Islam and religions are they incurable diseases or controllable
Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Pope Francis -Angela Merkel - Elizabeth May - Francois Hollande - Hillary Clinton - Donald Trump - Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz - Imam Al-Azhar -Other
The Islamic new weapon of mass destruction is now the "burkini"
We all know that these Islamic extremists cowards use more often sent women in the audience to create diversions as the Niqab, Hijab, and now the "burkini". These bearded men without brain that inhabit them, have only a few ideas, or fornicate eight to ten times a day to settle the country the most of Muslims, and they are ready to do it. Or to be taught and sent young men, uneducated, hungry for adventure and above all discipline because discipline in the West no longer exists, these young people are in search of the father who will lead it.
Only one problem is that Islam is a religion mortuary, not a religion of love and life. It does not recognize the lives of men but only the afterlife. How can we a second thought, that this religion dating back centuries and its barbaric disciples continue to argue that death is larger than life, and millions of people believe, they will never integrate our values.
Philippe Couillard dreams of Quebecers racism and purity extremists
I wonder for that reason have let us come here, and since they make rain or shine with our politicians that we sink in the throat principles to their ridiculous decadence of the human being. Everywhere, inside and outside government systems, any person who record the radicalization of this religion have the courage to tell it like it should be said, "to talk about the presence of radicalization agents Quebec in our educational institutions, colleges, universities and all private and public levels of our society. Some Muslims and Islamists are terrorists committed within Canada to destroy us, for them, the extermination of the West is paramount.
Why are we protecting criminals of this religion? I thought that in Canada a criminal Catholic, or Jew, or Tamil were to follow the same laws and principles but not Muslims they are superior to us, they can shit on us, and we must accept it as judges tell us, the Charters of Rights and Freedoms, hackneyed of all conceivable ways, by representatives of justice by denying and against the values of Canadian-born citizens. Pierre Elliott Trudeau, was and is today the greatest destroyer of the Canadian identity of all time, and all our ministers and prime ministers do not dare to subtract the Charters of the Canadian Constitution.
Our politicians, "our First Ministers "have created the apartheid in Canada and elsewhere in your countries
This report puppet, biased, marked by the footprints of the Prime Minister that we have, and moreover racist, anti-Quebec and pro-Muslim, not even once mentioned racism on the part of Muslims and Islam towards other religions and consequently in a 84-page text, the word "integration" is absent. The Premier of Quebec, Mr. Philippe Saudi Arabia Couillard, we slap daily on media whisking us as being the most intolerant people vis-à-vis world friends, employees, Islamists, whom he constantly concessions to please them by destroying all our Western culture.
our governments and rulers does not want their integrations, and these fundamentalists who will sit soon on the seats in our National Assemblies and throw you to the like a dirty garbage junk, employees, collaborators with the Nazis as the reign of Adolph Hitler.
Muslims, three religions religious dimensions
Our governments know well that the Muslims or Islamists, no matter how you called, normal, mediums or extremists, for hundreds of years they are NEVER INTEGRATED WITH ANY OTHER CULTURE. And it's written word for word in the Koran not to integrate and forcing all other religions, who are infidels to convert or eliminatethem.It only takes a schoolboy to understand this, Mr. Philippe Couillard Arabia.
Our prime ministers, ministers, presidents, parliamentarians, dignitaries of various spheres of government and attend meetings alongside these extremists to implement the Qur'an and Sharia in Quebec and in Canada and in all Western countries as does François Hollande, Manual Valls, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Kathleen Wynne, Stéphane Dion, and mayors as Denis Coderre Henriette Recker, Mayor of Cologne, John Tory mayor of Toronto, and thousands more in all key sectors of our free societies now.
all these people, these politicians, these demagogues of the left intellectuals, extremist feminist, leftist associations, are guilty of populism and murderers of young individuals and not doing the duty they were elected to protect the entire population DEMOCRATIC against "THe Invasions AND CROISADES ISLAMIC '.
Our intellectuals do not want not that you know the truth
Why do you hide intellectuals and Muslim feminists who openly decry the media and on the internet everyday crimes, abuse these criminals, these leftists imams their make to their families and relatives. Why, you, who manage the lives of Westerners never show their crimes?
Electoral prostitutes
I would say that this is not a joke, look on the Internet our mayors in cities with append these extremists and without discomfort so all sectors of society are invaded, and our youth are radicalized with the consent of our politicians and our rights of States that promote so deadly against the innocent.
Kathleen Weil, Minister of immigration of Quebec, FEMINIST, means the loss of the Quebec woman and applaud Muslim extremists
as long as YOU, Kathleen Weil, let them wear Islamic headscarves, and Muslim gibberish, they will never integrate with our customs.
they are here for us eliminate and you encourage them to do so by dialing and approving laws anti freedom, anti Western, refusing all our values, to censor any controversy to promote islamophobia yOU have created from scratch with your dear friends Adil Charkaoui and others imams you meet surreptitiously to fundraisers for the Liberal party and at the same time you sell these terrorists in full power with all your plots for the destruction of Quebec and Canada with Justin Mohammed Trudeau you started in style since his election in Ottawa.
