lundi 5 septembre 2016


It is the reign of the Capetians that took place the Crusades... and until today, Islamic terrorists attack our cities, our countries, violas our children continue the complete destruction of world with the approval tacit of OUR pOLITICIANS, OUR INVESTORS, NOS corrupters OUR SOCIETIES
Taking of Jerusalem by the Turks causing great excitement in the West
First crusade
- Pope Urban II calls solemn in the first crusade
in 1099
- taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders
in 1144
- Turks take Edessa (Frankish possession in Asia minor) and massacred the Christians
in 1145
- Pope Eugene III decreed, by a bull, preaching a new crusade
in 1147 - 1149
second crusade
- Louis VII leaves for the second crusade
in 1148
- failed stinging cross in Damascus
- Back crusade of King Louis VII
in 1187
- Taking of Jerusalem by Saladin
third crusade
- Beginning of the third crusade ( expedition of Frederick Barbarossa, Philip Augustus and Richard the Lion Heart)
- After a long siege, the Crusaders took St. Jean d'Acre
- Return of Philippe Auguste in France while Richard Lion Heart II continues the crusade
1202 - 1204
Fourth crusade
- First of Constantinople by crusaders-.
Second taken and pillage of Constantinople by crusaders-.
1217  1221
Fifth crusade
Sixth crusade
Seventh crusade
in 1248
- Departure of St. Louis for crusade of Egypt-.
Taking Damietta by crusaders
- Defeat in Mansoura (Egypt). Louis IX was captured
- After his release, St. Louis will remain four years in the Orient
- St. Louis is back in France
- St. Louis called Pope Clement IV to launch a new crusade
Eighth Crusade
- departure of St. Louis for the last crusade
- Death of St. Louis in Tunis
in 1291
- Fall of Saint John of Acre, the last bastion crossed in the Holy Land
Following the path of pilgrimages, crusades combined political motivations, religious and economic in various proportions as their general purpose was to ensure free access for Christians not only to the tomb of Christ but also the countries and the riches of the Orient.
(1147-1149 )
The first crusade
(1095-1100 )
in 1095, the Byzantine emperor seeking military aid from Western mercenaries against the Turks. At the same time, abuse stories allegedly suffered by pilgrims en route to Jerusalem spread.
At the Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II (1042-1099) decided to preach a crusade, promising the penance given to all those who endorse the "cross" of Christ to regain the Holy Sepulchre to Muslims 1097.
In  - Taking of Antioch by the Crusaders This call immediately a great success, both with knights as classes, galvanized by preachers like Peter the Hermit (1050-1115).
Some of these groups are attacking Jewish communities of the towns they pass through but several will be scattered on the road.
Only constituted armies arrive in Constantinople in 1096. the following year, they are heading to Syria.
The crusade turns into a real conquest business.
From March 1098 are based on county of Edessa and the principality of Antioch.
Then the Crusaders captured Jerusalem they ransacked the next year. They conquer the whole country and coastal ports.
Godefroy de Bouillon (1061-1100) became head of the kingdom of Jerusalem, Raymond de Saint-Gilles (1042-1105) the County of Tripoli.
Constantly threatened by the Turks the four Latin states successfully resist subsequent decades 1099.
In - Taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders
But abuses committed by the Crusaders stir, the Muslims and Islam rallies, boosted by the Christian threat. In addition, the Latin states occupied the Mediterranean coast and Syria interfere in its economic Islam relations
The Emir Zengi (1084-1146) resumed the struggle and advocates the gathering of Muslims to defend  This is the call to jihad. He captured Edessa in 1145.
This led major setback a few months later to a second crusade
The 2nd Crusade
Reynald of Chatillon executed by Saladin
The Second Crusade began in 1147 after having been launched in December 1145 Pope Eugenius III after the fall of Edessa in 1144.
In May 1148, the armies of the Emperor Conrad III and King Louis VII of France reach Jerusalem.
The Crusaders decided to attack Damascus but wipe them a severe defeat ( July 27, 1149).
The crusade ends soon after a total failure for the Crusaders, who return to Europe without winning a military victory in the east.
The County of Edessa was finally lost in 1151.
In charge of the government of the Egypt and Syria from 1175, the Emir Saladin (1138-1193) champions of the holy war. It multiplies, from 1181 the destructive raids and then overwrites the Christian army at Hattin in 1187. Soon after, Jerusalem was again in Muslim hands .... ... ...
The 3rd Crusade
The Third Crusade, which began in 1189 and ended in 1192, is a series of expeditions led by Frederick Barbarossa, holy Roman Emperor, Philip Augustus, King of France and Richard the Lion Heart, King of England, in order to recapture Jerusalem and the holy Land to Saladin.
This crusade has allowed the recovery of a number of ports of the holy Land, but did not reconquer Palestine or the recovery of Jerusalem.
However, the free movement in Jerusalem was allowed to Christian pilgrims and merchants.
Richard Lion Heart and Saladin
third crusade thus prevents total collapse of Syria "Frankish".
But most of the territories conquered a century earlier is lost.
the 4th crusade
Pope Innocent III (1160-1216) ordered preaching a fourth crusade since 1198 following the failure of the previous one.
