dimanche 11 septembre 2016

Donald Trump populist, Justin Trudeau, the era - Philippe Couillard, the disturbed - Hillary Clinton, the forger - François Hollande, the fast-talking - Angela Merkel, the hypocrite, and all other politicians

Donald Trump populist, Justin Trudeau, the era - Philippe Couillard, the disturbed - Hillary Clinton, the forger - François Hollande, the fast-talking - Angela Merkel, the hypocrite, and all other politicians
Some politicians, including the head Caquistes François Legault and the leadership candidate of the Conservative Party, Kellie Leitch,propose submitting newcomers a
"test" measuring their supposed membership or not our "values",as underlined every day Donald Trump to save the identity and American values ​​with the coming of the Crusaders Muslims to conquer the United States.
So much so that the proposal Kellie Leitch was heavily criticized within the Conservative Party. Including its interim leader, Rona Ambrose. Even - which is saying something - by the former Policy Director Stephen Harper, Rachel Curran. Which qualifies as downright "Orwellian" the very idea of a "test values" Canadian.
As a Canadian and Québécois voter, I fully support the positions of François Legault and Kellie Leitch about the values ​​of our country. Immigrants who do not want or can not accept our values, they return to their country, and that's all. We did them a huge favor to accept them, they are in heaven and he does not like heaven, it returns in their paradise with their families. If I do not like a people, a country, I will not visit, not necessarily the same.
Populism several politicians mixes all cards by mixing the identity of Canadian values ​​versus identities multiculturalism destroys all forms of culture in the country. Politicians should have a lot of discretion and become patriotic and not only block the votes and their own political party.

