samedi 12 novembre 2016

Philippe Couillard - Islamophobe - McCarthy - Racist, Liar, Québécophobe, Islamophile, Coréanophile,Chariaphile, Christianophobia, Wahhabi, Salafist

Philippe Couillard - Islamophobe - McCarthy - Racist, Liar, Québécophobe, Islamophile, Coréanophile,Chariaphile, Christianophobia, Wahhabi, Salafist
The maccarthyste was a period in American history degrading,also known as the "Red Fear" and qualified frequently witch hunt. The Premier of Quebec, the Honourable Philippe Couillard, Saudi Arabia returned after five long years of indoctrination Wahhabism Salafistsin terrorist fractions of this democratic country at the international level to protect human rights and immolate the rights of children and women.

Our paid elected under tables by country of petrodollars
Quebec recently hosted a conference on radicalization where he discussed everything except of radical Islamism. Here in the first Philippe Couillard, promotes apartheid supposedly religious Muslims towards other citizens of Quebec by allowing unreasonable compromises milers this minority community and never denounces the terrorist moderate Islamists and extremists who come to kill us on our own soil. Our Prime Minister is the total disclaims any as the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau.
Two drafts, like other elected Western countries, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, Henriette Recker, Hillary Clinton, Theresa May, Pope Francis , we have our heads in Islamic terrorists swords, the Koran, sharia, the leaders of Saudi Arabia,Qatar, Yemen, Iran, barbarian countries including our feminist as Françoise David, Lise Bacon Kathleen Wynne, Agnes Faw, the left intellectuals, sociologists who profess falsehoods as truths pockets, nonentities.

Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard do gusts in terrorist battles, our country is a country of idiots!
No wonder one of the questions that haunt many minds affect the collusion of Western policymakers with wrens of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the two breasts that fund, with billions of dollars, the expansion of Salafi ideology worldwide. The Honourable Stéphane Dion, we highlighted very recently that we should not offend any Arab disturbing about the rights of men and what they do to women, Christians, and Jews.
These wonderful Koran, Islamic, democratic, direct according to their own customs, and Canada should not meddle incident menu such as stoning, torture of a few thousand of their citizens, floggings, the murder of gays, as the first mention of Quebec, our unwavering ally in the coming of Sharia in Canada, all these habits of these countries are full party customs. Here in Canada, we have difficulty accepting these situations now in 2016, but the Prime Minister of Canada, and its ministers, ministries are at work with all Canadian provinces for the introduction of a similar system in which the most radical imams on the scale of"Koranic pump,"among regular, moderate or extremist, super extremist, ultra extremist, by region or territory.

Our whores have received money to condone
How many times you -you wonder why our political leaders turned a blind eye for so many years on the expansion of radical Islam? Why did they let free the ideologists of Wahhabism petro-to indoctrinate our youth, spread hatred and issue calls for jihad? Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza, the Muslim schools, mosques, our mayors who make laws to ban Christian songs in town halls.
Why did they choose Islam rather than Islam? Why were they recognized as interlocutors  groups Salafist who advocate the burqa and sharia and want to undermine democracy instead of listening to the Democrats Islam Muslims living peacefully and harmoniously blend into their host society ?  
Our politicians, our leaders, our leaders, our communities have sold the Salafists, women, feminists have not had the courage to defend Western women and made themselves literally fooled by veiled women, abused by men who would kill them if they would not have made the propaganda of these barbarians on our streets we see these garbage bags walk like penguins who can not even see what is going on around them.  

Do normal that these veiled women are women imprisoned by religion barbaric, monstrous, these women have never experienced a second during their lives, thank you to the minister Stéphanie Vallée, Minister of rags Quebec
Our Western politicians sell easily
Arabia Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Yemen
Was known that the influence of the Gulf emirs was very large with their check books diplomacy aimed politicians at the top of the States, the US, Britain, Germany, France, Canada, leaders of the countries of Africa, Asia, Oceania, the United Nations, international organizations, the Council of human rights of the United Nations that it is a prince of Saudi Arabia is the President, the country tortures, ridicule universal but it was far from suspecting the extent of such promiscuity.

the Gulf emirs know they can all acquire in the West, and not just castles, alcohol, women , men. They especially know that the political elites of both right and left, are easily purchasable. Moreover, they have not bothered to finance the construction of mosques in Europe and will send their Salafist imams with impunity. Do not forget that the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, not frequent that Islamic religious sites Wahhabism, Salafism, mosques across the country aboard government planes at taxpayer expense to exterminate the Canadian civilization.
It is very curious, we pay the Prime Minister to remove us. We are real assholes.

