jeudi 14 mai 2015

Stephen Harper Protecting or terrorists - Our security in Canada with the law C-51

Stephen Harper  Protecting
or terrorists -our security in Canada
Bill C-51 anti-terrorism law
Certainly, Canadians want to see all the terrorist threat soon belong to the past and look too long forgotten peace. This is also certainly to exploit this chord Ottawa chose the adjective "Anti-terrorist" to describe his law. As the words contain a great evocative power, they can be used to manipulate public opinion. That's why you should never judge a law to its title, but its provisions.
Draconian measures
Thus, under pretext of protecting Canadians from terrorist spectrum,the federal government introduced a series of draconian measures contained in phraseology smoky open to multiple interpretations.
My reflection Terrorism is not a spectrum in Canada it is a reality across Canada and carried by extremist Imams. If you see Mrs. Levy not see this, I am concerned about your literary and journalistic assertions, but I must add that you should never trust our elected officials, regardless of political parties.
We have to have alarm bells because many people, organizations, companies want jobs and increase problems such as the United States did after the attack on the towers in New York and we all still suffer all the consequences whenever we travel and Other safety systems.
There was a lot of hype as the best way to control the population, it is scaring him by sprinkling false statements to Watergate or George W. Bush with the war in Iraq.By increasing the level both of the security system at three to four per level and after five. Our rulers have all the stuff we know how to handle the maximum for their own interests.
The government in particular boosts the powers  the services of intelligence to enable them almost unlimited mass surveillance and unprecedented control of communications and the digital world;it now allows federal agencies to cross their data in violation of the respect for privacy; and it greatly facilitates the arrest of an individual by allowing federal agencies to obtain secret hearings with a judge and in the absence of the defense lawyer reflection.
My I think you are right on this point we must always have our eyes on our politicians elites in Canada and Quebec.We know what happens more often that our governments do not comply with their words when they make decisions concerning citizens.  
As an example, Mr. Philippe Couillard,Quebec Premier lied to us all during the election over and now we suffer the consequences. They change all the laws, increase rates, exchange health fields, school, etc.  
So with what is happening across the planet when we leave the Elites Politicians, they often pass us strong, sell more than once to anyone. Regarding police and security, we must also continually monitor because they are human, who want the good of the country but often with skids.  
But with terrorists, they do not play games Rights states like here in Canada and Quebec or the United States.  They use all the ways to destroy us with people without conscience and support by certain lawyers helping them destroy us. They have neither heart nor intelligent and struggle with religious ideas barbaric who want to destroy the world in order to install Islam and destroy all other religions.  
I must say the words with real words for these people not respect our laws, traditions, customs, women, children, the elderly, they live only to die and terrorizes the majority of governments around the world.
Given this rise of the-state spy, two questions arise.
First, can we be secure and free? Certainly, monitoring does not prevent anyone to use the means of communication and information technologies. But the notion of freedom requires more than the absence of an effective constraint slowing the action. It also requires the absence of a potential constraint.

But when the state gets a happyness and unaccountable secret police of inordinate powers, it may at any time decide to limit our scope. The current government certainly has no malicious intent, but what guarantee do we have that this will be his successors?
The mere existence of a potential intervention, because it puts us in a thank you arbitrary power, is an attack on freedom. To be free is to have the assurance that no invasion of our rights is possible, which is incompatible with a state that practices the mass surveillance and cyber spinning,and denies individuals control their tracks digital.
A totalitarian hand but it is an authoritarian hand
Second, the erosion of freedom she increases security? The fact of the existence of mass espionage, terrorists, criminals and other wounds of this kind will necessarily be more cautious. They probably abandon new technologies to return to the media less effective, but safe from the searching eye of Big Brother.
They could also develop a vocabulary only they would understand by replacing suspect words by innocuous words . For example, they could substitute"plant flowers" to "a bomb" and thus escape the algorithms cyber spinning.
However, anyone who innocently write that his new neighbor is a "bomb" would immediately be investigated invasive.
Haggling our liberty for more security is a dangerous transaction without the possibility of turning back.Even by placing it the most stylish and catchy epithets,Bill C-51 is nothing but a totalitarian hand in a glove democracy reflection.
My How to control our governments because they are selling at n ' matter which in any group pressures, our politicians have no ethics because money prevails.
I believe that a solution is in the Chartres of Rights and Freedoms by removing all the rights of terrorists using all the rules of these documents to destroy us, our rule of law.  
The terrorists are criminals,and Canadians do not want it in our territory and it seems that among the leaders of political parties that there is only Mr. Stephen Harper is listening.  gentlemen Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair sleep with no matter who, at the expense of the security of citizens in Canada. Many of our laws are used by these criminals and of our political elite even some media are subsidized by these organizations or religions that do nothing to stop the terrorists.  

And we must remove all religious accommodation, regardless of religion,unreasonable across Canada and Quebec. Canada and Quebec are secular and all those who teach terrorism in Canada should be deported.
Nathalie Elgrably-Levy

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