Radicalization of our youth favored by the Muslim apartheid backed by our Governments,
Even more than higher governments, cities are now at the forefront in the fight against radicalism, launched mayors Labeaume and Coderre. Is it a farce, populism, electioneering a reaction of our elected officials, considering that our governments do nothing to counter the radicalization of our youth by Islam by letting full pocheter these extremists and moderate Muslims in our societies hundreds of thousands of years.
Do you think for one second, despite the prowess of these two mayors wanting to do the best they can when governments Ottawa, Justin Trudeau, who sleeps with the Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim associations who visit and pray in mosques, and the Premier of Quebec is doing everything it can to create laws to accommodate the possible Muslims in disarray Christians and Jews from the provinces of Quebec.
They created so much accommodation special and for this same community, and the majority of the Quebec population feels excluded Quebec and Muslims, that Islam is the gouvernailles directions of the government. The Premier of Quebec is transferred in reverse, he is sick, his brain does not respond, Allah conquered it.
They agreed on the blas., Blas., Blas.,
Earlier in the day, Latifa Ibn Ziaten delivered a moving message to tell the story of her son Imad. This French soldier of Moroccan origin was murdered in Toulouse, France in 2012 by the terrorist Mohamed Merah.
Radicalisation is as much on the ground than on the internet and from our peephole of Governments
The Minister of International Relations, Christine St -Pierre, liberal, and sold, felt that providers should restrict access to some hateful and radical websites. What are the reasons that our governments let these imams, preachers leave openly teach the view in our colleges, universities, mosques hate Christians, Jews, of our Western culture, on our own soil without doing nothing .
You, the politicians are hypocrites, liars, peepholes, you are solely responsible gentlemen Justin Trudeau, Pierre Elliott Trudeau with your Charter of Rights and freedoms, and Philippe Couillard who lick the feet of Muslims with its laws 62 and is unreasonable accommodation. You are criminals, radicalizers of our youth. Just blame you, sissies you are. Leeches of Saudi Arabia, Koranic vipers.
Canadian Islamic lobbies working flat feet with the Muslim brothers that they advise more in Ottawa and the provinces to expanding their tentacles across our democracies, our laws our judges, our jurisprudence.
According to the Minister Christine St-Pierre, the Liberal party of Quebec, the unwavering friend of allophones, and while mainly Islamic extremists, she does not even see the navel of their cruelty Quebecers and other communities. We all know the Liberals under bribed to the marrow of bones, but it must be so seasoned and dishonest for clean hands in this way.
This is for your faults, all of you, white-collar workers, ministers, MPs from all political parties, elected officials, school leaders, media,feminists, intellectuals, investors have left this rabble penetrated in the West and the letting to helping them in their crusade mortuary. You are, with our judges, our laws, the real criminals of our young people, their lives, their futures, their dead.
In Ottawa
The Canadian government should pass legislation to block the Justin Trudeau propaganda sites in mosques. The presence of a premier selfie, is hardly in its place in mosques and more imams, Islamic preachers are not praying to their seats in the Canadian Parliament speaker. The Prime Minister is not a teenager that the hair begins to push him to the pubis, he must become a man and stop being a whore, an inflatable and deflatable doll according to media joys. It is no longer a comedian playing to Ottawa in opposition MP in them having two or three times a year, he has to wake up, become an adult at least if he is able?
But we can definitely say the Honourable Justin Trudeau when talking about Quebec and Francophone he knows whereof he speaks, he speaks in the negative, the Quebec literally sickened as his father, he creates multiculturalism to kill the Quebec and is making it killed Canada. And Canada became a state without identity, a draw countries like Justin.
Propaganda Liberal Government of Quebec
According Sami Aoun But he does not sin by little optimism analyzing the situation of the Arab world. From the outset, he argues: "The current failure of the Arab Spring is convincing proof of the impossibility of establishing a liberal democracy! "He goes even further, stating:" It is almost impossible not to regard religion as solely responsible for the decadence of Arab culture or as the sole source of legitimization of violence against the Other.
"Deploring that the alliance of so many great powers, especially in the West, with Saudi Arabia, where reign, protected by the state, one of the worst forms of Islamic fundamentalism, Wahhabism, is put the finger on the wound. It is as if the liberal democracies, including Canada, contributed by their myopia to erase the memory of an Arab Spring which, in any case, has never been an outbreak.
Governments of Quebec and Canada endorse the radicalists, imams, preachers, self-appointed, Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza, and many others in our colleges mosques
And State Secret Radicalization by imams, Islamic preachers Muslim
I rather think we want prevent journalists too curious and specialized agencies such as tipping point to go dig into the past and affiliations of participants. It is almost impossible that such a conference is not infiltrated. It's so easy to be fooled, as evidenced by this anecdote, involving the expert-Quebec representative at the conference.
We are not talking here of Islamic hate speech, but chronic such as this, say by Islamophobic Adil Charkaoui of this world. There are two types of Islamist radicalization: the version "head-hunters" and the version"cramming.":
Is a list of reasons for the radicalization
First The return of Islam in the West
Second: what are the conditions imams entries, Islamic provocateurs, Muslim, they can profess their hatred too easily through our schools, the media, in public without our laws protect the population
Third, what are the reasons to give this group of Muslims special accommodations, and these accommodations are never granted to members of other religions, especially Christians
Fourth:.why our governments turn a blind eye when it comes to leave situation of Muslim children, halal meals, health care, school for Muslims, we must all bow to their conditions and pay do not have to adapt to our customs
Fifth: why do not they want to dress like anyone who respects , to be veiled like bandits, practice their religion, among them, and stop trying to convert everyone, if they are not happy here, why he stays with us
Sixthly:religion is incompatible with democracy, and he knew it before seeking entry to Canada, why not have asked for a visa to Yemen, an Arab and Arab and respecting their human rights
Sixth:.why our politicians, our judges our principals, our school boards, our municipal mayors, do not stand upright and do not tell them, with us you do this. When in Rome, do as the Romans. I can say to you when you are in Saudi Arabia, the country of Philippe Couillard, if you say you are Christian or you cut the head, you are better to act as is Saudi Arabia. I can tell you that this country respects its own culture, despite being barbaric
Seventh:.For thousands of years Muslims have always been the planet disorder with other religions, and they never stopped. Open your eyes, if you are not yet bought
Here in the West, our politicians, our politicians, our peephole, our whores, our sold, not I can understand that the "honorable" or called "honorary". Do you think in 2016, the majority of our politicians, at all levels, our guiding colleges, institutions, our corrupt that direct public and parastatal agencies for years deserve this title repute even death. I say, live pig, dead pig.
How to stop radicalization?
Stop politicians with their words of hypocrites and put in jail with imams, preachers, religious associations, remove the rights of all religions in the country and they follow the same regulations as other citizens and they pay taxes and taxes.
We know the ripoux imams radicalize our youth, deportation immediately and put together with the judges in the same plane to the Saudi Arabia and exit the Charter of rights and freedoms in the Canadian Constitution
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