The multiculturalism of Pierre Elliott Trudeau destroy Canada as in other countries, your identity, your values
You threw Harper out, the only one who wanted to control these terrorists arrived by pocheter through all the meshes of the Canadian immigration and you'll pay top dollar.
Canada will be Muslim, the Koran is the only known book, Sharia law will, and Justin Trudeau will be photographed in the media. He is the son of the father. This is definitely not a compliment.
They are on our land, receive our services, they are unhappy, miserable, and our governments do nothing to discern the evil Islamists. The bad Muslim associations, mosques bad, bad terrorist recruiters, bad helpfull Islamic societies support that Islamic State and Al Qaeda from our country and receiving tax credits like all other charitable organizations, but being financed by us all terrorists, our leaders are gaping mouths do not move, a Muslim equals one electoral vote.
How do you want a second that I can differentiate between a good and a bad Muslim? I'm not in the presence of gasoline wells with regular gasoline, unleaded, super, extra, I can choose whether the Muslim is good or bad, it is for him to "PROVE" and not to I "OF THE FIND". Where is he hiding the good?
Our politicians are whores?
So we must say that our governments are cowards of the worst kind. Our country is attacked, not by another country because we can fight against any country, but by medieval religion that has never changed over the centuries. It is much more difficult to fight against preconceived ideas, babies brainwashing since their births than go fight against an army of soldiers to another country.
Pope Francis
It is also necessary to add that the Pope Francis,his greatness will even kiss their feet and kneel before them. Pope Francis should realize that these Islamist Extremists These are not religious like other religious in other religions, they are CRIMINALS, send the Devil on earth to take the jargon of the Church. These people are out of control and do not want negotiations, and Pope Francis,with all humility, is currently a big thorn in the skin of the Catholic Church which leads to its total destruction. God does not argue with the devil or evil, God is and will always be at war with evil.
We disgust each with our cultures.
Muslims both in Quebec and in Canada, where the West will never be happy living with our open societies where individuals can decide their actions.
the moderate and extremist Islamists love dictatorships, they can not develop or be democrats, freedoms are prohibited. They can not care for themselves, deciding what to do every day in their religion, brainwashing received since birth, the Koran and Sharia, have given their all process stages of their life , the simplest base as his natural needs go to the toilet to the decapitation of his neighbor.
This people, like many people in some authoritarian regimes rife dictators armed with strong manipulative and corrupt policies dictated everything , journalierment the populace.
See what happens in these Islamic countries, senior executives and they are all Muslim clerics, imams, are the most corrupt characters in this world and they never say no to wealth and largesse West.
The conquerors supported by our politicians
No person shall leave the Muslim religion because it will be dead. You are a Muslim and you die a Muslim. A Muslim should not mind, it is like a robot that the Qur'an was scheduled for his life and his death. A Muslim can not and will never be integrated in society or it will destroy us. That's what he does have, the invasion of Europe and America and started afterwards there will be the destruction of the Christian and Jewish religions.
Muslims and moderate and extremist Islamists do not want we point to the line. If living together (a hollow expression which removes any notion of shared values) is threatened by radicalization, I can not accept that ethnic Quebecers are stigmatized as being responsible for this social fracture due to behavior or racist attitudes among some. The first to be blamed is the Premier of Quebec, Mr. Philippe Couillard, who spread all kinds of falsehoods, calumnies on the origins Quebecers and Quebecers anti-racism is there for many.
Their racist demands from them of accommodation
But it must be said, too, terrorists are Islamists, some even working within the governmental power, our politicians, prime ministers and ministers populist in our National Assemblies.
May the good Islamist rises, goes walked in our streets and defend our Western values, after I'd start to believe in themselves, but not before. This is not always mine, defending the good and bad Muslims, they are the ones to defend the good imams, in the media, in mosques, to deliver the bad Muslims, Islamists in the RCMP, after I begin can be to trust them.
The problem is to always mention the good Muslim, Islamist good, ever, in any other religion, we have to make these distinctions, why?
They are on our land, receive our services, but they do nothing to discern the evil Islamists. The bad Muslim associations, bad mosques, bad recruiters of terrorists, they are gaping mouths.
But the fundamentalists as those who took the spiritual renewal of local control The Source COLLEGE de Maisonneuve, zero point radicalization within the school, watching Western society, that is to say, with disdain close to hatred.
the Qur'an teaches hatred by the King of Morocco
Far from encouraging living together, they preach a full Islam that leads to self exclusion from society, parade their moral superiority and cry Islamophobia at every critical of Islamism.
If radicalization agents do not necessarily encourage young people to engage in jihad they create the winning conditions for the purchase of a way to Syria. Or the transition to the violence at home.
Misfortune Agents
dint of being told by charismatic preachers Allah does not like democracy, women will never be the equal of man, the Kuffar (non -musulmans) are inferior beings, Jews monkeys and stupid racist Quebec, a young ill at ease that receives no encouragement to integrate from its natural environment will eventually believe it does there is no place for him in Quebec.
While this is wrong. We can not put in the same birds and cats. Our governments create racist and Islamic terrorists in our society Philippe of Arabia Couillard .
You are much more dangerous for living together all Pineault-Caron of Quebec together in the same "étobus."
They take us for idiots we are, and we should not pay for this report
Are the religions incurable diseases
Premier of Quebec is he sick-.?
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