mardi 29 novembre 2016

Philippe Couillard - Françoise David - Jean-François Lysée - François Legault - The Chador - decadence of the human

Philippe Couillard - Françoise David - Jean-François Lysée - François Legault - The Chador - decadence of the human
Cities to Saint-Laurent - Cartierville - Ahuntsic - Verdun
On Côte-des-Neiges at Rockland Centre, Carrefour Laval, in hospital Sacred Heart, there are women in chadors. The streets Grenet near Gouin, in Ville Saint-Laurent, appointed Lebanese city, there is infestation of chadors, bags of black garbage two-legged walk briskly on Marcel Laurin streets Boulevard Côte-Vertu Blvd. Décarie the views of police, youth, children, to see these martyrs of Allah by barbarians protected by laws and betrayals premiers Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, and the first province in Canada.
Verdun, in Montréal
The Quebec Trudeau today in Ville St-Laurent
The great multiculturalism Justin Trudeau, in Ville Saint-Laurent, as Cartierville, Ahuntsic, if you want a job, dear unilingual francophone Quebecers compatriots, forget it, "forget it "!
The common spoken language, by default it is the french, the main language is Arabic, by after English and some speak french. In several stores, grocery stores or other places we only speak Arabic and English. No one can tell me otherwise, because I live here for 35 years, unless you speak Arabic you will even have difficulties to have a job with English and French even in supermarkets
A new Don McPherson Gazette said with his wickedness that he is well known to him and his bias for the Liberal party will never admit the truth Quebec Whereas hate all francophones and he will do whatever is in his diabolical power to deny the existence of the niqab in Quebec. If Mr. Don McPherson is honest, he just spend hours in these neighborhoods and take photos and afterwards reported the truth about Québécophobe newspaper lysed.
Ville Saint-Laurent
A Jean-François  A country seeking the definition of identity, must -it be stupid even to ask this question if you are a people!
So futile because no carries in Quebec is so blind as Gérard Bouchard and Charles Taylor, two excellent liberal active members who had affiliations inclinations with Jews and other religious groups were in no impartial. These people, and the government commission were biased in advance. How can you, when the media, the newspapers, we say these horns, their verbs, their results are pre written even before the public hearings.
When these two clowns say that nobody in Quebec bears the Burkini the chador, the veil, they endorse the religious apartheid and between public non-Muslim Quebecers, as they tell us that we are lower and they require conditions above ground because they discriminate the existing majority.
The Prime Minister of Quebec, Salafist, Islamophile, Wahhabi, always start to their rescue to denigrate the entire Quebec Christian his past, his ancestors with arrogance, a betrayal, grotesque  a genius inexplicably mentally corrupted by his time in of democracy Saudi Arabia to Aramco, the ghetto of petrodollars from Saudi king and launderers from investing in tax havens.
Quebecers Islamic degrading Photos
Philippe Couillard Act 62 chador, burqa, niqab, the burkini on the workplace but signs Christians will be banned and the caps
So doing, the Premier of Quebec, the Honourable Salafi, Philippe Couillard  Wahhabi dolphin, reveals his true face, that of a Saudi pro autocrat, not knowing if he receives for his acres services in Canada of this majestic land of the free by the blood and swords and do not hesitate to drive a hideous draft law in the throat of its own members and its candidates in the elections of 5 December. It is a betrayal of everything the Quebec Liberal Party has done for the advancement of women in Quebec, since the right to vote and stand for women in 1940.
Grenet St. close to Gouin St.
Philippe Couillard, the Islamic turncoat
For rolling Couillard, is it Quebecers, Christian, or a real moron, extremist Muslim terrorist wanting to gather votes without distinction of culture and atrocity for all around Quebec. By entry Saudi Arabia full foot in Canada, the destruction entire of democracy is triggered by these religious barbarians without any humanity. Their god Allah, their imams are the son of devils incarnate you, Philippe Couillard made your shame Liberal predecessors, like Justin Trudeau, with his selfie!
The government of Philippe Couillard is preparing soon to legislate on the implementation Islamic courts, Sharia Salafist submitting the employees of the State to ostracism of the chador and burqa, the niqab.
Does the government Couillard have the audacity to ask the Minister of justice of Canada his superior, a woman, a Muslim friend of Zunera Ishaq Mississauga, Ontario, near the mosque that Justin Trudeau regularly attends Friday if he would allow the Islamic manufacturing husband to include in the Canadian laws allowed murder honors by males towards their wives and daughters. We believe that the Honourable Premier of Quebec, would be an honest to these fellow Muslims by giving them the ultimate right to death if the female refuses her husband no matter what time day or night to him.