Saudi Arabia we fuck
they know that Western leaders are ready for any compromise to sell them the weapons they do not need, but they pass on the jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq.Canada is not left with his contract of $ 15 billion of supply of arms to Saudi Arabia.
The great historic mistake, which we are paying the price today, remains Western support to Saudi Arabia said Salman Rushdie (The Express, July 22, 2015). Before this dynasty is devoted mistress large global oil, Wahhabism was only a microscopic sect devoid of any influence. But his colossal wealth allowed him to propagate for generations and around the world, his vision of Islam. And here his fanatical belief erected in global religious norm. "Well said!

Philippe Couillard Islamic virus
Philippe Couillard was afraid of becoming a Muslim terrorist in Saudi Arabia and carries the same genes in Quebec.  
Philippe Couillard bed about Islam, Muhammad, the Koran believes should be the only religion in the West. He left to grow his black beard, now salt and pepper. Rumor in the hospital that Dr. Couillard has converted to Islam. He began to wear the "Qamis" traditional white Arab robe, "The Arabs were happy, happy to have converted a great man friend Arthur Porter, an honest man," he said. Philippe Couillard wants Sharia is an integral part of the whole Canada and be included in the Canadian Constitution as soon as possible.
The expat life is totally artificial, because it no longer buy anything in this wonderful country, of freedom. "You always want to stay longer to make more money, said Couillard. However, if you wait too long, nobody knows us to return, not interested in what we did. I did not want that. And my daughter said to anyone who would listen that it was Saudi! It is first income for that and for my career. I knew if I did not return, I would be unrecoverable.
"Philippe Couillard feared becoming unrecoverable! His statements of recent days show that he has effectively become. After five years Philippe Couillard became mentally Islamist, being part of the world from destruction. As in psychology, it is assumed by cancer, it is irretrievable and bring Quebec to death.
After stating internationally it was ridiculous to see a link between secularism and the fight against fundamentalism, after have surrounded Muslim faiths as advisors in the development of fundamentalism watchdog, here he says he has no problem with religious fundamentalism said that! What a statesman! Philippe Couillard, is sick, we can forgive the corruption of the Liberal Party, it is part of our customs, but we sell to Islam, this not forgivable.

What can we expect from such a politician who says he wants to counter the 'fundamentalism? The characteristic of fundamentalism is to deny any evolution of religious dogma and thereby refuse to subordinate the beliefs, practices and traditions to the concept of fundamental rights including gender equality and separation of religion and state.
As for political and economic ties with the Islamic theocracies like Saudi Arabia, Couillard said that Canada must maintain for Canadians elected officials continue to receive money under tables of these wonderful countries and continue to have their votes of those Muslims in our lands
And Philippe Couillard condone torture in these democratic countries about torture by Saudi Arabia, Philippe Couillard was then limited to say  it was that different cultural context ours. Some cultures develop singing, others dancing and other torture. And he added, in a few years, Quebec, will enjoy the same conditions on our media saw beheadings hours of big plays, period.

Neutrality, fear is not the secularism
Philippe Couillard has not the intends to adopt a law on state secularism. Listen carefully to his speech: he never speaks of secularism, but of "neutrality". It's not the same thing. Neutrality is the Anglo-Saxon secularism in the name of multiculturalism, grants to all religions the same privileges instead of holding them all away from state affairs.
In the name of the neutrality that the parliament of Ontario recite alternately least eight denominational prayer (Christian, Aboriginal, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Baha'i and Sikh).
Michel Pepin, Belgian journalist, Quebec must be ashamed of Philippe Couillard
Is Interestingly Philippe Couillard did not use the term Islamist, speaking of these radicals, guilty of the attack Charlie Hebdo. In fact, I see that the Prime Minister never used that term. I listened to his statement of 21 October, following the killing of a soldier in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Although he then felt there was a connection between this attack and the Canadian response against the armed group Islamic State, Philippe Couillard had managed to never utter the word Islamic in the briefing.

A brief review of articles on the Liberal leader confirmed his reluctance to make a link between individuals who have become radicalized and the Islamic religion. It seems to take special care never to use the word, Islam, or any of its variations in a negative context.
The first Canadians ministers, are the main threats to the lives of citizens in the years to come not from atheists, Jews or Jehovah's witnesses radicalized. It comes from radical Islam. Organizations close to the Muslim Brotherhood are present, Canada and Quebec and the jihadist propaganda is offered in the Canadian and Quebec women mosques, refusing to name the problems are of great concern in leaving these Islamists act around freely throughout the entire country freely. Your refusal to act as government are criminals you have sold and we let the barbarians vultures-.

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