mardi 12 mai 2015

Politicians VS Ethical - Money and Power - Part TWO

Politicians vs ethical
Never confuse politicians words and ethics because it has no ethical politician, he looks at power and its interests only.
Part TWO
Assermentation Assemblée Nationale du Québec 2014.jpg
Mitigating circumstances
The money and the power play of course key roles in each unethical act.
The fetish character of money is unique in that money can appear anywhere and everywhere he is welcome. The wave of deregulation and liberalization that is the philosophy of world economic powers in recent decades has given money freedom of movement even more. We exchange money against money.
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This exchange, that one covers the noble patronage of financial transaction has already far exceeded the value of the said real transactions, where money was exchanged against property. This money-theism,as we might describe this phenomenon, dominates all sectors of the economy.
In addition, the number of areas that previously were beyond the economic sphere and are now contaminated by money and its principles is increasingly large. Professionalization, or rather the commodification of various services such as home help, care for the elderly, the company, these services can now be cast without any problem in terms of exchange value.
Assemblée nationale du Québec.jpg
This dissemination of monetization also implies that the tendency which is inherent in corruption can spread its tentacles in almost all areas of society.
We see in our governments at all levels, everyone was engaged in corruption or was likely to do so . It is therefore not surprising that corruption appear or may appear in both the health sector and inmultinational and among physicians, private or public corporations, unions, student associations, etc.
Again, countless scandals that the press reveals de facto confirm our approach. We only have to look at the Charbonneau Commission lost in all political, union, municipal scandals, public bodies and semi-public and private. The list never ends, because it is at all levels.
The globalization and internationalization of the economy,coupled with the professionalism, indeed the increasing commodification, have the effect of a constant increase of land corruption. But the political counterweight does not play at the same level.
Denis Coderre Montréal élection 2013.jpg
Given that corruption is everywhere,or can infiltrate everywhere, it is also found in places where one strives to keep at any cost its extent. Even controllers and anti-corruption units in turn are liable for acts of corruption.
Everyone can succumb to the forces of corruption,it may take various forms, ranging from bribery to passive corruption, to by refined forms such as, for example, the obstacle to the diffusion of corruption of evidence.
Whether active corruption, criminal and not in the usual meaning of that term, for example when the controller is the corrupter, or passive corruption, where it is corrupt, we are mostly facing an individual decision, in an intersubjective relationship. The controller that corrupts is individually identifiable and, knowing the possible consequences and possible sanctions, it will operate with caution.
Conversely, interference in the dissemination of survey results is mostly the political and institutional sphere.Nobody feels personally responsible for the natural tendency of institutions to stifle business, which allows everyone to pull out of the game. This participation is mostly passive time, which makes it more bearable. It is rare that someone can be held individually responsible since it is sufficient to refrain from doing something or allow something to make a deal to ship to oblivion.
Abdelaziz Bouteflika Président Algérie 2014.jpg
The fact that a minor case be sometimes placing on the mat is generally an alibi that avoids questioning the whole system.A minor matter, once reported by the media and discussed by parliament, takes on gigantic proportions. Sometimes without even realizing it, some innocenteager puppets mediaare working to deceive the vox populi.
The people, as they say, has also often of feelings  empathy or feelings of gratitude, and not a great aversion to the human face corruption. This explains why the corrupt politicians are rarely punished by the voters and do not hesitate to appear in public even after we managed to prove and to spread in the press corruption offenses they committed. Namely, as in Quebec, corruption is especially the Liberal Party and it is this that has been re-elected.
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In the corporate world, corruption is sometimes considered a sport rather than as a serious phenomenon that covers signifier .
Without pots of wine, it is difficult to do business,they say, especially in the public sector where poorly paid officials or politicians are easy prey to convince to play the game. Besides, long pots -of- wine were considered tax deductible.
In addition,offices, accounting  consulting engineers and consultants are paid to play on the border between what is corrupt and what is not and to advise business leaders to signify their far they can go without incurring any real sanctions.
On the same way, we can easily consider a complicity bargained between theentrepreneur and the ferryman ofcontract.The latter will aim complicity concluding a most fruitful possible market where corrupt parties win at the expense of another, the public interest again.
To make full popular thing, as it should be in the sport, it engages in rankings. As the Olympic Games, countries are classified under their respective banners and the most corrupt countries are awarded the gold, silver or bronze.  
The roles of public elites or social well-being of the rich
Catherine Harel Bourdon présidente de la CSDM en congrès de repos au Château Mont Ste-Anne avec les directeurs d'écoles François Blais Yves Bolduc.jpg
What is the role of government in all this? Their first task is of course to lead by example. Those who choose to work in the public sector, including in education, should do first pushed by the desire to achieve something in the public interest. While this may seem a cliché, we must not forget that governments should contribute to the gradual building of a better society. Whoever disagrees with this objective would be better to follow another path, more in line with its identity, without any connotation is attached again to the choice in question.
A person in the state service, such as is a politician embodies the state and if he has respect for himself and for his life choices, he can without remorse resist any temptation of corruption. Any act of corruption him away in fact, the goal is the foundation of his life choices.
How can a official state who respects and lends itself to corruption he could still find meaning in his life according to the importance it attaches, or should attach to the general interest?
If such a climate could reign in public services, each include gradually that any indecent proposal is moved and doomed to failure. This climate could then win the whole economy. Transactions with public authorities are then situated in an open and serene atmosphere. Let us not forget that we are talking about a part of the economy that accounts for about half of the total.
Carlos J Leitao ministre des finances du Québec coupe dans le gras de la ville de Québec.jpg
Is that all politicians are corrupt?
Also, if such a climate prevails in the public sector, it will eventually win one way or the other the private sphere. If it were, we might as well break the spiral of corruption that erects, in all countries, such practices at the national sports rank. If, in such a context, the temptation of corruption is too strong to be a human too low, it will be increasingly difficult to find the right partner. For corruption is mentioned, an intersubjective phenomenon and widespread throughout the world.
We are aware that such a change of mentality n is not easy to operate and that no will tax the author of these lines, utopian alien to this world. But this change is not impossible. We can illustrate this using the example of smoking.While a non-smoker was considered there ten years as an austere and unsociable person, there is a clear turnaround.
Bouillon de culture de poulet au Sauna Québec Inc.jpg
The active public policy through tobacco control campaigns and regulations n ' it is not for nothing. It is of course only a small attachment moral disapproval to smoking and the analogy between tobacco consumption and corruption not worth so much depending on the similarity of behavior but by the method which produces a profound change mentality. Indeed, it is a strongly negative moral connotation that is attached to corruption.
The similarity lies rather in the perception of corruption.We can not see a good eye, that corruption proliferates everywhere. Corruption is and remains immoral and degrading to the human being.Adequate attitude towards corruption can not be dictated by its profusion.
In other words, the standards can not be modeled on that everyone finds it normal. A change of mindset in the right direction, with regard to corruption, can be triggered by various positive actions. In addition to their exemplary role, governments need to launch an information campaign. The media should analyze what they can undertake with their almost unlimited power.
Carlos Leitao Ministre des finances du Québec 8.jpg
In short, Quebec, we are not more or less corrupt than elsewhere, it is part of our daily and in it no longer occupies because the path is paved with obstacles incredibly large that the citizen becomes jaded. What is this for? We will pay, pay again, as so much our dear Prime Minister pure Philippe Couillard.
See more in the third  How to sell and buy

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