Revolted against the people's - Sold are Our Politicians - Our Intellectuals - Our Feminists - Our Laws - Our Judges - Western peoples have not yet suffered enough
when the US coughing, Canada catches a cold, Justin Trudeau take its folleries dégueulassent assaulting the assimilation of Muslim Canadians imported by them pocheter to destroy the identity of Canada to make an Islamic state under the control of Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood, and with Donald Trump, a real American at the request also of Canada, the world trembles and suffers a concussion.
The Canadian and Quebec political class was awakened by the nonverbal Donald Trump of the annihilation of all our values to a minority with their crusade is to conquer the world and America with petrodollars. Certainly Donald Trump, and multiple companies, and his family shenanigans with Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the Islamic countries as do other elected officials of other governments of this world, it is as rotten as the other presidents, prime ministers.
But may be, will he DONALD TRUMP, a little sympathy for the people because it is the "LAST CHANCE tHAT CURRENTLY iS GIVEN tO ELECTED OFFICIALS oF ALL tHE WORLD tO CHANGE THEIR POLICIES masturbation, MIGRATION, petrodollars , populist, narcissistic, POWER, MONEY, treachery, SOLD IN Salafists TO SAUDI ARABIA AND Islam like other Western politicians "? No one knows! But if Donald Trump fails in this endeavor he said more than honest,which I doubt, because politicians always talk fourths sides of the mouth, lies are there parties diplomatic parodies to lull our Islamic murderers the terrorists paid by Ryad we sell arms to come and murder us.
Career politicians on unemployment and go to popular soup
The victory of the people against the "elites" formula rather simplistic which mainly refers to career politicians in Washington and the liberal media. Donald Trump is a multimillionaire who traveled in his own plane and made his fortune in real estate, we can not say it's a "guy of the people", all the same.
The rich Americans, which can be classified also in the "elite", voted overwhelmingly Trump, especially because he has promised tax cuts. Donald Trump, any good investor, an investor, sometimes with bankruptcy, but we must certainly say he is not a career politician, he knows what it is that is has managed to catch the ball , he simply pushed the concept of lies, fear and demagoguery policy to a new level. Will it good or excellent president for the American people the future will tell?
Donald Trump is that of dressing like other politicians?
Since the early days we felt more discomfort of European classical political classes , Canadian, Australian, and South Americans much more than the Soviet origins countries, Chinese, Arab, Islamic, Israeli, who say that were going to see what would happen with this new president. They do not see the devil incarnate in Donald Trump? Why? Again the world upside down, Hillary, the liar, the Islamist terrorist, the favorite of the Muslim Brotherhood, an ally of Saudi Arabia, Walls Streets, weaponry, jihadists, Allied corrupt elites Wests and Democrats rejected by democratic countries.
The non-democratic countries, most share a bit more corrupt than democratic countries, because democratic countries more subtly hide their corruption and corrupt, Mr. Philippe Couillard because it cuts their head, of which there are at confusing you. What are the real reasons that France, Britain, Germany, Canada, Australia, and several other Western countries afraid as Donald Trump?
Economically I can understand some countries, such as China, which has greatly benefited US companies relocated to China, and even Donald Trump's companies. But the internal point of view, the American view, which was a great nation, and what has become a truly banana republic as well said Vladimir Putin.
She is so in debt that the United States will never succeed to repay in their national debts. Their air and naval forces are higher than most countries, but for how many years yet. It was the land of freedom, but it is not, it is freedom only money. The emerging countries are gaining more and more ground, Russia, China and India will become the new rulers of the planet, and the United States will be at their feet.
George W. Bush was the first American to create this gloom to create the Islamic state, to create the jihadists we are currently experiencing, it is actually a war criminal at the same point as Adolf Hitler or Saddam Hussein. We all know that the Iraq war was fabricated by the United States George W. Bush and Donald Trump was opposed. George W. Bush was a friend of the families who blew up the Twin Towers in New York Saudi Arabia, the only ones that have had permission to take off during the September 11 attacks when US airspace was closed. The authorization came from the PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH.
Our politicians, careerists manipulate us like puppets
The upstart politician change his mind as the wind rose, according to what the media will announce during the day. If an event can satisfy the maximum number of citizens, potential voters, he will throw on the new without knowing a single segment and comment on in great length on the subject.
The politician sees in the media, this week is the week Syrians migrants, which he will speak of migrants by after aboriginal this week indigenous migrants and the Syrians will be forgotten, the week after week Paraplegic but in time, women want their places, and Muslims, come on the air, and the rabbis want to synagogues in shopping centers and therefore politicians are confused. How breast where to go, where to sell themselves, as soon as possible?
What I think Mr. Donald Trump, was may be very good intentions at first, but like any good politician, and people of his party wanting to fill pockets for the next years in power with the finance sharks, petrodollars of this world, it will be and will become the same level as the other politicians of this world, he will have worked for himself, his family, his relatives, his party policy, and if he has some under, the American people will enjoy it.
When you are at these administrations positions, you will never worry about the small people, the people never gets out of your priorities, it is the least of your worries, nothing at all, the people, the little people, the taxpayers, the idiots who pay their taxes and their taxes, a hundred percent, and without any deduction, are the flow of blood that flooded his veins government, monetary of the States which suck you down to the last cents poor people to enrich politicians, criminals, lousy as you keep your government to pass bills us your bad governments.
More than that exchange plus it's the same
Politic is dishonest and politician are happy
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