For rolling Philippe Couillard when he ignores the oppression of women by Salafist preachers from here and elsewhere, forcing them to bury themselves under the chadors and burqas? How can it trivialize these symbols of enslavement of women as to involve them in a matter of individual freedom and even gender equality?
The Chador in Montreal funded by Montrealers in July 2016
Thus, the City of Montreal paid $ 10,850 to an Islamic association for a summer camp last summer, where elderly Syrian children 5 to 14 years have been brainwashed by Islamists from the Muslim Brotherhood movement. The children, a high proportion do not speak French, have therefore received instruction in their new countries of the mouths of their monitors, including women in chadors.
While we were in Quebec finance a prevention organization dedicated to the issue radicalization, barely taking children out of early childhood for the "teaching", that is to say, the guard against the immorality of Islamophobic society in which they landed.
Camp Simbad, Muslim Brotherhood, terrorist
Montrealers, where are your taxes ?
This summer camp called Sindbad, was organized by the Laurentian Community Centre, which is affiliated with the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC). According to experts consulted by The Journal, the MAC is the most official of the Canadian Muslim Brotherhood antenna
The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) has come under the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization whose Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau and several ministers are members of all possible ways and the Liberal party of Quebec. Hassan al-Banna was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Founded in Egypt in 1928 following the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate, the Brotherhood seeks to restore the Caliphate lost, or an Islamic state governed by totalitarian sharia and anti-democratic.
The Brotherhood is present in Canada, Quebec, Montreal, city St. Lawrence County Stéphane Dion. The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) explicitly notes this Islamist organization, terrorist. 

The Muslim Brotherhood and the liberal party
The Muslim Brotherhood, say the experts, fighting for an Islamist single party for the censorship of music and literature and banning single women from attending one man, alone.
These young refugees fled Syria to escape the hands of Islamists and they arrive in Canada, where integration is entrusted to a camp run by an association that does not hide his affinity with the Muslim Brotherhood, "Ms. raises Ait Kabboura.
The Sindbad camp wrote on his website follow Islamic education, that is to say, which is based on the Quran and explicit links with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Government of Quebec and the city of Montreal will not even shed light on these activities pro terrorists on these young children.

Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau betrayed our people
Our Western elected have become rotten,
Dangerous, unhealthy, get rid in the next election
They have ejection seats, droppable religions

And Goings to the land of Satan !

lundi 28 novembre 2016

Revolted against the people's - Sold are Our Politicians - Our Intellectuals - Our Feminists - Our Laws - Our Judges - Western peoples have not yet suffered enough

Revolted against the people's - Sold are Our Politicians - Our Intellectuals - Our Feminists - Our Laws - Our Judges - Western peoples have not yet suffered enough
when the US coughing, Canada catches a cold, Justin Trudeau take its folleries dégueulassent assaulting the assimilation of Muslim Canadians imported by them pocheter to destroy the identity of Canada to make an Islamic state under the control of Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood, and with Donald Trump, a real American at the request also of Canada, the world trembles and suffers a concussion.