Can you imagine for one second that the person responsible for human rights at the United Nations is Saudi Arabia,a Muslim country of barbarians who behead and subsidizes the terrorists of the Islamic State worldwide. United Nations populism, corrupt United Nations, our countries support the murderers, the petrodollars, bearded without conscience, Allah is great, the Koran and the Sharia to the United Nations.
The words of the High Commissioner for human rights, UN human, Prince Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein of Jordan, on the rise of populism and the extreme right in the West. Recall that the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Council of human rights under their jurisdiction, are highly disputed branches of the UN.
Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, China and Congo are of the said Council of human rights which brings together 47 countries, including at least half does not democracies, which offers Sharia slavery of human beings like pigs for centuries.
Firstly one can question the choice of a Jordanian diplomat, a member of the royal family, to head the influential human rights body. More progressive than most of its neighbors, Jordan still remains an absolute monarchy where freedom of expression is limited. Criticize the royal family or Islam, leads straight to prison, free speech does not exist.
The Prince, reports my colleague, took part in the Dutch politician Geert Wilders who does not lace when it comes to immigration and Islam. The label "right-wing populism, goes perfectly and floats are deserved.
Marine Le Pen, Donald Trump, Kellie Leitch,extractor for the leadership the Conservative Party of Canada, are defenders, sometimes awkwardly, and wishing their messages pass into the population must necessarily go very far in speeches to the media and the populace can attach some truth. The populace is often asleep on gas, she slept so heavily that she needed sometimes some verbal explosion to wake them up.
Our politicians love the ignorant voters
I am for our Western countries put the execution of terrorists to death without judicial process considering that our judges, our laws protect these murderers without souls, without values, inhuman. I am sure if there would be a general referendum, honest, across several countries, if the death penalty for people who explicitly plan for months or years to kill people, deserves no charity to go our prisons be live all their lives at the expense of citizens.
The terrorists know well that our rights of states, they do not risk the death penalty, and when they go to prison after several years paid before the courts by taxpayers, Will be cherished because they are Muslim, with halal foods when they are ill, they will pass before us in the hospital, honest citizen, they will all imaginable services that citizens do not even have rights. These prisoners, Islamic extremists will even in prison, the same steps to continue destroying our country. Our governments, our judges will give their all services, equipment for them to reach their goals, finishing the Islamic Crusades in the West.
The terrorists are laughing at all of us to stop, we must then kill before they hit our floor
But The first defender of human rights prefers to aim for right-wing populists who oppose Islamism than denouncing the president of a country in the third world member of the Council of human rights, protects the UN reproach tyrants?
Do not look any further, it's always the fault of the West. Or Israel, the country most frequently condemned by the Council of Human Rights, which remains however silent about Bashar al Assad's atrocities against his people, to the strict application of Sharia law in Saudi Arabia, repression and famine made ​​by the State in Venezuela, the dictatorship of Kim Jong-Un, president of North Korea, etc.
The populists, demagogues and frivolous of our politicians.
How is it that the UN, our governments and at the same time, critics of most of them is a front for certain countries to hide or appease their monetary dictatorships, religious, power over their people.
Populist, our politicians are using half-truths and extreme simplifications. - both scalpels emeritus propagandists
Must denounce our populist leftist politicians who protect terrorists in our country
Populism, electioneering, demagogy, racism, opportunism electioneering government of Philippe Couillard, shows a generalized disdain for native Quebecer population. Philippe Couillard, has worked for several years within allophone communities but specifically Muslims, Islamists by promoting their values, religions at the expense of traditional values ​​of the Quebec nation since the first French settlers in America, the colonizers the settlers.
Philippe Couillard, keep repeating the same phrases about his rambunctious racism in his pro-Muslim speeches, pro-Islamic by also his ministers and MPs. The blindness,
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Since the beginning of 2016, several prime ministers, presidents, chancellor, ministers from several countries that sold outright to the Islamists for supposedly more votes in the upcoming elections, or to fulfill their election funds , or just fill their own pockets, their pensions, are shown the door by the citizens of their countries who are fed bowls of these corrupt who lead us like here in Canada, the Honourable Justin Mohamed Waterhole, aka Trudeau dishonorable and prime ministers of all the provinces themselves into Muslims or Muslim to be able to hang their liberal poison with those people who only seek to end their crusade, or the destruction of our country and the West as a whole.
What are the reasons me and you, citizens from Canada, who have paid taxes and taxes as our parents and great-grandparents, and ancestors to build this country, and they come here, get everything free, without lift one little finger, receive the health insurance cards, during this and that, the services we ourselves must be paid, they pass us all before the wickets because they are special, and we soon at the latest on the list, the monsters of ordinary people, the little people.  
Our governments give their all unreasonable accommodation to please them against the values ​​and principles of equalities and integration within our societies. I say very often, our governments do they really want it integrates our society or they prefer apartheid that these religions, these latecomers cultures, barbarians, these bearded, grimy that run colleges in order to install the Koran and the Sharia to the face of everyone.
All Western governments must change their laws to these Muslim terrorists or Islamists, as you want appointed although no legislation that protects the common mortal in our "right of States" does s not apply to terrorists. And that judges, lawyers, law courts not no look about it, the reason is that when these criminals, this religion that propagates this crime since thousand five hundred years, their crusades are intensifying across all continents, and they never ask if "we want to kill us, blow, rape, torture, shred, hide, dismember," they come like vultures, with approvals of our ministers, prime ministers, presidents, that is -dire, our politicians, our leaders murderers in places that open their doors wide to the commit their atrocities.
the sold, hypocrites
look what happens in Britain, David Cameron has left Muslim immigrants entering pocheter and create dissections through the English people, Britain out of the European Union and David Cameron he must resign
Angela Merkel,the mad, the feminist, the populist left entrance 1.7 million Syrians and terrorists, and loses the leadership of his political party and I think she will lose the next elections
See François Hollande, the French trash that does nothing against the invasion of these usurpers of French dignity as Mr. Manuel Valls,in the next election and hope that Marine Le Pen will give you a good coup whip in the ass.
What happens Corsica, where citizens and magistrates do not let walk all over by Muslims as the fact Paris the friendly, intellectual, depraved judges, collaborators of judges in the Islamic devil services, these Crusaders. In Corsica, they are men and women of values, they do not only just talk, but act for the well being of their families, their people, their customs, and Paris, you flatten you like grannies as your police collaborators were in the second war by selling the Jews to the Nazis to send them to the concentration camps.
The collaborators
France, a bit of history, and we must not cry, it's too late ! Your government has sold you.
In France, the policy of collaboration is established by Marshal Philippe Pétain, treats, under the German occupation during the Second World War. It's Petain himself throwing that term in his radio speech of 30 October 1940, where he invited the French to collaborate with the enemy. But Adolf Hitler, who holds France to become a secondary power, not trying to drag France into a war alongside Germany.
Despite their differences, the German leaders want to contact a legal authority and recognized as legitimate by the majority of the population in order to conduct the operation of the country cheaply. Yves Durand opposes the projects of Hitler, France in a country like Norway, "For Adolf Hitler himself, France is not a racial partner nor a central partner in the country where he committed the German.
"Marshal Philippe Pétain and most Vichy strengths admit they can collaborate with the occupier. Believing safeguard the interests of France, they serve the best interests of Germany that would have done declared fascists.
The American rout
Here as United States of America that is liberating, can demagogue be Donald Trump,who will be the chance to become president of this country, who lost all their powers for years. They want to clean the country of these Islamist groups, extremists crisscrossing his country, his children.
In Canada, it is the opposite, our rulers, love terrorists and they are welcome when they arrive at our airports with mayors of the cities concerned, offering them gifts, guns, knives, maps tunnels, junctions subways, targeted places to be the greatest damage and maximum Christians of loss of life.  
Some agents will go their surrender their citizenship cards, membership cards of political parties provincial and federal Liberal health insurance card, driving license, booklet explaining how to play the social assistance system, free housing, the income to eat , live, travel, clothing, transportation for schools, books, not to mention the carpet for their prayers.  
Everything is matches of a trunk, a safe with tools, explosives, munitions, the Koran lists of extremist imams and preachers with a super-fast internet access to Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, our politicians, to know the best ways to enjoy their presence on Canadian soil.
I forgot, again, several people, including the extremist feminists and left intellectuals, mayors of several cities, school directors, donors, religious lobbyists, have all requested our governments faires clearings, huge holes in the rock, to install links hangings, genital torture, beheadings 4D, and other punishments allowed by the Koran and the Sharia, which can be broadcast on social networks , internet, and our local media as our newspapers or our national television-.

Collaborators  TRAITORS - DANGEROUS - LOOSE - SOLD - turncoat - FOUL - SPY - Deceiver - JUDAS - treacherous Sneaky - MISLEADING - propagandist - demagogy - POPULIST - TERRORIST - electoral - Trudeauist - ETC.

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