mardi 6 septembre 2016

Philippe Couillard (Québec), Justin Trudeau (Canada), Denis Coderre (Montreal) - The politicians - The Muslim Immigration to the ball hypocrites

Philippe Couillard (Québec), Justin Trudeau (Canada), Denis Coderre (Montreal) - The politicians - The Muslim Immigration to the ball hypocrites

soon as it comes to immigration, Philippe Couillard and the Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ) and Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) only practice two registers: hysteria and hypocrisy, the same corruption, the same ideologies, elimination of the current Canada.
François Legault of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) proposes to lower  % annually the number of immigrants received in Quebec, one of the world's highest percentage of our population that is to say 50,000 newcomers for a population of eight million people.
In the space of ten years, Quebec will have more migrants than natives, the ancestors of French in Quebec. This new range of population sniffing all gratuities of our public and parastatal systems they do not have in their country of origin, begin to create a ton of children with all the benefits attached to it. Some of these new arrivals after their children have left school and found a stable job back to their country of origin while keeping all gratuities Canadian and Quebec until the end of their days in their home countries .
for the Canadian and Quebec population is frustrating for people who have paid taxes, taxes since birth and must support people who have contributed very little to the country's development and the province. We know that we have opened their arms but they always beat us over with unreasonable accommodation and not available for citizens born in Canada.

Quebecers are not "Donald Trump" because if they were, Philippe Couillard would be chained to widespread betrayal of the Liberal party.
The Liberal hysteria holds in comparison with Donald Trump, so ridiculous that it becomes pathetic. Seriously, have you ever seen the Liberal Party of Quebec to be in favor of anything other than a systematic increase in immigration levels which migrants are the first to give all their votes to the only liberal party, excluding all others opposition parties? For Philippe Couillard, immigration, allophones with the English, it is certain to always be re-elected government and no opposition strong enough to stand up to him. For him it is the "manna" from Heaven, Alla. For him, it's like pressing the button of the machine to make future Liberal voters.
I can tell you that immigration will not solve the fact of speaking French in Quebec because of the next decade the English is the spoken language of all Quebecers as expressly wishes, Quebec's water carrier, Prime Minister Philippe Couillard Arabia, Allah willing.
Truth to tell, immigration does not pose any problems as it came from countries whose values ​​were similar to ours.

the Muslim immigration, Islamic, threatens our values ​​and destroy the West
Germany, Angela Merkel, after return and a half million Syrians Muslims in Germany his populist and wanting to have the maximum vote in the next election has unbalanced the future of Germany in the whole giving the Islamist extremist terrorist she greatly instigated the rapes, murders, robberies, all sorts of misfortunes that Europeans have to suffer every day, pace our politicians fold flat tummy lead monstrosities of these Islamic countries who terrorize their people and sends them on European soil to create it for dissension in our societies .
Angela Merkel afraid of losing the next election, and knowing that his political party has lost feathers, offers new measure of anti-terrorist security and Canada relaxes security measures
The German Interior Minister, Thomas de Maizière, proposed a series of new security measures in response to the attacks that targeted the country in July, including an acceleration of expulsions, report German media Wednesday.

Germany is still in shock of the five attacks that killed 15 dead and dozens wounded in a week last month. Two of them were claimed by the jihadist group Islamic State (EI) and three of the attackers were asylum seekers.
The interior minister, Thomas de Maizière, hopes that the new security measures will be adopted before the elections scheduled for autumn 2017, the newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, citing sources within the government coalition.

Among the measures to be presented Thursday include the acceleration of expulsions of foreigners could carry out an attack and creating a new offense of "public security threat" liable to immediate expulsion.
What is curious, in Canada, the government of the Honourable Justin Trudeau is quite the opposite of Germany. He considers that migrants, who will definitely vote for the Liberal Party, will be good and Canada terrorist honest and only some few of them will create some attacks in one or two provinces, and Canadians citizens approve the strength of the Liberal government trying to calm down by giving them everything they want, our lands, our laws, get rid of the French and English cultures and install the Koran and the
Sharia.Canada does not in any way chambarder principles Muhammad sizes on our policy, our laws, our ministers, our ministries. We do not want to shock people in Canada unless Christians are not happy to live here, they can go.
In Germany, the government's draft law also allow doctors to dispense medical confidentiality and alert authorities if one of their patients their expressed a planned attack, and in prisons, officers will also keep abreast of all extremist groups.
Angela Merkel and her ministers are also demanding a ban on the full veil for women and revoking laws allowing dual nationality, measures that may be controversial.
the German government has to protect the German
Land of the Islamic Quebec, Philippe Couillard wants to discuss Muslim immigration
Should be noted that Justin Trudeau is acclaimed every popularity poll. He now gets a satisfaction rate hovering around 65% across Canada, including Quebec. This means that people who worry about Islamic fundamentalism, which is rampant in the West and pose a seemingly insurmountable problem to our constitutional states, are a minority in Canada. Note also that Trudeau and Mr. Couillard are murderers of our Canadian culture. And Mr. Justin Trudeau sickly mouse culture.
Worse, those who question and concerned the legal and political victories, praised by a left islamisation which includes radical feminists, it is these racists from Islam, Islamists who do not want to integrate that spread their hatred throughout the country and the provinces, these imams that Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard will lick their asses their regularly.
And the debate is impossible with Françoise David is the official figure of the stupids the planet have little. His blindness on the Islamic veil in all its expressions, in the name of freedom of choice for women, is a twisted intellectual position, contemptuous of women, she wants women to his knees, asking permissions, as surely were his grandmothers and -merous. François David, the Donalda, the subject, having no spine and thinking that having votes in the next elections.  
Ladies Françoise David as Lise Bacon, women's associations and federations, veiled or raped Muslim will never vote for the party Communist of which you are the leader, Quebec Solidarity (QS), they vote as they tell their husbands, husbands, who may commit honors and authorized by the Government of Canada to vote only LIBERAL murders.
So, ladies, for some more votes and that will not change the election result, you are ALL READY tO CRUCIFY, to STONE, TO BE DESTROYED, EVERYTHING THE FEMINIST HAVE MADE FOR SEVERAL DECADES FOR VOTES.  

