Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Kathleen Wynne, Rachel Notley, radical imams in Quebec
Hamza Chaoui, liar, radical imam, terrorist Wahhabi prodigy Saudi Arabia continues Denis Coderre, mayor of Montreal and the city of Montreal.
Hamza Chaoui has finally filed a lawsuit defamation against the City of Montreal and Mayor Denis Coderre requesting $ 500,000 in damages.
Hamza Chaoui is considered a radical cleric. He believes, among other things, that women must have a guardian and that men must wear beards. According to him, Islam and democracy are incompatible since it is possible to elect gay.
Hamza Chaoui, Allah should destroy the West by all means
Hamza Chaoui is one of the best-known radical imams Quebec. This is illustrated by its many controversial statements. Islam, he said, is incompatible with democracy because parliaments can be composed "of an unbeliever, a homosexual or atheist who asserts the existence of Allah."
Hamza Chaoui is committed to a legal battle with the City of Montreal. He continues Denis Coderre because it refused to issue a permit to community center that he planned to open in the east of the city. The former imam of the mosque of Laval University is very active in the regions and preached in cities like Joliette, Sherbrooke, Saguenay and Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, where he was invited to the mosque attended by Ahmad Roll the perpetrator of the terrorist attack that killed Warrant Patrice Vincent.
"it's the classic preacher says Marc Lebuis. He was trained in Saudi Arabia, so he teaches Wahhabi Islam. He has already, even before the emergence of the EI organization, praised the establishment of an Islamic state.
"The Sermons of Hamza Chaoui are also found dozens on YouTube.
Hamza Chaoui is also educational coordinator of a school in -line
Imam Hamza Chaoui, Sunni, educated in Saudi Arabia, totalitarian, inhuman country, says the incompatibility of Islam with democracy and the Koran and the Sharia is the only laws for the West, Canada Quebec, or death to unbelievers.
democracy is a system that is totally against Islamic principles "... it allows the presence of" a madman or a miscreant or a homo sexual or atheist 'from the governing body. We wonder what your sexuality in your thoughts?
Quran equal to git, returned in your desert with scorpions
Democracy succeeds, he writes, the desecration of the Koran, and enables women to go out half undressed or half nude, alcohol sales, the loan interest and gambling all items forbidden by sharia enacted by Allah. In Islam it is not the people who judge, rules, decides and controls etc. Moreover Islam should tell men to control his penis and not the woman to control your penis, my fool. Also, pedophilia is a crime, is not it, Mr. virtuous. Look beams you in the eye horned by the sins before seeing the sins of others.
You, imams, Muslim moralizing you are the worst that humanity can haveliars
Hamza Chaoui is a waste of democratic humanity according to Minister Kathleen Veil, and after he goes to bed with a woman to shove. What a bastard!
It's dangerous in the sense that what the vehicle is no more or less the oppression of women. This is a distortion of our values. "There are very profound challenge to convey values, but Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau accept the values of Chaoui Hamza because he does not withdraw to his country of origin because he will never be a true Canadian, it will always be a rot rot our youth to jihadists. It conveys the concepts of murderers revolts.
Also, Chaoui Hamza, his holiness, purity, angelica, the Arabian devil is also the educational coordinator of a school of sharia on line, opened at the beginning of the year, Atlas Institute, how to destroy Canada and Quebec authorized by the Québec government. I would be not surprised that it receives subsidies from Ottawa and Quebec for his works for the destruction of Canada and Quebec ministries of educations or other federal or provincial agencies. Their manipulations, their lies have no equal.
Philippe Couillard is Islamophile like Justin Trudeau
Islamophile mean person layer, which has sold us, all of us, to Islam, see definition in the dictionary, Mohammed Justin Trudeau, multicultural
If the government wants to ban Chaoui Hamza opened its center, why not investigate this school of sharia on line which he is teaching coordinator?
the Atlas Institute, a school of sharia some teachers are based in Quebec offers since the beginning of 2015 the online courses, known by the Ministry of education of Quebec.
Lotfi Larbi-Bouamrane sign with Chaoui Hamza at Atlas Institute. He is the Imam Badr Islamic Centre, in whose name is recorded the Collective independence - such an extremist group that was denounced by Lamine Foura which nevertheless does not hesitate to associate with extremist Islamist terrorists to conquer the West.
