Justin Trudeau - Barack Obama - François Hollande - Angela Merkel - Theresa May - Welcome to HYPOCRITES festival and they sell us the MUSLIMS terrorists, the Koran, Sharia - Our politicians sleep with DEVILS ISLAMIC
Our political leaders, unworthy representatives Western democracies come to power, are so paralyzed by the fear of being accused of Islamophobia they do not even dare to appoint their own enemy, the enemy of democracy, radical Islamism. Our elected Westerners are enemies of our democracies.
Not Islam, the religion, but its exploitation by jihadists, even those that strike at the heart of Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and North America to undermine the foundations of democracy and to introduce sharia. Given that the Prime Minister of Canada, will pray at the mosque every Friday, and this is the only religious place where he sets foot, to make speeches against Canada and have your Islamic in next election.
Justin Trudeau vampirizes Islamic blood
Our political leaders of the free world are doing everything to avoid upsetting the petty kings of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and bow their heads at the slightest gust of sirocco. They do not have the courage to face the preachers of hate speech belching radical in their sight, for decades, on their own territories in Europe, the US and Canada. Hillary Clinton to protect Muslim and decreed to anyone who will listen that the woman must be less than the male.
They were the first to ascend the pulpit to recite their compassion rosary every terrorist strike, but they dare not not to attack on the ground, where it counts, in the ideology of violent Salafism, which wreaked havoc in the minds of young people, leaving the far right care to play on fear and insecurity people. Our politicians are treated, the worst hypocrites, who give you lessons, telling you to open the hands and accept the migrants so they can better rape you and fly.
Our "true allies"
They make us believe they fight a war without thank you to the terrorists, while they are in Syria and Iraq, a war by proxy, by outsourcing the dirty job for our "loyal allies."
they have so much they longer know how devil rely, to that of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood, of Jabhat al-Nosra themselves acting arm of al Qaeda, the Barzani Kurds (Iraq), Turkey or those of Syria. And they are the first to be surprised that these shenanigans are catching up. The yard is full. And despite the "mea culpa" of Tony Blair, our leaders of the free world learned nothing from past mistakes, as if the humiliations of the war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya had taught them nothing.
Manuel Valls , the best friend of Muslim
You crawl before Saudi Arabia and Qatar who feed them ideologically, financially and materially and pretend fight against terrorism. What plan do you have deployed for these migrants 2nd or 3rd generation, many of them still without status, you parked in community ghettos without emergency exit?
Our Prime Minister, Philippe Couillard, undeniable friend of moderate Muslims and extremists in Quebec, stating: ". We are united in our determination to defend our values of democracy, tolerance and inclusion and to fight these barbarians" and he added, we, the Government of Quebec, we give them all the accommodations they require for their future support for them to control all the political powers of Quebec and Canada.
As for the values it claims to defend, we recognize the tree by its fruits. Bill 59 on hate speech, which he imposed on parliamentarians, is currently under consideration in the National Assembly, it aims to suppress freedom of expression and prohibit Islamophobia, a claim that comes straight from Saudi Arabia who lobbied Western countries to criminalize blasphemy. As rhetoric, we can not do better.
Philippe Couillard spreads its racism and its Muslim hatred of the original Québécois
therefore is entitled to ask, how many terrorist attacks must collect and how many innocent lives must sacrifice in the West before our political leaders decide to tackle the root of evil that corrodes our democracies and endangering the safety of the world! Come on, speak petrodollars, the Wall Streets of investors are part integral of the same problem that smugglers, imams and all our crooked politicians.
Why this omerta?
Why all this silence deadly round of radical Islam? Why do our political leaders, our researchers, our intellectuals, our extremist feminists, like Françoise David, Lise Bacon, Henriette Recker, Hillary Clinton and many of our journalists, as our national network Radio-Canada television-they refuse to name the clear , analyze it objectively, to talk openly and fight effectively?
Our prime ministers, ministers or presidents, disguise themselves as Muslims or Muslim? They make us shame!
Why evacuate radical Islamism behind the screen of "radicalization" not to mention yet a real issue that threatens our living together, our social peace and security of the planet?
Nobody is fooled, which guide our leaders, it is oil and crass mercantile interests.
our politicians, investors, major financial, big banks, big families Bush, Rockefeller, Clinton, Trudeau, Cameron, Merkel, the mafia, our judges and police and others who enriched themselves on the backs of the poor, have deliberately chosen to support the most corrupt dictators and bloodthirsty at the expense of civil society struggling for democracy and who look to we as an inspiration.
