POPE Francis Does he understands his responsibilities "papal" of all Christians with concessions by converting to Islam, the religion of the devil on Earth.
The world leaders have very good and friendly relations with the Catholic Church which represent two billion potential voters for corrupt power that can even sell their mothers and fathers and children for a ballot. Elections, our politicians love joys qu'amène power, their status planetary including forgiveness of all their evils which they can imagine!
After Philippe Couillard, prime minister in Québec, the Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada. At the Mecca, in Saudi Arabia and the Minister of the foreign affair and the Canadian trade, the Honourable Stéphane Dion firmly believed that Mecca was a church within the Vatican. You see, why we let in migrants and terrorists in our territories. Our ministers have no maps in their offices.
Pope Francis religious forward thinking
The Catholic hierarchy, medieval, unorthodox, extremist, has in recent years as many of our Western governments positions open on Islam , immigration and hospitality to migrants hoping that this new Muslim electorate wanting explicitly hidden and much more shocked by the Catholic gay marriage could fail as Muslim terrorists circulating in our streets.
Of the immigrants, it’s very clear, he likes, but his preferences are for Muslim immigrants. He proved it by not bringing his trip to Lesbos, Greek island very close to Turkey, Syrian Christians, yet most threatened of all but the members of two Muslim families much more economic refugees as war refugees. Pope Francis, with its large Christian heart, sends the wrong message to Islamic terrorists to countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and many others, he and Catholics approve their grunt visions of their religions.
The Pope François plays an extremely dangerous game now, I wonder if he took courses with our Federations extremist feminist associations of Quebec and leftist intellectuals to do so. For us in Quebec, we are very different from other progressive companies, we nivelons "ALWAYS" down, it is easier to achieve. We never want perfection, because it might offend, useful dunces our society. We must all be at the same level as low as possible.Quebec as a specialist on terrorist, a poor figure, and simply ask the college where Mr. Adil Charkaoui, the preferred Imam Philippe Couillard the Premier of Quebec, send our young to the Islamic jihad. Pope Francis has beware as our Prime Minister Justin Mohammed Trudeau, as his associations in the mosques portend the demise of Christianity in Canada soon to be replaced by the Koran and the Sharia.
The Dabiq magazine, mocks the pope and his naivete, ignorance of the intentions of the devil that God opened the gates of hell on earth. We believe that Pope Francis does not realize that the Antichrist has arrived and is unable to identify it. Pope Francis fight against reality when it tries to present Islam as a religion of peace, but the pope France is blind by his honesty, not to see the wickedness that religion done for centuries to Christians and Jews, and strangling one of his priests in France lately. Pope Francis jeopardizes his Catholic Church.
The Koran is death, not life
If the Pope had read the Koran, he would know that the word "love" does not appear once in the sense of "Allah like its believers "or" Allah loves humanity, "or in the sense of" love your neighbor ". Surahs (fifteen) which speaks of love reflect a negative use of the word love. This is used in the sense of loving inadequate or wrong things for Islam (life, wealth, women ...). The Islamic religion is only war, torture, malice, rape, and political power for large this religion of barbarians.
The Islamic violence, is a religious and political violence and who does not believe in the purity of being human, happiness, joy, this mortuary religion which Satan spreads us it's legal and legitimate violence, according to their customs.
No offense to the political commissars of living together, Pope Francis, as our politicians know that Muslims moderates and extremists are global dangers and not kneeling, kissing them they will change. These are criminals, a senseless religion, horrible, making the woman a perpetual slave, and that goes against all our charters and rights and freedoms, but when these instigators are Muslim, the laws do not apply.
the pope does not want the Islamic monster that will destroy Christianity
Pope Francis that Islamic violence is only temporary. We, Pope and politicians, we must stop humiliating Muslims, and we must now speak of violence and only our own Catholics. There is no denying that there are violent and murderers among Catholics, nor that there was once unacceptable violence in the name of God and of the Church. The Pope would also have to mention "Christian violence" and does not restrict only to Catholics.
We must emphasize that the mafia that its cross around her neck stabs or shoots a policeman nor a good Christian who beats his wife or the woman who in revenge for being cheated or beaten kills her husband, shouting "God is great, Jesus is his prophet. That Mohammed had sex with minors, because today he would be in jail because it would be specifically named as a pedophile.
Muslims can all crimes, and are always excused
Only Muslims, pardon Islamists kill shouting "Allahu akbar. " Mix the crime from the fact with various acts emerging from the religious war is more than a mistake, it is a mistake: the pope Francis puts the Islamist terror, it exempts from liability Islam, prohibits resistance. Can we ask if the Pope Francis is carrying out it creates a dangerous precedent by going to embrace even the Devil, Lucifer.
Pope Masonic symbols
Pope Francis introduced occasionally Masonic symbols in his gestures. However in this photo is not what it does: the little finger, the index finger and thumb apart signify love hippies codesinception.:
Pope of the problem is that of the Catholic Church since its how to reconcile a God "Almighty" with the existence of evil, religion "Islamic."