In 2013, the Collective 1ndépendance organized a conference with Nader Abou Anas (which is also a faculty member of the Atlas Institute), which particularly misogynistic comments had outraged Agnès Maltais (then Minister of Women). The spokesmen of the Collective had told him they felt "demonized" and blamed his "reactionary" position ...
Nader Abou Anas is a faculty member of the Atlas Institute, women are whores and only made for the sake of man. He said in a recent speech that his own mother was a whore from hell and his father made him an imam to Allah can dominate the world with man.
The influential radical imams and Quebec known from the governments of Canada and Quebec
The Honourable Justin Trudeau only frequents mosques
Imams preach in many forums, the audience grows and yet they remain largely unknown to the public. Radical imams enjoy many forums in Quebec and the government let them teach in our colleges and universities hatreds that the Qur'an against Christians and Jews and Western civilization. Our Western politicians are terrorists, Nazis, collaborators with the Muslim participants in the destruction of our ancestral and religious values.
Ahmed Kandil says it is justified to kill Muslims who leave Islam. This imam, little known but influential, is an important part of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), the largest owner of Islamic institutions in Quebec. Ahmed Kandil influential because he will do fundraising in other mosques and is very willing to certain political party that you know the names.
He will be invited to several Muslim religious institutions in the province. He teaches directly terrorists strategies open to our own laws without our governments make any arrests against its provocations because there is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms Trudeau enshrined in the Canadian Constitution that he uses against Canada . It is a criminal action with all the support of our elected representatives, thank you to the Honourable Justin Trudeau for his help to the Muslims.
Ahmed Kandil has participated in financing activities of the Taiba mosque, frequented by Chiheb Esseghaier, this young man sentenced to life for trying to derail a VIA Rail train. Among his controversial remarks, Kandil said that the wife must obey her husband, especially in bed That may be leu only place he can be sure his penis reveals to him the length of his penis in millimeters.
Foudil Selmoune
The imposing mosque in Brossard, where Justin Trudeau, Denis Coderre, Philippe Couillard, and more federal and provincial ministers, mayors, aldermen, sold all our policies, school directors, attend regularly, is one of the largest in Quebec. Imam Foudil Selmoune, attached to it, defends amputation and stoning. The mosque has invited over time more radical preachers, including the famous Siraj Wahhaj, which promotes the Jihad against the United States, the country he describes as "disgusting."
The fruits of the radicalization of Canadians
They would nearly 5,000 people in Canada to have radicalized. Nearly 130 of them have left the country to fight with the Islamic State in the Middle East. That's a lot considering the population, especially a country like France.
Canada is the praise of Tariq Ramadan Muslim brother which is ten councilors Justin Trudeau and his ministers in Ottawa along with Barack Obama at the White house in Washington DC with Hillary Clinton.
the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs has published on its website an interview praising Tariq Ramadan, Islam thinker who likes to describe himself as an extremist, moderate, but the often controversial remarks raise questions
UPDATE:.following the report was broadcast, the Foreign Ministry has removed the article from its website votes.
Our politicians are selling Islamic blindness to have more
the government website describes him as a "visionary" who "occupies a unique place among the leading thinkers of Islam." Grand-son of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, during a lecture at McGill University in November in Montreal, Tariq Ramadan accused the West to feed the divisions that encourage terrorists to commit their crimes.
The West wants to divide and conquer when we need to unite, he declared to a packed house.
Tariq Ramadan, who teaches at the prestigious University of Oxford in England, also directs a research chair on Sharia at Qatar funded by Queen of the Emirate of the Persian Gulf and backed by Youssef Qaradawi, one of the most radical imams in the Muslim world, which advocates including the murder of homosexuals.
A man of great international influence with a viper's tongue, of lie.
Tariq Ramadan has a great influence in Islamic circles, but the man who, in an interview published by the Department of international Affairs of Canada, says "while others describe me as a Muslim scholar, I am a Swiss scholar, "has often made comments to the less controversial. In a video shot in 2011 in Dallas, Ramadan, in a meeting Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), an organization which invited the country several radical imams called on Muslims to colonize the United States.
On another video we see a leader Tariq Ramadan prayer in Arabic in which he asks Allah to hit the enemies of Islam. He wants the destruction of the West, that is to say all of us.
These words could hardly be considered moderate, said Marc Lebuis tipping point, which closely follows Islamic and Islamist movements in the world.
