mardi 5 mai 2015

Montreal School Board (CSDM) Another Congress at our expenses

CSDM - another congress at our expense
When the Commission Scolaire de Montreal (CSDM) is threatened by guardianship Quebec, it will pay for 190 of its principals attending a convention in a chic hotel with a conference Gregory Charles and dancing.

The cost of participation in the congress organized by the Montreal Association of school directions (AMDES) is up to $ 640 per person for two nights and three days of training, all paid by the Montreal School Board, total $ 121,600 paid by all of us but we are not invited us tax payers.
Principals are even encouraged to be accompanied, at their expense, their spouse (s) with whom they can dance at a party planned during the conference.
The singer Gregory Charles also deliver a speech on the influence of schools on students and his "passion for knowledge". It was impossible to reach him Thursday.
The Montreal School Board mute
The CSDM refused to grant us an interview with its president Catherine Harel-Bourdon. The administration has only commented on the case by email, without revealing how much it will pay for this event.
"We understand that the aspect of" entertainment "could raise questions. We will have discussions with our partners in this respect to raise awareness of the use of public funds -. Especially in anticipation of future conferences "could be read in the written reply
Thursday, Education Minister François Blais reiterated its threat to the CSDM under guardianship.

"relevant" Congress
On the side of AMDES, it says that the congress is "relevant", especially in the current context.
"Despite what happens to the CSDM, do not stop the development. On the contrary, if the services are cut, it is important for directions to find new ways of doing, "said the spokesman Mario Boutin.
The AMDES also argues that the costs paid by the school board does not cover the dance party, which is paid for by the agency.
End of compulsory training
for Alexandre Beaupré-Lavallée, lecturer in education at UQAM, the will of the government to review the law which states that 1% of payroll must be assigned to training in public institutions is not sufficient.

"further perhaps should go and hang this obligation for several years, the time that the financial situation of the school boards is recovering. This would avoid such a situation that seems shocking to taxpayers.
"Thisis not the first time
we do not want to eat sandwiches at work because we are extraordinary and special people. Therefore you have to pay all our chinoiserie as we like.

It's not the first time that the AMDES made ​​about her about her annual conference. In 2010, The Journal reported that 300 principals participated in a conference at Château Mont-Saint-Anne, a four star resort located in Beaupré. The packages ranged from $ 440 to $ 610 and AMDES had estimated that the event had cost taxpayers $ 120,000.
The school boards they suffer from superiority complex
Attitude pretentious, mocking display of Me ... That's the main features of a person who has a superiority complex. Why do some people develop such a complex? How is it treated a superiority complex? Answers with Dr. Frédéric Fanget, psychiatrist and psychotherapist.
CSDM management has psychological, moral and monetarycomplex
superiorityThe complex is a personality disorder. It hides a very great lack of confidencecomplex.
superiority  How does it manifest with his usual arrogancepersonality?
the superiority complex is a disorder of personality -on narcissistically talking about more or less pathological  as queens LiseThibault, Michaëlle Jean, Gaétan Barrette, Yves Bolduc, Gilles Vaillancourt, and manyothers.Those who have it love, admire and despise to others considered inferior. I look good!
Fortunately they are part of the public or parapublic sectors, therefore knowing that they will be fired and they will spend as untouchable kings children considering their status as privileged. They know how to hold governments and the people by the throat because it is their main strength lies.
What do we recognize a person who has a superiority complex? It has a pretentious attitude, laughs easily, displays a strong self-confidence, do not listen to others, frequently uses the term "I" does not support annoyance, needs to be admired, and why do not hesitate to add, even lie to embellish reality, critical and depreciates the success of others. "It is mostly men who have a superiority complex, but more and more women leaders become as with superiority complexes in all our government institutions complex.
superiority  Why are we superior to the popular cases?
In 9  10, the superiority complex reveals an inferiority complex. "We talk about the attack against cognitive schema" said the psychiatrist.

It is a psychological reaction opposite to that which terrorizes us, and the more they are terrorizing parents and children by sending them false messages to make us feel inferior to others.
Thus, people who do not manage to overcome complex the  "over compensate" and seek to fill the complex with contempt. "Their superiority is a poster, a defense ". Much more often, the superiority complex is related to education, when a child is raised by his parents in the idea that it is the best. This is called a cognitive schema" Everything is me due "as so aptly Catherine Harel Forget complex.

superiority  what treatment should be given to the
CSDM?"A narcissistic personality is a psychiatric. Few people with a superiority complex who ask to be treated.
However, sometimes these people feel the need to go entrust their malaise to a therapist. "They end up confessing that they feel Dummies" says the psychiatrist.
The axis of the therapy will be to tell these people that they have the same value when they do not show their superiority. "We teach them not to depend on the value of being superior to others and makes them understand that each individual has its own value." At the CSDM we give our lives for your children to succeed but as you know so well the Ministry of Education we tortures.

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