam Minister of Overseas, Interior, he ruled. Your question, uh ... "Legrand then intervened:" This is a police commissioner but at the same time, I believe that you do not seem to be aware of this case may be. that ... Well. " He did not insist further, Delvaux and then complete the scissor kick, giving voice to another auditor: "Maybe we will go to
Daniel,"I am not sure it is the registry Madam Minister of Overseas, the Interior ": pitiful process from the journalist Inter which highlights Overseas in the statement of the Ministry of Alliot-Marie What can serve well this accuracy if not to drown the fish, meaning implicitly, "she deals with what happens in the islands, that is to say if the assault of a police officer by a member of Betar in Paris do not concern Brother!?:
'But sorry, dear  whether the prohibition of an extremist group do not watch interior minister, thus the name of what Delvaux allows it to decide that we don' MAM is no questioning on the subject because she pretends not to be aware But then, push the question:?? "You do not know the Betar, Mrs Alliot-Marie"

Incidentally, his ignorance of the matter is properly incredible: we are willing Alliot-Marie is incompetent, but from there to a Minister of the Interior does not know Betar nor is aware of the demonstration events at which alluded to the listener, it's really making fun of the world!
Rest we still do not know under what principle overtly violent organizations like Betar and the JDL can prosper with impunity in France. And that France Inter watchdogs have been careful to avoid the Minister have to try to justify it. There is indeed a clear case of censorship.
religions andextremist religious
Outrageous.-Are they a Christian censorship through the worlds Muslims, Jews and other religions? Are the religions of this world are viruses and cancers of our societies, by demoting the human being the servant of their God and denying the existence of knowledge and human freedoms?  
How restore the true perspective values ​​of religions, and not the power and money that this relate to several religious demagogues knowing that the majority of people are illiterate and are religiously serve different salads that have value as their own faith. While forcing the others around them thoughts like them. Are the religions of disease or are they people happiness on this planet document:?
religions they create the Apocalypse humanity
See more on the  Religious lobbies in the US and Canada

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