On the sixth day, God created man to "Islam" means the human male and female "and" there saw that it was very good ". Only, there was also Lucifer (Satan, Devil, Iblis for Muslims call it what you want), the fallen archangel who had wanted to take the place of God and Lucifer understood that with human could possibly be upset perfection of creation, he introduced Evil or "Islam", the seductive serpent.
Judaism and Catholicism have decided that God is Good
Islam, Allah is vindictive
Judaism and Catholicism are remained on the idea that God is good, that Lucifer is also there with evil, God wanted to eradicate the evil, with the man who had betrayed him in the episode of the flood, but the gesture of Noah decided to let the human race survive and that it is to her to fight evil with the help of God.
According to Islam, Allah is the opposite of the idea is vindictive. Allah is spiteful, which is driven by the desire for revenge, surly, grumbling, he hates the man he has created and wants to remove
Allah is only the aggressiveness, desire for revenge, the spirit of anger , jealous, vindictive word barbaric, backward, infects, causing the total decline of the human being on earth. It professes that provocations under angels appearances by staging Machiavellian contempt for other religions, other cultures and denying that men and women can grow together to accomplish their journeys on earth with joy and innocence . Islam is diametrically opposite of Judaism and Catholicism. Allah disdain for life.
Pope Francis is a threat to the Catholic Church
Pope Francis defends this new position of the Church, that is his job. But he goes further and there it gets serious in delivering on silver dishes all Catholics to the forces of evil, "Islam". In a Mass in the Vatican, he read a sermon in Latin in which he denies the Holy Trinity: God is one, like Allah, Jesus is not the son of God, but that of Lucifer, Satan Does!
God is not Allah! Allah is the enemy of God.
Where's conviction of Pope Francis that Christianity and Islam have the same god, small differences on the rest, including the Gospels and Jesus, can be resolved through dialogue , where contentment Hollande thinking that the pope will help strengthen Islam in France.
Faced with this, I consider heresy and betrayal of our civilization, or we give up, or we gets up and they fight politically.
Religions have political functions
Pope Francis has demonstrated, if it were still needed, that ALL religions are policies that include as always to establish, sustain and protect a caste which imposes "his" vision of society.
All faiths, these religious commit crimes against human beings, women and men to live by preventing the fortunately their lives on earth.
We hope that Pope Francis and our politicians stop selling us this Islamic monster for different reasons, for you all lose.
These religious, can not certify that God exists, that Satan exists, the heaven exists and the Dead Virgin exist.
Many of them are probably sincere in their beliefs, but the imams, religious in some Indian castes in some remote tribes in the bush where non-educated populations are attacked by these religious, gestures that tell them, they say, good or bad, according to the social order of the individual, because they never attack their King, their superiors, but inject their venom and their paradise their different God to subject the population to religious slavery.
the majority of these people are illiterate, are easy prey of these religions to manipulate to increase their power over individuals.
Mostly males, these bearded men, surely, without no human values, earthworms on two legs, with destroy the help IMPLIED all our politicians, left intellectuals, extremist and destructive feminine feminist terms, misogynist, inferior to males and to be happy not thwart the funds, the monies they receive as populist, they are to make their propaganda, their profits, their populism, their deadly politicking, with no discernment, not understanding or not wanting to understand the differences of a crusade led by Muslim women with their clothes encrusted religious principles versus secular clothing, mascara, or a pair of socks.
Islam like many other religions, sects hinder the evolution
Islam as the Inquisition for a brake on development, freedom and intellect! Islam has no soul and does recognize the evolution of the human being. If God really exists, he must be happy to have created human who want to know everything he built for us. God is not a fool, if it exists naturally, he wants the human being knows that he built into the world for his own glory, God wants to be worshiped by humans, according to all the books of the genesis, the Bible, and religious books of various religions.
Islam does not advocate that death and annihilation of humanity
Our politicians, all elected officials, leaders of our societies, Pope Francis, our religious should s open your eyes and check that religion "Islam" with gigantic forces to open their eyes or make them disappear from the planet. This domineering religion, conquering without any sensitive soul and thought, it is so limited that it always shakes the forces of evil through all continents.
If Muslims, honest and proud of it, they must automatically decry these extremists, these imams who propagate the death of our youth and restore all the facts of this religion to include love, woman, joy, life and throw this ancestral madness, taking verbatim what is written in the Koran, the book that professes more killings, stonings, misery, lapses that lead the way towards a certain perfection of self and other. Islam such as teaching on several continents, and Islamic countries and in Western countries, is the religion of death, the devil on earth.
The pope Francis currently playing dangerous games with the antichrist comes to his planetary appearance and Pope lose, Christianity and Judaism disappear from the planet surface.
In short, religions and religious of different religions, they are curable or incurable diseases to humans. Or should we just get rid of all these religions, these moralistic, and I would even say that in their duties, they are also populist our POLITICIANS.
What to do? The naivety of Pope Francis!
Who can we trust? As you wake up! Religions and politicians, and actors playing roles that can bring us to our total destruction or to rejoice. As you watch them because they are deadly for our societies. Unlike politicians we have, that corruption glorify, Pope Francis, is a generous, honest, sensitive, so it is the prey that Muslims, Islamists must attack with a sweetness that knows only the Devil . treachery of certain groups who court the Vatican
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