This crusade was the opportunity to exploit the death of Saladin and fratricidal wars among his 17 children! ...
She was to take Egypt, the center of the power of Saladin and his heirs.
But it is diverted from its objective in favor of the Venetians.merchant
The shippingends with the capture of Constantinople, sacked by the Crusaders in 1204, while Jerusalem remains in Muslim hands.
1204 - capture of Constantinople by crusaders
It led to the foundation of the Latin Empire of the West in 1204.
the 5th crusade
The fifth crusade is a military campaign whose goal was to invade and conquer part of the Sultanate of Egypt in order to exchange the territories conquered against the former territories of the kingdom of Jerusalem being under control of Muslims-.
November 5, 1219  Ship breaking the chain of Damietta
Despite taking Damietta (Egypt), this crusade is a failure because of the intransigence of the papal legate Pelagius and his ignorance of local politics, which led him to refuse the negotiations on time.
In 1221, the Crusaders are defeated before Cairo and Damietta and must return piteously embark for Europe. The crusade is a new fiasco-.
the 6th Crusade
February 18, 1229  Surrender of Jerusalem to Frederick II by Al-Kamil. The Sixth Crusade is an expedition organized by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II to reconquer the territories of the kingdom of Jerusalem lost since the conquest by Saladin and his capital.
It was a success for the Crusaders, but its objectives are achieved by diplomacy excommunicated an emperor rather than fighting, the great scandal of Christianity.
This method created a precedent that influences the strategy of following the crusades.
The intervention of Frederick was also disastrous for the institutions of the kingdom of Jerusalem who, finding themselves without a king, now lacks a central government and finds himself in the grip of anarchy, the various factions (barons, knightly orders, commercial shipping companies) each having their own policy without that a sovereign can arbitrate their disputes.
the 7th crusade
Louis IX on his way to Egypt the seventh crusade is the first of two crusades companies under the leadership of King Louis IX of France (later called "Saint Louis" ).
Determined by the king in 1244, she left the kingdom of France August 28, 1248 Aigues-Mortes and discusses Egypt in 1249.
On June 6, 1249, the Crusaders took Damietta.
But in early 1250, when the battle of Mansoura, many Crusaders pay with their lives a mad charge into the streets of the Egyptian city.
Defeated by serious epidemics, the army must go. The ransom of Louis IX will amount to 400 000 pounds.
The king of France nevertheless still four more years in the Holy Land to bring the kingdom of Jerusalem in condition to defend against the Mamelukes.
The crusade ends in 1254 with the return of Louis IX of France.
the 8th crusade
The eighth crusade is second military campaign by King Louis IX in 1270 following threats that the Mamluk Sultan Baybars poses to the Crusader States .
But August 25, 1270, King Saint Louis died of illness under the walls of Tunis.
After the death of Louis IX, the Prince Edward of England, arrived too late to participate in the crusade of St. Louis Tunis, decided to travel to the Holy Land with a thousand men. He was soon joined by his brother and various reinforcements.
But Edward sailed back to Acre to Europe September 22, 1272 as the successor of his father Henry III and a few months later become the King of England.
The seat Tunis and the death of King Louis IX
The expedition of Prince Edward Island is one of the most wisely and intelligently organized crusades, but its lack of resources and troops reduced to nil all these efforts.
However, it had the merit of grant ten years of peace and survival of almost twenty years to the kingdom, which is reduced in the vicinity of Saint-Jean d'Acre. Subsequent shipments brought nothing to the remains of the Latin states of the East, and in 1291 the Mamluks eventually conquer all Syrian territories that still belong to Christians.
The Crusaders
Were called crusaders armed knights who fought in the name of Christianity but with such warlike than religious zeal.
They called these crusaders because they wore a cross sewn on their clothes.
There were several categories of crusaders.
Some were real knights, rich lords in the army head organized, while others were not knights (poor and ill-equipped.)
Some had a separate status, and were part of a religious order. Most were created in the First Crusade in the Holy Land.
Thus, the Knights Templar who belonged to the Order of the Temple, were genuine soldier-monks.
The Hospitallers, who were part of the Hospitaller Order, founder of order of Malta).
The Teutonic knights (of the order of the Teuton) were religious knights of the Holy Roman Empire.
The common goal of these last three categories of knights was mainly evangelical, all eager to bring the good word territories invaded by the Ottomans to defend and reclaim their kingdom and city of Jerusalem.
Fortress of crusaders in Syria (11th century)
The Crusades of Islam continues today and the West will lose. We must thank our politicians, our Prime Ministers, our presidents, our ministers, our left intellectuals, feminists our blind, our media sold to investors and large companies. Human degradation religion lies in this as in many other religions that reduce men and women to slavery for honors, the profits of the largest in the world.

Http:// /moyen_age/croisades.htm

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