When the dictatorship of Saudi Arabia with petrodollars bends democracies
in this market dupes, European leaders and north American rivals ploys to who will prostitute themselves best to win favors despots. The Golden Palm certainly come back to the President of the French Republic, François Hollande, who has granted, in secret, to the Elysee, on March 4, the Legion of Honour, a Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, interior minister, known for his thirst for fresh blood beheadings, 150 executions for the single year 2015.
once the new disemboweled, Prime Minister, Manuel Valls broke his silence, ten days later, to invoke reasons of state - in defiance of the most basic principles of the Republic and justify such an aberration by the "strategic relationship" French-Saudi (oil and arms of sales.
Canada: one of the leading sellers global arms sales
The government of Justin Trudeau is totally pro-Islamic and pro-terrorist pressing Saudi Arabia
He said the Conservatives "were elected democratically, they signed a contract and we are obliged to respect this agreement." And what are you doing for human rights? Does this not a fundamental value in our Constitution? According to Mr. Justin Trudeau killed, beheaded poor innocent Christians or Jews, it is not registered in the Charters of Rights and Freedoms of Canada.
We definitely have to remember that it does not displease his electorate and Muslim associations whose several are branches of Al Qaeda or the Islamic State in Canada that these organizations enjoy broad tax credit to promote their emancipation in the country and send their money to these barbaric countries so they can buy weapons to kill us come at us, on our own soil, Canada. As we said many times, the turnover of the money that's important Arabia.
Canada sells the arming terrorists to Saudi
Arms contract with Saudi Stéphane Dion knew what ...he signed
Although Justin Trudeau does everything to reduce the attention and importance given to military procurement of over 15 billion between Canada and the torturer regime of Saudi Arabia, backstage in Ottawa this question raises many concerns. But what's funny in this sale is when Mr. Justin Trudeau was leader of the official opposition in Ottawa, and that Mr. Harper had signed the contract with Saudi Arabia, Justin Trudeau, never ceased to decry this contract as a contract supporting terrorists and criminals. Here, he became the Prime Minister and the contract goes blank? How to look within?
You have to understand that Saudi Arabia is by far the biggest customer of the arms industry in Canada. According to the memo of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saudi Arabia is quoted in the Globe & Mail, Canada is a key partner for Canada, capital and stable ally in a region plagued by instability, terrorism and conflict .
Philippe Couillard personal friend of Saudi Arabia
Avoided mentioning how Saudi Arabia sponsors terrorism against. This is the dirty little secret of Canadian diplomacy chooses its allies based on economic needs before those more noble, human rights. Worse, to do, to sell tons of weapons to the Saudis, Canada is violating its own rules. Mr. Justin Trudeau often recites the strata of the Koran on this, that violated its own rules, when you are politicians, imams, preachers, if the purpose of pleasing Allah is allowed.
Protector of Saudi Arabia human rights excluding rights of women, the United Nations, an organization hypocritical, corrupt!
You can not strutting in New York as champions of social harmony and respect for rights person while Canada drags a heavy liability with the contract of 15 billion dollars arms sale to Saudi Arabia.
Stéphane Dion approves the contract 15 billion in April 2016 ...
by the way, Mrs. Houda text -Pépin was written in March 2016. Two weeks later, the Globe & Mail seriously embarrassed the Trudeau government and especially the Foreign Minister Stéphane Dion in reporting, with supporting evidence, that contrary to the claims of Justin Trudeau - who knew mentir-, the contract was not concluded with "the former Conservative government" but, in the utmost discretion, Stéphane Dion on April 8, 2016.
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
"I approve "signed by Stéphane Dion, April 8, 2016.
European Union continues to sell arms to dictatorships that fund terrorists kill Europeans
France the European champion of arms sales to Saudi Arabia
According to an article in the journal German Der Spiegel, the European Union is the largest exporter of arms to Saudi Arabia. All members of the Union, France ranks first with exports of € 2.1686 billion in 2010. In second place, far behind comes Italy with 435.3 million euros, beating the Britain with 328.8 million euros in
exports.Source: Der Spiegel
by arming the Saudi kingdom, EU member violate EU rules on export controls, said Der Spiegel citing the section of the regulation on non-proliferation and disarmament entitled export controls for security
purposes,however, some of the weapons that the EU countries have sold to Saudi Arabia were ultimately found in the hands of SYRIAN aND LIBYAN rebels, contributing significantly to international aggression and regional instability, "especially Saudi Arabia and Qatar have contributed to the development of the events in Syria and Libya by providing weapons, financial support, clandestine fighters, and a strong diplomatic support to the so-called "transition advice."
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