The Canadian and Quebec political class was awakened by the nonverbal Donald Trump of the annihilation of all our values to a minority with their crusade is to conquer the world and America with petrodollars. Certainly Donald Trump, and multiple companies, and his family shenanigans with Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the Islamic countries as do other elected officials of other governments of this world, it is as rotten as the other presidents, prime ministers.  
But may be, will he DONALD TRUMP, a little sympathy for the people because it is the "LAST CHANCE tHAT CURRENTLY iS GIVEN tO ELECTED OFFICIALS oF ALL tHE WORLD tO CHANGE THEIR POLICIES masturbation, MIGRATION, petrodollars , populist, narcissistic, POWER, MONEY, treachery, SOLD IN Salafists TO SAUDI ARABIA AND Islam like other Western politicians "? No one knows! But if Donald Trump fails in this endeavor he said more than honest,which I doubt, because politicians always talk fourths sides of the mouth, lies are there parties diplomatic parodies to lull our Islamic murderers the terrorists paid by Ryad we sell arms to come and murder us.

Career politicians on unemployment and go to popular soup
The victory of the people against the "elites" formula rather simplistic which mainly refers to career politicians in Washington and the liberal media. Donald Trump is a multimillionaire who traveled in his own plane and made his fortune in real estate, we can not say it's a "guy of the people", all the same.
The rich Americans, which can be classified also in the "elite", voted overwhelmingly Trump, especially because he has promised tax cuts. Donald Trump, any good investor, an investor, sometimes with bankruptcy, but we must certainly say he is not a career politician, he knows what it is that is has managed to catch the ball , he simply pushed the concept of lies, fear and demagoguery policy to a new level. Will it good or excellent president for the American people the future will tell?

Donald Trump is that of dressing like other politicians?
Since the early days we felt more discomfort of European classical political classes , Canadian, Australian, and South Americans much more than the Soviet origins countries, Chinese, Arab, Islamic, Israeli, who say that were going to see what would happen with this new president. They do not see the devil incarnate in Donald Trump? Why? Again the world upside down, Hillary, the liar, the Islamist terrorist, the favorite of the Muslim Brotherhood, an ally of Saudi Arabia, Walls Streets, weaponry, jihadists, Allied corrupt elites Wests and Democrats rejected by democratic countries.
The non-democratic countries, most share a bit more corrupt than democratic countries, because democratic countries more subtly hide their corruption and corrupt, Mr. Philippe Couillard because it cuts their head, of which there are at confusing you. What are the real reasons that France, Britain, Germany, Canada, Australia, and several other Western countries afraid as Donald Trump?
Economically I can understand some countries, such as China, which has greatly benefited US companies relocated to China, and even Donald Trump's companies. But the internal point of view, the American view, which was a great nation, and what has become a truly banana republic as well said Vladimir Putin.

She is so in debt that the United States will never succeed to repay in their national debts. Their air and naval forces are higher than most countries, but for how many years yet. It was the land of freedom, but it is not, it is freedom only money. The emerging countries are gaining more and more ground, Russia, China and India will become the new rulers of the planet, and the United States will be at their feet.
George W. Bush was the first American to create this gloom to create the Islamic state, to create the jihadists we are currently experiencing, it is actually a war criminal at the same point as Adolf Hitler or Saddam Hussein. We all know that the Iraq war was fabricated by the United States George W. Bush and Donald Trump was opposed. George W. Bush was a friend of the families who blew up the Twin Towers in New York Saudi Arabia, the only ones that have had permission to take off during the September 11 attacks when US airspace was closed. The authorization came from the PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH.
Our politicians, careerists manipulate us like puppets
The upstart politician change his mind as the wind rose, according to what the media will announce during the day. If an event can satisfy the maximum number of citizens, potential voters, he will throw on the new without knowing a single segment and comment on in great length on the subject.