immigrants are still at 90% turned to the liberal parties in
Canada's Islamic leftism backward, the Islamic veil decadence of women
These feminists, like all who trivialize the veil, so numerous the PLQ and Quebec solidaire can’t  longer claim secularism. Especially since they are often ready to draw when they hear pronounce the word "religion" when it comes to Christianity. They are worn to denounce 'Islamophobia' room at home, but are silent about the past and present massacres of Christians and Jews in Muslim countries.
Hence, also, the idea of imposing a "test values"to newcomers, as suggested by the Conservative Party of Canada.Leaves even the refuse if they are unfavorable to the "gender equality".
The MUSLIM immigration brings out Britain from the European Union
Our first Canadians ministers tell us with their ears plugged, do not listen citizens, they do not want Muslim immigrants in Canada and the provinces.

The Brexit, in Britain,was won because and only because, immigration. In France,the National Front, which may be elected for president in 2017, made ​​immigration his hobbyhorse. Even in the United States,a country shaped by immigration, the popularity largely on his inflexible discourse on the subject.  Donald Trump will be the new president of the United States Because of Muslim immigrants, Islamic, moderate, extremist, or not. our Canadian and Quebec politicians do not recognize what is happening in other civilized countries.
the Muslim immigration will save Marine Le Pen in France
Our geographical position protects us from such Islamic invasion, but our status as a small nation weakened we impose immigration policies and performance integration, perfectly suited to our
needs.immigration is not a right. It is a privilege to come to our soil.
Quebecers want a non rigged debate by politicians and political parties, lobbyists Muslims, women's federations and associations, leftist intellectuals, Radio-Canada and La Presse know what Quebecers want an open honest referendum citizens born in Quebec only and not for new migrants.
We do not want the Jean Chrétien and thieves English Canada come misrepresent and pervert the votes in their profits multiculturalism in Trudeau, the forfeiture of the individual, the selfie. Not to provoke racist, these new immigrants who want to integrate us, to our society.

The precious ridiculous
Must hear the defenders of the status quo ridicule his test values. However, since 2008,Germany requires citizenship applicants to follow an integration course after which they must pass an examination. In Holland,model of tolerance and openness, all immigrants must learn Dutch and pass an integration exam, which costs 230 euros, three years after their arrival. They are asked, for example, how they would react to the sight of two men kissing in the street. Australia certainly a communist and Islamic countries, all migrants are forced to learn English and to comply with Australian customs. Are Australians are Nazis, gentlemen Trudeau, Couillard, ladies David Bacon, Stéphane Dion, and companies
The Burkini and party ostriches, forfeiture of the Canadian people and banned in Muslim countries
at least, they recognize a sexual apartheid anti-Western symbol to condemn vigorously. Women are not as reusable waste, as our imams and politicians who do not condemn them in public.
Blindness political
But as usual, the party ostriches explains that we do not understand. Burkini is an integral part of the Islamic crusade in the West, it is a religious symbol and not an ordinary garment clear.

Political and cultural significance of Burkini is yet  This is a symbol of radical Islam. I hope you dear feminists and intellectuals male or female soyer raped gracefully fully with your visions shortages Islamic destructive course that all our streets. I hope our justice let you down because you asked and you got it, ladies and gentlemen.
Whether she realizes it or not, it transforms the wearer into the itinerant militant ensuring everywhere promoting . Islamism
it is part of a global perspective: the burqa and niqab, through the burkini and incessant demands for reasonable accommodation, it is to make visible and irreversible the most rigorous version of Islam in the heart of the city.
radical Islam wants to impose to us with its terms. It wants to impose its conception of religion. He wants to impose his morals and not fit ours. We endorse the Muslim fundamentalist evil.
That sounds like Rachel Notley,another asshole, Premier of Alberta, to wish a happy end of Ramadan Muslims to his province, had concealed herself in a video posted on social media. As Kathleen Wynne,Premier of Ontario going to the residence of Zunera Ishaq a terrorist al-Qaida. Ira in Mississauga, Ontario, and she also was veiled for the occasion and welcomed by Jody Raybould,our minister of justice at the federal.  

That's how our first departments prostitutes before radical Islam, the new terrorists, new Canadian leaders of tomorrow. All these people who sell us men or men are real criminals, our children, and that will kill our society with their populism, wanting maximum power,  

Moderate and extremist Islamism are enemies to eliminate the West

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