mardi 12 mai 2015

Politicians vs Ethical = Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely Part One

Politicians vs ethical
Never confuse politicians words and ethics because it has no ethical politician, he looks at power and its interests only.
Part One
Business revelation becomes increasingly commonplace. Indeed, he did a week goes by without a new case became public. Each reader can without difficulty illustrate this by numerous examples. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Bernard Trépanier  Comment fourrer les Québecois.jpg
Stories jars of wine, public procurement to excessive conditions, competition can become commonplace and the debate on the infernal relationship between ethics and politics usually stops at the pin either case. scandals that hit the headlines are only probably only the tip of the iceberg.
In each Examples of these men - often women - policies have confused the public interest with private interests in favor of the latter. Such acts are contrary to political ethics where the politician has chosen, and was mandated to look after the general interest of a municipality, a region or even a country.
The abuse you can create a society in which men no longer know how to exercise their freedom. The unethical behavior of politicians key democracy to its foundations. The acts that demonstrate such behavior can not therefore be trivialized and reduced to a series of isolated acts, but should be seen as symptoms of a deeper malaise. We must therefore fight against these abuses structurally, based on morality. For everyone's freedom is a value in itself, but it can be exercised only if it does not infringe on the freedom of others. Yet the unethical behavior is interwoven with the manipulation and blackmail.
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The official,appointed not on the basis of his skills but on the basis of political, puts himself in a position of gratitude and must be prepared to make any service that will be asked. This agreement is consistent with a potential blackmail.The supplier that wins its markets through of bribes can also be, in turn, become blackmailed.
On the one hand, man is vain, lazy, jealous and selfish. On the other hand, it is also employed, attracted by the luxury and property. In its relations with other dogs, there is also chiasmal this trend, which is the other model that we admire but also an obstacle that we want to surpass. This trend makes each man a politician, at least potentially, who, moved by his vanity and love of action, contributes to the general welfare of society.
But the politician,used here in the sense more wide of the term, is never enough.He wants to exceed its model. The thirst for power is often associated with a desire to be recognized and greed. These irrepressible aspirations create a dynamic that constantly pushing the limits of suitable, methods that can easily exceed the limits of morality.
The relationship between politics and immorality is very ambiguous.The politician must deploy all his cunning in the arena of democracy and must constantly dancing on a tightrope. The essence of politics resides in man. The human being, animated by chiasmatic forces is therefore the source of societal organization.
Carlos Leitao Gouvernement du Québec Ministère du Revenu On va vous saigné.jpg
The politician working in the public interest, provided it coincides with his personal interest.The creation of well-being for all is its goal only if it better fate itself. In a party power, things get even more complicated because often serve the party refers more to the individual than serving the public interest. The Triangle personal interest, the party interest and public interest provides the arena of democracy. Here we are miles away from the Kantian idea is that the intention determines the morality of the act.
But man, integrated into the political system, does not cease to be a man, characterized by impulses and passions, struggling with some noble feelings, such as vanity, prestige, jealousy, envy, etc., but also, what is also important for political life, full of noble feelings such as compassion, sympathy and empathy, solidarity, respect for others, etc.
What is clientelism?
Is there a difference between a politician and a car salesman?
The tribes possessed they emancipated slaves often enough. Thus, people from outside the group were larger. This practice is widely used in the conquered countries played a key role in the integration movement in minority conquerors dominated areas. The free people of the region once converted, or slaves, became customers of the tribe and thus received heavy loads from the clan leaders and sometimes could quickly rise to positions of responsibility and high social status .
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Definitioncurrent policy
Term pejorative inspired by the ancient practice and covering the relationship between policies and interested citizens. This concept is also used to describe the relationship between judges of the commercial courts and merchants.
Patronage is understood here as an unwarranted favor granted to a person, often in exchange for his vote. MPs and ministers Quebecers are sometimes accused patronage for their local constituents, lobbying the government to obtain credits for their constituencies.
In many policy areas clients links based on the service pass from one generation to another is clanism. If the link is based on economic coercion or violence is caciquismo as does the Liberal Party of Quebec in advocating generalized austerity but not for themselves.