The politician sees in the media, this week is the week Syrians migrants, which he will speak of migrants by after aboriginal this week indigenous migrants and the Syrians will be forgotten, the week after week Paraplegic but in time, women want their places, and Muslims, come on the air, and the rabbis want to synagogues in shopping centers and therefore politicians are confused. How breast where to go, where to sell themselves, as soon as possible?
What I think Mr. Donald Trump, was may be very good intentions at first, but like any good politician, and people of his party wanting to fill pockets for the next years in power with the finance sharks, petrodollars of this world, it will be and will become the same level as the other politicians of this world, he will have worked for himself, his family, his relatives, his party policy, and if he has some under, the American people will enjoy it.

When you are at these administrations positions, you will never worry about the small people, the people never gets out of your priorities, it is the least of your worries, nothing at all, the people, the little people, the taxpayers, the idiots who pay their taxes and their taxes, a hundred percent, and without any deduction, are the flow of blood that flooded his veins government, monetary of the States which suck you down to the last cents poor people to enrich politicians, criminals, lousy as you keep your government to pass bills us your bad governments.
More than that exchange plus it's the same

Politic is dishonest and politician are happy

Philippe Couillard - Dolphin of Saudi Arabia, perverse, Machiavellian, unfair to the origins Quebec and pro-Muslim

