Justin Trudeau is part of the middle class in Canada, it is only several millionaires, he draws the devil by the tail.
To believe the announcements made in the federal budget and Justin Trudeau is the "middle class" who will choose the next government. That would explain why all parties are split into four courting this group of voters. What bothers me is that the PLC and the Conservatives do not agree on the definition of "middle class"!
Who are we talking about?
In 2011, the median income (after taxes) of Canadian families was $ 68,000. For people living alone, people talked about $ 25,800. This means that few details, you are in the middle class if you earn
between $ 51,000 and 85 net $ 000 a couple. If you are alone, you are a part if you earn between $ 19,350 and $ 32,250 net.
You're probably surprised to see how this famous "middle class" gains little.A majority of households believe, wrongly, to join. And that is exactly the illusion that the Harper government uses for electoral purposes.
Take for example the increased contribution limit to TFS As, which will reach $ 10,000 this year. This measure is sold to us as a gift to the middle class. Yet only much wealthier households will benefit.
Imagine you are a single person, a member of the middle class. To fill your TFSA, you should invest between 30% and 50% of your net salary. A couple should spend between 24% and 40% of his. This is unthinkable!
Who, among you all have an annual after-tax income of $ 50,000 and more in Quebec? The majority of households earning less than $ 35,000 before taxes in Quebec. Quebecers are not rich, but the scammers politicians them took all the money from the buffet as often do the Liberals across Canada.
Corruption is part of their ancestral genes. The Gommery commissions, Charbonneau and dozens of others have shown that the Liberals independent of all political stripes, are the most dishonest, manipulative, without any sense of patriotism, they are received anything. They are politicians of the worst species, a growing raptor across the country, selling all conceivable minorities in order to maintain power and destroy Canada, but fill the pockets of their friends.
We can truly say them to have the vocation of the parte of the tax base, while for liberals and nothing for others. They usually have a vocabulary developed so little that even a clown can be mixed with their buffoonery. Lying is their main asset to a point they make no difference in their everyday lies. They take us for their waste bags to fill.
And Justin Trudeau?
Justin Trudeau has reason to want to lower the ceiling TFSA to better help the middle class. His plan is rather to reduce the marginal tax rate for income (net of tax) is currently ranging between $ 35,541 and $ 62,869. We must face the facts: the Liberal leader has much more down to earth than the premier. In almost every respect, its policy more hit the target.
But we also pass some electoral firs. First, Trudeau tax decrease would leave aside taxpayers. According to the new PLC platform, the only people today with a net income of $ 35,542 or less would pay the same taxes as before. Yet it is they who most need help!
Taxed at 53%
If ever Justin Trudeau was elected, the Government of Quebec should also solve a new puzzle. Raising taxes for the wealthy would increase their tax rate to 53.3% if we include Quebec tax.
We know that voters resent the rates exceed the famous psychological threshold of 50%. The report Godbout had even recommended that formally commits to never cross that border.
Justin Trudeau asking for charity, it has only a few million dollars and is part of the middle class in Canada
The candidate for the Liberal leadership Canada, Justin Trudeau said Thursday he's a millionaire, who won $ 462,000 in a single year by giving lectures.
Mr. Justin Trudeau has unveiled details of its financial situation daily "The Ottawa Citizen", which reported that the inheritance received from his father was $1.2 million.
The decision to disclose its financial situation has also had effect of putting his rival in the race for leader Marc Garneau in the spotlight, who on Wednesday had snapped a few arrows Justin Trudeau, in a campaign that had proved more quiet than before.
The QMI Agency Thursday asked eight other candidates to disclose to turn their financial statements.
For example, as MPs in Parliament Justin Trudeau and Marc Garneau earn an annual salary of $ 154,000 plus travel allowances amounted to several thousand dollars. However, they must raise money to cover travel expenses for their campaign to the Liberal leadership.
No rules of ethics forces the contestants in a leadership contest to disclose their financial statements.
"Speakers Spotlight", the agency that represents Mr. Trudeau for his speeches, says on its website that it is available to discourse on education, the environment, leadership, politics and current issues for an amount between $ 20,000 and $ 40,000.
And to say that Messrs Harper and Thomas Mulcair are also millionaires. They think constantly of you, hide your doors taxpayer leaves.
The scammers are in power. Be beautiful and tait-toi!
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