The patronage of Student Associations of Quebec is also a known practice , old, and widely criticized, even if the case of judgment before the courts are rare. This practice interview a dependent relationship and leads to an unfair disadvantage recruiting external candidates, local candidates or refusing to comply with this practice. Failure of democracy by having freehand votes and out general parameters students. They expect to have the adequate number to vote for their consensus.
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Fraud corruption
identity The approach seeks to understand the phenomenon of non-ethical behavior in its entirety and to question its omnipresence.So far, we have explored mainly acts that could be described .corruption In particular, we probed its origin in human nature, it also seems useful to understand the concept by reference to the concept of fraud in literature, the two are often mixed, so it is not superfluous to make some clarifications.
We emphasize intersubjectivity inherent in corruption. This is where corruption is distinguished fromterm more generalforfraud.Fraud, such as tax evasion or fraud practiced within a public or private undertaking, refers to a transaction that is made ​​in bad faith in order to illegally obtain a benefit or avoid a disadvantage. Taxevasion example is to pay less tax we should. Thus certain income are intentionally hidden. However, this has nothing to do with corruption.
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The fraud is not that corruption since another party willing assistance, against payment,by agreeing to do anything that is normally obliged not to make or refrain from doing anything that is required to do. Tax evasion becomes corruption when the tax auditor assists to accept a false statement or tax havens.
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Fraud is a more general term than corruption. In other words, we can say that corruption is a form of fraud but that all forms of fraud does not necessarily fall under corruption. As a result, for simplicity, is described most often corruption as a particular form of fraud.
If corruption is associated with the renunciation of his identity, we can ask ourselves why greater moral strength is not opposed to this torture. Why can not we resist the temptation? Why is corruption a pervasive phenomenon?
One thing that strikes us is that this seduction, seduction like all matter, is always an intersubjective event. In the context of corruption, I am not only have to give up my identity, leading perhaps to me difficult to look in the mirror afterwards, but in addition, I must do so in accordance with others.
Pots of wine
Similarly, one that offers of bribes also need someone who is ready, even after some resistance, to accept its offer. Undeclared worker requires an employer provide him clandestine work. The subjective listener needs a sponsor who wants us to do his will, like the Gomery sponsorship under the Jean Chrétien Liberals have stolen hundreds of millions to the Canadian people and Quebecers.
Jacques Parizeau, Stéphane Dion, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Jean Chrétien, Don Cherry Nos politiciens se confessent.jpg
These examples Us lead to the conclusion that to corrupt, it takes at least two complicit parties. For there to be corruption, we need at least two people deny their identity. Moreover, they often borrow their identity to another, as we have described in the above examples.
In the act of corruption, there is mostly a party which takes the initiative and offers a payout to the other for her to do or refrain from doing something. It is called the active part. The other part is pushed against illegal retribution and it is called the passive part. Corruption is always aphenomenon social characterized by an intimacy between partners, the Liberals at the Charbonneau Commission.
Identity is abandoned to the other, a gift that can easily turn into submission and where any trace of resistance can be a tactic to raise the stakes. This site from the outset, both parties in a difficult position and a potential blackmail flat atmosphere in any consideration of such a transaction, so every little transaction carries with it potentially the most transactions promise important.
Arthur Porter perd la tête devant Luka Rocco Magnotta.jpg
Even if the original transaction has generated some resistance, most of the time very weak since the operation was relatively innocent, this resistance will be completely swept thereafter, other forces then taking a clear top.
In this vein, one of the "stories" of GH Hoffman is particularly edifying. The co-manager of a retail business serves a client after closing time. As the case is already closed, he decided, without any evil intention, to deposit the money in the till the next day. His memory failed him then and this is the beginning of a vast deal of corruption and fraud.
Assemblée Nationale du Québec Sodome & Gomorre.jpg
Once launched, the spiral of corruption can no longer be stopped.You can request the parties to the Liberals of Quebec and Canada. For dissemination, social fact assuming ever greater proportions. Moreover, it often reduce this intimacy in a plot directed against a third party who is duped by a corrupt transaction.
This third party can be designated individually in certain transactions, for example in the case of another potential supplier that does not promise bribes or smaller and that pays the price. In other cases, more anonymous, it is society which belong to the partners of the transaction that is the butt of the joke, as when a public contract is not awarded to the supplier who has the best value yet value.  
It should be noted that in all the political parties there will be corruption but as always the Liberals of Canada and Quebec still win the top ranks of corrupt people to the marrow of bones.

See more in the second half

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