Philippe Couillard - Dolphin of Saudi Arabia, perverse, Machiavellian, unfair to the origins Quebec and pro-Muslim
Philippe Couillard, its strong commitment to Saudi Arabia, a monarchy blithely flouting human rights, a regime that sharia law to the letter, where women are less than nothing and where homosexuality condemned to the gallows, blasphemy cut your limbs, a barbarian countries where sharia is applied to the letter .
Gate to Aramco
Philippe Couillard will work for Aramco company, largest oil company in the world. This company whose facilities are in Darhan the territory, Saudi Arabia, this ultra conservative and barbaric monarchy. This small plot of land, this ghetto, opulent, is right inside this wonderful country where sharia is applied to all citizens except for this small parcel of land owned by the company.
The freedoms banned by the royal family in the rest of the country are hypocritically allowed the Americans, Canadians, French, English, Germans, all Westerners, and other profiteers of all kinds who get rich from oil, and that, because " they are applied behind barricades, well out of sight of the little people who, he is beaten up by the Saudi police if he does not respect the violent sharia.
The rich sheikhs,imams, preachers, rapists, members main royal rulers are not subject to the same rules as the little people. Sharia law applies to everyone everywhere except in the enclosure barricaded Aramco, it is true and friends of royalty including Philippe Couillard and Arthur Porter, the Bush family in the world including the National Guard of Saudi Arabia has the mandate to protect the country's oil and the Aramco company for which Philippe Couillard worked in the 1990s These are foreigners living like pashas behind the ramparts of Aramco.
Children go to school Aramco
The permissions come from the king of Saudi Arabia where no imam dare not ban against decisions of royalty and imams, preachers, these religious barbarians mistreat and tear to the maximum with the miseries of the Saudi people and ignored by Philippe Couillard Arthur Porter and sleeping under the covers King and corruption it will be important later in Quebec with the Koran, sharia, and the principles of Allah, the suppression of our democracies, secularism, our Christian values,
In 2014, the Canadian company General Dynamics, Ontario, under the Harper government, signed a contract worth about $ 10 billion with Saudi Arabia. This contract was contrary to Canadian standards of safety devices for countries not respecting the Rights of Men and Women, gentlemen, Stephen Harper, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau and Stéphane Dion.
We must add that the United States, France, England, Germany, too, have all come against against their own laws and rules for selling weapons to this country of barbarians, the bearded, the bloodthirsty criminals, the devils, but with diplomacy, a delicacy that our Western leaders have named the head of Human rights and Women in the United Nations, the country behead the more people around the world who blew up the twin towers in New York on September 11, these criminals dressed white, stained with bloods of Allah.
Aramco Soccer
Never forget that when the airspace of the United States was closed to flights of all aircraft flying over the country, the country of George W. Bush, only aircraft with Sheikh of Saudi Arabia, endorsed by the President of the United States of America had permission to take off and fly to their countries. We learned several years later that it was these same Cheick, the same country, the same barbarians who blew up the twin towers with the approval of George W. Bush, President of the United States of America. How can we trust these presidents, prime ministers, who are lying without stops for their personal benefits Mr. Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau.
A totalitarian regime  trampling human rights in everyday life, where corporal punishment is practiced, there is ample evidence that civilians are directly threatened by such weapons Philippe Couillard, the Premier of Quebec, wants so protect immigrants in the province of Quebec that creates their laws to meet the expense of the population, unreasonable accommodation, violates the rules of Laïcités and its own rules of his own political party, the Liberal party of Quebec for many decades.  
Employe's house
Philippe Couillard, since his return to American soil, he is obsessed with the Koran, sharia, the Muslim, secularism, the Islamic veil, the niqab, the burka, hijab, everything is desert and sandy . I wonder when he was in Saudi Arabia, if they have circumcised his brain and remove several shingles in his skull as any to Prime Minister Mohamed Justin Trudeau.
The Islamic religion, this corner of the world, these bad Muslims, these Salafists, Wahhabis, Sunnis, these devils, these demons who torture their own people, the barbarians, bloodthirsty these imams, without any human morality in the name of Allah, a murderous god, vindictive, devastating, that our politicians sell us all to this stinking dictatorship we have several imams in Quebec and Canada who make the laws to their own species under the eyes of our governments that aplaventrismes to collect maximum votes in the next election by not caring result of these aplaventrismes result in our democracies. Knowing that the politician manages day by day, he cares little about the people, the taxpayers, he thinks of his own pocket.
Elastic Morality
The Philippe Couillard and Arthur Porter and thousands of other people in this world are people, beings with no morality, no name to be at the service of such a dictatorship. A dictatorship that kills its opponents. Who decapitated in public, dancing, combing the blood of Christian and Jewish victims of genocide of Christians in the Middle East, the pope Francis did not dare to speak, for fear of offending Islam.
Pope François is very bad road, approaching the devil, the evil of Saudi Arabia, these false Muslims. Pope Francis should negotiate with the king of Morocco to get rid of the king of Saudi Arabia, and preserve Christians and stop washing twisted feet of these Muslims in full media. It is reneging Jesus Christ in the square, public and it is a great pope, but when he speaks of Muslim, Islam, it falls on the head.
Aramco Street
Who whips women to punish rape that 'they have suffered. Some point, we must call things by their real name. A guy who was enriched with dirty money, placed in a tax haven and more with a dictatorship cutthroat administered torturers he still refuses to condemn today is a scoundrel who should never lead a people.
Money and power have no smells in the time of Aramco,
Philippe Couillard  Saudi friend and adviser to the Minister of Health, helped create the neurology department of the oil company Aramco, Saudi Arabia.
Behind that wall, there are several, Couillard, Bush, Merkel, Cameron, Hollande, Trudeau, Obama, Clinton, Desmarais, Putin, Assad, etc., earning a fortune by negotiating their business at the expense their flexible consciences. The rampart Aramco brings together hundreds of luxurious villas, hospitals, American schools, mixed pools. Sharia does not exist inside the walls and imams if they penetrate to offer the joys of West's like real pigs they are away from their Koran, Allah is Great!
At Aramco, one sell and consume alcohol and pork, which is forbidden in the kingdom. He who drinks alcohol in Saudi Arabia, Aramco off, imprisoned or whipped in the public square. At Aramco, women drive their cars, enjoy life, like their husbands, are celebrating, are happy, then that Saudi women are not allowed to drive a bike, are slaves of their religion, their spouses , bitches that bring children into the world to satisfy the sex of their husbands only. A life of hell on earth for these women, and Philippe Couillard wants this religion or that of Quebec.
Aremco's employe
Behind this wall, the Americans are the shorts, bathing in a bikini and go out alone, there are sections for nudists while on the other side of the walls, Saudi women are beaten by the religious police, armed to the teeth, if they do not wear the veil. As said so well, our Minister of rags Stéphanie Vallée embellishes the Burqa women and makes it inferior to man which makes him divine grace of Allah on earth.
Saudi women can not go out alone, they walk behind their husbands about five meters and only when they are not menstruating. So they can not have bank accounts because they are too stupid to know how to manage money. This country really protects equality between men and women and Françoise David, President of Québec Solidaire, encourages all feminists Quebec to become veiled as the Saudi and stay home and they close their mouths and be submitted.
The feminist Justin Trudeau during his visits in mosques with his wife speaks very well of gender equality, the rights and the other. I can not know if the other sex that Mr. Justin Trudeau, think the other sex is female.
 Saudi Arabia freedom
There are so many problems with this man to circumscribe the majestic verb, selfie, with minorities of all ilk, gay, transgender, lesbians, transsexual, unisexual, multi sexual, Toilet, Muslims, first nations, excluding Francophone Quebecers and Christians you hate above all. Mr. Justin Trudeau, perch his wife, the second roost like chickens in the henhouse, from the top, with veiled women, away, the eyes of other men because he does not trust her and her honesty with him.  
Mr. Justin Trudeau meets all Islamic teachings, the Koran, sharia, petrodollars, the day of sacrifice when sacrifice the lamb and he returns home full of blood. It celebrates Ramadan with smile, it is multicultural.
At Aramco, the Couillard, Trudeau, Bush, Blair, this world lived and continues to live like kings and condoned the thieves which is cut hand in public, on injustice, punishment, stoning inflicted on women, crucifixions, Jewish and Christian, the slavery of girls, drafts girls, sales armaments, arms sales to Islamic State, provide money to terrorists to come kill us among us in the West, paid by Saudi Arabia to the views of our politicians.