Islam comes from Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood, is this Islam then he just spread. And all the secret services of the world know, and all our presidents, prime ministers, political parties, politicians, investors, petrodollars, arms vendors, corporate polluters, as our judges, our feminists, our intellectuals, some media, familiar with the workings of the killers within our democracies in the pay of Islam in these countries of Islamic barbarians.
Mr. Lebuis is concerned that Canada give much credibility to a man whose words are still far from unanimous. There probably was a problem within the Foreign Ministry. They have not done their job, as they receive their orders from Ottawa including Justin Trudeau mélitte to the Koran and the Sharia for all of Canada for years.
His ablutions and his appearances in the mosques of the country says a lot to its subject and its political bias and of his ministers and MPs. As he told a news conference, the Liberal Party of Canada collects all the scum of the world, and that is why the selfie is the head of that party.
Despite the context of insecurity current world, the Trudeau government, including Tariq Ramadan had welcomed the election this fall during his visit to Montreal, does not seem to be concerned about the presence of a glowing portrait of the controversial thinker of Islam on its own website.
Fatima Houda Pepin denounced radical Islamists protected by our governments in Canada
Bills 59 against hate speech protects radical Islamists, according to former liberal MP Fatima Houda-Pepin and Bill 62 that Muslim can worn their burqas,niqabs, hijabs, to be completely veiled, judges, state officials, teachers, to provide services to citizens, children, without showing their faces.
Our governments condone racism, apartheid religious, which is illegal
Passing Monday in committee, the Muslim woman does not mince words in denouncing the action plan on radicalization of Couillard government. Our liberal drafts at are at work and receive no money stops Muslim associations and Saudi Arabia to destroy our culture, civilization Western As the rest of Canada with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau puts all their gum to continue the work of the Muslim Brotherhood on Canadian soil.
"Bill 59 does not rule because it does not address the real problems, she argued. This is an open door to any abuse on human rights and democracy.
"By limiting the freedom of speech, the Minister of Justice, Stéphanie Vallée, plays the game of the fundamentalists, says Ms. Houda-Pepin .
"If Bill 59 is adopted as is, we gag freedom of expression, freedom of opinion, the right to dissent and criticism, including the right to criticize religions, which can not be equated a racist crime. " Couillard The government propagates hatred against Muslims. Citizens possibly will wake up.
She recalled her struggle against sharia, in 2005. If similar legislation had existed at that time, "I would have been attacked and convicted Islamophobia" is she unworthy
The legislation provides for financial penalties for those convicted of having made a speech inciting violence against religious groups, women, ethnic minorities and sexual minorities.
The imams, Hamza Chaoui of this world, Adil Charkaoui, president of the Quebec Collective against Islamophobia, terrorist, one who wanted to blow up an Air France flight from Montreal to Paris, and teaches at the College our students how to become jihadi to send to Syria with Philippe approvals Couillard and the Ministry of Education of Quebec, and that spreads on Facebook pages and Twitter ads namely the end of our civilization, you'll hear of this world, these others, we will protect them because they belong a group of people who represent a common feature!
The Liberals rats are always watching
Fatima Houda-Pepin had been expelled from the Liberal caucus Philippe Couillard open debate on the Charter of PQ values in spring 2014. She refused to go into the rank and embrace the liberal position on the wearing of ostentatious religious signs.
In conclusion we can certainly say that the Premier of Quebec, having been corrupted in Saudi Arabia for a period of five years, the Honourable Philippe Couillard became a radical Islamist, a sleeper agent in the pay of Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism matrices of Islamist totalitarianism.
With "friends" or "allies" such as Saudi Arabia Wahabi, designer and producer of the Salafi ideology in the world, even in our democratic countries, Westerners who have economic interests take precedence over their civilizational survival interests, does not need enemies. Back on the matrix of totalitarianism is now the major enemy of the West and all the rest of humanity, disbelieving. Ourpoliticians, Western Western Walls Streets of this world are largely responsible, are terrorists as Islamic terrorists who come wearing bombs to kill us in our country.
We can all say thank you to our friends the power to work with religious dictatorships, barbarians, Islamic. And when will another terrorist attack, they will cry like bitches, madeleines, blank offended before the media, and afterwards they will concoct with Islamic values, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Sheikhs of Arabia, the Yemen, Iran, Turkey, these monsters to collect still more money. Our politicians, central bankers, do not care if all of us, what is important is their welfare, their powers, their profits, their heaven on earth, and you, you are their food, dear citizen, honest .
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