Philippe Couillard - The gangrenous racism, obstinate, hide his inferiority of the colonized - and destroy the entire Quebec to prove his point
Premier of Québec, Mr. Philippe Couillard, leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec separate themselves from all the other heads of all other Liberal leaders since the early days on the provincial scene. Certainly they were federalist, pro-Canadians, but they were also nationalists and pro-Quebec.
They cherished the values of Quebec and usually wanted the advancement of Francophone and awaken thereof towards greater equality vis-à vis the Canadian English-speaking elite. Since the arrival of Mr. Philippe Couillard all principles regarding francophones are back to one hundred eighty degree against the French and it began erecting fences, walls, shaping laws, principles, conditions, gags to give rights over francophones and anglophones from Quebec to give and accommodate minorities especially Muslims, Islamic extremists and migrants who want to integrate our customs.
Philippe Couillard s is ordered and is the mentor and advocate like Joan of Arc to stop the French fact in America. He hates it so much, I would say not only the stock Quebecers, but also Quebec that he was born he has to wonder how his parents are not Canadians pure Protestant anglophones like all good citizens, residents in North America.
It is so angry to be part of the colonized, and that these colonized tell him every time he is on the international scene, it does little to know that this little people, these ignorant people do not even try to get rid of this damn language and become as well said the Honourable Mr. Prime Minister Jean Chrétien,remember, corrupt sponsorship of the Gomery commission in Ottawa was he who had stolen millions and lost referendums by his lies and sales gulfs balls, ah !, it is these characters, these racist degenerate who can not feel their vein blood flowing from their parents French origin.
Philippe Couillard,who spent several years with his friend Arthur Porter brewing shady deals and even illegal in Saudi Arabia, and often maligned by the Canadian Security Agency, have made in countries as corrupt as could fare better by getting rid of the shackles of colonized to colonizer going.
returning to the land of his ancestors colonized and become Prime Minister, he wants to establish institutions, committees, wise, liberals, in his pay, whose sole purpose, the immediate destruction of all identity as said Lord Durham the french fact and establish freedom of Islamic thought, the Koran and the Sharia in Quebec as had ordered the king of Saudi Arabia with its likely financial support.
We all know, the Liberals their love of money, power and corruption. That said, he had to the laws, and he made tons. He tried in every way to silence the radio hosts, editors write in the media, on the Internet, in schools, universities, city halls. He created the dictatorship of racism, Islamic accommodations, Muslims.
Philippe Couillard will do everything to euthanize the people of Quebec
No one can serve two masters at once. The Premier of Quebec is so anti-Quebec and pro-Muslim and racist of the worst kind there is a danger to the health of all Canadians free.
The Prime Minister Philippe Couillard repeated "ad nauseam"to be avoid amalgams about what he is unable to name, radical Islam or Islamism. These words cause him such stomach ulcers that can not even pronounce. Same for the word secularism. We often wonder if his travels in Saudi Arabia was in contact with vermin who entered him in the brain and perforated his intelligence by dropping all the principles of the old Liberals who preceded. Is it an extremist Islamist waiting revolt revolt in America?
Yet Philippe Couillard makes himself guilty of dangerous amalgam created radical racism itself. In a dithering that has not yet seen the end, he recently announced that the record of the struggle against fundamentalism and that of secularism would be divided: the fundamentalism watchdog and radicalism religious will report to the Department of Immigration and secularism file report to the Department of Justice. We believe it is insane Allah,he can not govern the province, and we have to intern him in an asylum in Antarctica where it can teach the penguins.
A Burkini to please Couillard
Philippe Couillard therefore establishes the most dangerous amalgam it takes just avoid: religious fundamentalism associated with immigration. A Holder reconciliation racism suggesting that immigrants are collectively fundamentalists.
Philippe Couillard is not a fool but a manipulator like Adolph Hitler by teaching false thoughts
However, the killer of Saint John and Ottawa n ' were not immigrants. One was a pure laine Quebecers and the other a Canadian pure wool. Both had converted to Islam and then fell into Islamism - that Philippe Couillard refuses to identify - and then became jihadist. Philippe Couillard he will become the father of the Islamic terrorist criminals in Canada Amalgam:
Other by announcing its intention to create this inter-ministerial body to fight against fundamentalism, Couillard has consulted and surrounded himself with representatives of Muslim circles. The message therefore is that this medium, and only one, is corrupted by fundamentalism. Curious how to proceed who wants to avoid amalgams. No representatives of other religions and even less of the secular humanist movement has been approached.