Wahhabism, barbaric religion
As another sensitive issue in Saudi Arabia, there is the 'powerful influence of religion on politics which is called the "Wahhabism" is a strict interpretation of Islam. Philippe Couillard bathed in this atmosphere and wants to install this religion inside of Québec institutions by denying all the secular aspect.
Petrodollars from Saudi Arabia protected by US Roosevelts
Dr. Philippe Couillard in Saudi Arabia involves the construction of a neurosurgical center in the city of Dhahran, which is also the world headquarters of the company Aramco. Dr. Philippe Couillard alongside the largest investors worldwide including the most influential presidents, politicians, crossers, liars, dictators that puts us in the presence of an explosive cocktail otherwise instructive power of oil and some of its ramifications. It is an alliance between Saudi Arabia and Standard Oil of California and the USA agreement

The Quincy pact and non-intervention in Saudi Arabia
Quincy Pact was sealed in February 1945 the cruiser USS Quincy (CA-71) (in) between King Ibn Saud, founder of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and US President Franklin Roosevelt, back from the Yalta conference. The duration of this agreement was expected to last 60 years and these agreements were renewed for a similar period in 2005 by President George W. Bush
It is based on five points:

- The stability of Saudi Arabia is part the "vital interests" of the United States that provide in return the unconditional protection of the Saud family and incidentally that of the Kingdom against any external threat extension the stability of the Arabian Peninsula and regional leadership of Saudi Arabia are also part of "vital interests" of the United States return, the United guarantees most of the US energy supply, the Saudi dynasty alienating any part of its territory, the concessionary companies are merely tenants of land .

- the other points relate to the economic, commercial and Saudi-US financial partnership as well as on the US non-interference in Saudi domestic policy Arabia issues.

Philippe Couillard become Muslim imam sleeping

Suite: Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - SAUDI  CONDITIONS oF ENTRY AND EXIT -

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - SAUDI ARABIA, INPUT AND OUTPUT CONDITIONS - Total Humanitarianism

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - SAUDI ARABIA, INPUT AND OUTPUT CONDITIONS - Total Humanitarianism
Salafi, Wahhabi, terrorists, Islamists, Muslim extremists, moderates, partially moderas petrodollars, slavery, trafficking of women,criminal,delayed imams , warlike barbarians
Conditions of entry and exit to Saudi Arabia, very democratic country that Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard cite the example that Canada and Quebec

as having human rights only head omitting rights women, homosexuals, Christians, Jews, others ...
It is first important to consider the following lines before applying before going to hell in Saudi Arabia where the Islamic faith, Salafi, prehistoric is the state religion, it follows religious laws only realities that have no human laws.  
Saudi Arabia is no reasonable accommodation for Christians Philippe Couillard
inhuman laws enacted by imams, bearded, the cretins wealthy, unscrupulous dictate the population frightened their daily lives in fear in order to retain power and money. Regulations and customs are extreme for Westerners the same for all Muslims.  
Therefore, before you set foot in this religious mess, this mess of perverse Allah, take as much information and precautions before to get there, the country of Mohamed Justin Trudeau and mosques.

You should know that Saudi Arabia is not a democracy like Philippe Couillard said because his brain was impaired after five long years to Koranic drift disruptive Sharia
Tourist visas
First: Saudi Arabia does not issue tourist visas, and applies high withholding visas for private visits (then requires a "godfather" Saudi) or Philippe Couillard or Arthur Porter.
Second:the entry into the country is prohibited to persons of Jewish faith or simply without
confession.Note: the passport holders with a visa valid or invalid of Israel who had an Israeli stamp can enter Saudi Arabia or get out of Saudi Arabia.
Third:The cities of Mecca and Medina is forbidden to non-Muslims under threat of imprisonment or death. A path is created for Christians and all other religions to work around these two cities, as you all are infidels in the eyes of Allah and you deserve only death
Fourth:.The "moral crimes" such as the adultery, extramarital relations, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgender, bisexual, transsexual, transgender no toilet, are very severely punished and often on pain of death. The Honourable Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau fight for minorities, and we believe that he should not set foot in this democratic country with samples of visible minorities

Fifthly.All women are whores in the Quran - women must always be accompanied by their spouse or a bearded male relative. If this is not the case, the sponsor has to pick her up at the airport. But again, there are restrictions on the fact that a man and a woman, without family ties, travel in the same vehicle. In case of accident only if the husband can not drive, can drive the vehicle to the hospital to see her husband after by doctors and will be punished for driving the automobile.
In addition the woman has no right to go and buy the market bananas or cucumbers because she can think to the penis by buying these vegetables or fruits. Man must cut them into small pieces before putting them in the base so what can eat, Also at the table must ask her husband for permission to speak. And if she accompanied him outside to walk, she must conceal and transport the packages from her husband two meters behind her husband
For Muslims to Saudi Arabia to perform pilgrimage or contact IslamOnline .net

Business tourists, they like your money but not your person
individuals wishing to visit the territory for business issues require the entry visa at the embassy or the Saudi consulate in their country and have a sponsor, this procedure can be time consuming and must be actually justified, attention to deadlines. If you are liberal, it will be easier to have the documents.
Nobody to Saudi Arabia for employment of a large multinational company with capital in totalitarian countries, the religious dictatorship
Employer, this multinational, must confirm the competent authorities that wish to engage the alien in question on the basis of a contract, and it ensures their repatriation. The foreigner receives a residence permit "Iama" and a work card "permits limited work." This employer must redo a renewal of the residence permit "lama" every two years. All foreigners must follow the rules of the Koran and Sharia as all Muslims, no accommodation offered to them or the prison, torture, or death.
All foreigners living in the kingdom can not circulate in the country that provided they are in possession of a letter from their employer stating that he agrees. The wives of foreigners must follow the same conditions as Muslim veiled beings, subject to their husbands, not to drive the car, do not eat bananas, cucumbers, from being slaves to their families.