Religions and religious have nothing to say about the secularism of a people or a country, they do has complied with it.
What will happen to the supervision of Jewish fundamentalism such as that taught in schools as Yeshiva Toras Moshe Academy with which the Education Minister Yves Bolduc concluded an agreement? What will happen to Catholic fundamentalism that reappears here and there? While still based in Quebec there are less than two years, Cardinal Marc Ouellette not he asserted that it was necessary ban abortion even in cases of rape? What about the mayor of Saguenay, Jean Tremblay, who seeks by all means, going to the Supreme Court, to give priority to his religious beliefs on the secular character of the municipality?
For Philippe Couillard, these fundamentalisms are probably not of safety hazard. In that case, why do not he says clearly that he wants to fight against Islamic fundamentalism and Islamism? Mr. Couillard, put some order in your approach and your thinking. While Christian fundamentalism is not a security threat, it nevertheless represents, more or less long term, a threat to our fundamental rights uprooted long and hard struggles secularism.
Against fundamentalism - Religions make politics
Even said Philippe Couillard, England and Belgium, it is "ridiculous" to tie secularism to the fight against fundamentalism. He ridiculed and internationally. Secularism does not prevent terrorism - Islamic or otherwise - but it indicates the fundamentalists of all persuasions where is the line not to cross. It affirms the independence of the State from religions and indicates that the state is governed by secular humanism. By refusing to acknowledge that secularism is a necessary bulwark (albeit insufficient) to counter the advances of fundamentalism, the Prime Minister expressed a total lack of vision and understanding.
By refusing to proceed quickly and consistently Philippe Couillard also shows that he is dictating his political agenda by its communist allies and multiculturalism Muslim denominational movement of which he is surrounded. Last fall, it was not the time to act because of the attacks of St-Jean and Ottawa, he argued. Currently, this is not the time either because of the attacks of Paris. In spring or next fall, it will not be the time because Boko Haram has unfailingly committed new massacres Minister.
However, it is something with which I agree in the Prime Speaking of prevention against the religious radicalism, he says he wants to act upstream of police interventions. He did not go to that school was to be with a mandate to train the mind critical of religions, but it is at this level that we must act. The school should actually deconstruct actively religious thought, deconstructing what is said in mosques, synagogues, churches and sects. Critical thinking can not be formed while leaving the religions apart.
In France, where the secular school and republicans already better equipped than by transmitting common civic values, President François Hollande wants to strengthen this role school and announces the creation of training sessions on secularism for teachers.
the Quebec school about it has nothing else to offer a course of "religious culture" that glorifies religious identity and which encourages young with no religion to find one to fit the mold. This wide open mold fundamentalism that schools should fight.
Philippe Couillard did everything for the State of Quebec and Canada become Muslim with the Quran and the Sharia as promised to the King of Saudi Arabia.Five years in the wilderness of this country greatly affected his judgment and sandy trying by every means imaginable to break our laws to pass the laws of the Koran as the only ones that can save Quebec. It will create all the laws, ghosts associations to prove his views, he even go to make coups if necessary, but he wants to win.
This blueberry Lac Saint-Jean did not say his last word, he is and always will be, and is part of the little people to colonize, and it will never recover its persecution of him who loves so much, he will do anything to destroy all around Quebec and if necessary, all of Canada will spend. For him, the only future is Islam, Muslims will be for him the only honorable way out as regularly attends Islamic associations on the implementation of the Koran and Sharia in Quebec in our laws, in our public spaces and parastatals that their ways are recognized officially and superiorly on the existing majorities.
Philippe Couillard can not lose this battle, so Quebec will die.
We want to thank all its members his ministers, intellectuals, feminists, Radio investigators -Canada, La Presse have provided their collaboration to exterminate our cultures, our ancestors in America and to have installed the Republic of Lucifer.
Thanks to our corrupt liberals and son of Osama bin Laden founder of Al-Qaeda asks you to call him on his direct line Couillard.Signed Hamza bin Laden
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