Foreigners can not in principle operate a trade or business for themselves, foreign companies are against encouraged by the government to make deals in "joint venture" in which they bring their expertise and their Saudi capital. The Saudis afterwards can throw them out of the territory by nationalizing their companies, industries, stealing their possessions considering that they are not Muslims
Output conditions, alive if possible
An exit visa and return is mandatory for holders residence permit, it is issued by the customs authorities. The request must be made by the "sponsor"Prescription.!
customs  Are prohibited
- Alcohol and alcohol derivatives. (Medicines, cosmetics, wine, liquor filled chocolates
- Religious Articles of any religion other than Islam Pigs...,
- All products made from  Pork skins, bacon authorized halal
- Books and printed character " . subversive "or" immoral "(to the authorities) or contradicting the Koran books, magazines and photographs are all controlled.
- Statues (statuary
prohibited.)- ammunition, military equipment, allowed terrorists.
- gambling Pokémon Go prohibited
- Drugs (many are prohibited)

-  absolute prohibition on pain of death (public beheading for marijuana, careful Justin Trudeau)
- Products from Israel (boycott) attention to Pope Francis's.
-  videocassettes and videodiscs are retained systematically by censorship. Their restitution after examination is long and sometimes painful.
Migrants in Canada and Quebec offended by our democracy
In Quebec, as in Canada, members of the Liberal party, will be to very useful to find sponsors to visit Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood have places in most towns and villages in Canada and they will be happy to teach you the Muslim avenues to visit this idyllic country.  
Some our colleges in our large cities, offer extensive courses, available to our young intern by imams international reputations, who blew up several aircraft, killing hundreds of people received scholarships from our governments to continue their activities in their mosques, and during the weekends, they work to meet with other young people and parents to counter local terrorism, racism Christians and Jews against Muslims.  

the following Monday, they teach again stratagems, processes, over 101 terrorist perfections with perfect patent for a stay of several months in Saudi Arabia through Turkey with the airline Turkish Airlines, whose rates are very affordable, that were specially negotiated for these trips with special discounts direct connection either Montreal or Toronto. On arrival in Turkey, a delegation will be at the airport with all weapons, bombs, entry visas for Saudi Arabia with the thanks of the Saudi king with his legendary smile
Humanitarian Decay
Threatened by Advanced jihadist forces weakened by oil revenues plummeting, entangled in an unwanted military intervention in Yemen, an elite that combines taste for lust and promoting rigor Wahhabi death sentences which continue apace, shrines regularly battered subject of commercial exploitation without shame, etc.

Behind the mask, the regime of Saudi Arabia revealed for what it is: decadent. The regime tries hard to keep up appearances, especially thanks to the unconditional support of Western diets (with a few exceptions, such as Sweden). We still remember the image of heads of state from around the world including Canada, France, England, Germany, the United States,which are pressed Riyadh to honor the memory of King Abdullah, disappeared on 23 January.
it remains even today the regime remains the facade, the megaphone and the great financier of Wahhabism on the Arab and international scene. The theocratic state based on an Islamic absolute monarchy controlled by the Saud family. The Wahhabi Sunni Islam is the mainstay of the social, legal and political development.
Civil society is governed by a rigorous reading of the sources of Islam imposed on subjects of the Kingdom which are thus under the supervision and control of a religious police (the "muttawas") and a "Commission for the Promotion of virtue and prevention of Vice." Wahhabism is also an "export product" (even after the attacks of 11 September 2001 in New York)unfair.

Welcome to Saudi Arabia

View more: Philippe Couillard - Short story - Dolphin Saudi Arabia, perverse, Machiavellian,  , to the origins of Quebec and pro-Muslim