Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Adil Charkaoui - The Islam, Muslims are classified into four categories, normal, moderate, extremist, extremist and super model Gas pump, no other religions operate on this principle
What is a normal Muslim?
On the web, it has no definition about it, that is to say a person, honest, correct, who wants to live his life and let others live in a democracy.
What is a moderate Muslim?
A Muslim is by definition one who submits totally, fully and unconditionally with the law of Islam which must give up his life for the benefit of his religion. It must be such a loyal slave obeying blindly the orders of his master. It is very dangerous for the West and our democracies to avoid.
Either one is entire Muslim or you is not. It has no normal Muslim, moderate, extremist, extremist or great, all are extremists because Islam is extremist, a fighting religion which never makes concession, a religion that professes only death that denies life, full stop.
Islam is like a potion that must consume to intoxication. There are no half measures or moderation in consumption. And those who make the conscious choice to moderate their consumption that the Koran designates lukewarm are spewed from the mouth of God.
The Muslim is not able to think for himself according to the Qur'an and think things materialized in Hadith and Sira self-proclaimed prophet.
The West deaf and blind, naive and self-suicidal, seeking to exonerate from its colonial past with a balance sheet is most remarkable compared with that of Islam and to feel good created categories of Muslims by pure semantics convenience.
Islam is the exact reflection néonaziste the twenty first century
Century-and-Sohas emerged different categories of Muslims to refer to the same object Muslim. Moderates "," liberals "," secular ", fanatics, fundamentalists, fundamentalists, jihadis, nazislamistes,collabo-Islamists,our politicians Western, Islamists also come in moderates and radicals, as if he could have less Nazis Nazis or Nazi more than others.
Instead of scaring and offended as a virgin just lost her virginity to her voluntarily and cry rapist, do they not do better to reflect on the causes and effect relationships between terrorist violence dominant among Muslims and the fundamental sources of Islam?
Islam is not a religion c is a political system
Of the three monotheistic religions, Islam seems most akin to a totalitarian political ideology, it is undoubtedly Islam, because of its desire to make religion a form of political government of life his faithful, where everything must be built between prayer, the population explosion and the colonizer jihad. . Thereby reducing to nothing the fields of personal reflection, free will and spaces for individual and public freedoms
All actions have only one purpose: to impose the law of Islam by all means around of the world. The end justifies the means, no matter how weak-willed nature and dangerous to his own life and that of others as long as it is done for the glory of his religion.
Islam the religion of the killer
There can be no Islam without jihad and therefore without the spread of terror, and that no more than jihadist Muslims than non-Muslims jihadists, it is first Muslim nourished by the sap of jihad, led a permanent state of war against non-Muslims until they eventually resign and submit to the law of Islam.
It was Islam itself that engenders violence he quenches his faithful, until one ' to no longer thirsty and other sparingly until the completion of their state indoctrination.
The Muslim silent majority who never raised his voice to condemn the terrorist actions of its activists is consistent with itself, to the extent that it may itself take action one day or other when she has finished her own doctrinaire mutation phase.
What is a Muslim extremist?
Islamist violence is rather to achieve specific ideological objectives completely independent of any Western intervention in Muslim countries.
In their ideological worldview, Islamists are forced to see the infidel enemy, that is to say the West, all of us, Europeans, Canadians, Americans, South Americans as a competitor in their quest for world domination.
Muslims believe it is their religious duty to ensure the political dominance of Islamism with the collaborators of our elites policies of France, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, the United States, Canada, the Europeans countries, the Pope sold in the world, to sell us discount the Saudis Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, petrodollar, investors Walls Streets, the London Stock Exchange, arms dealers including France's leading supplier with Canada and the United States, slave bills , white women, and Muslim, from country to country,
Financially religious political tactics
The way to achieve this vision becomes a question of tactics. Thus, the current activists prefer direct action (Al-Qaeda), the revolutionary currents favor violence at a later stage, preferably after a coup, and the more pragmatic currents believe in the realization of the Islamist vision the infiltration of democratic systems, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Afterwards the Muslim brothers have built their own applications within the government of Barack Obama Mohamed to the United States and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada in Ottawa who have obtained to their approvals.
The Muslim nations are very special because they have received from Allan order to rule the world and be above all nations of the world. Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy all the governments of men. Islam does not care a nation to be in better condition than any other, Islam does not care to know who owns the land.
The only goal of Islam is to dominate the world and submit all of mankind to Allah. Islam will fight and destroy any nation or power in the world that try to hinder this objective. To achieve its goal, Islam can use every available means to bring revolution in the world. This is jihad.
No discussion is possible with these narrow-minded people. They will not listen. Are we allowed to die to make them happy and let Satan enter directly into our homes? It's up to you to wake up. But I know that our elected officials have already found and made their very comfortable beds in Islamic enclave hoping to be pampered in cotton wool. I hope that the Islamists their yield their punishment they deserve as traitors to their own nations.
You must surely know that they have experience in punishment, that's thousands of years they practice. Think one of your wonderful politicians, anyone? He must have, surely one or one? This one or that one would do! Good! He or she is a millionaire, wealthy, well-dressed, became flared throughout his life by the servants, dictating each and everyone what to do and as of today, it has to start thinking .
But for her or him, it's a serious dilemma, how we are alone, we have to feed us, not servants to wipe us people to fight, yell, they'll cut us certainly feet, or hands or head. But we all friends, we have elected their preachers, their followers, their mosques, we have done everything they told us to do, and they will cut off our heads. And we could be dying?
Address from the Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau, rose in its all wisdom, with his usual selfie, and we said to all my dear friends, my dear idiots, we are here tonight to we convert to Judaism that is so dear to our hearts and I kept myself directly with the Imam Adil Manuiwaki so I can take you in selfie when you cut your heads to the Hill in Ottawa Sacrifices.
the representation will be broadcast on channels public in 3D and 4K on international networks and Pakistan and in al-Qaida-TV. Our speaker, anonymous, Mrs. Zunera Ishaq, of Mississauga, Ontario, will be the expert appointed by Judy Wilson Raybould for threads underground of execution.
This mandate of the anonymous adviser, Mrs. Zunera Ishaq, of Mississauga, will be expanded to a study for Muslim and Muslims will lead car with the heads completely covered with dark glasses.
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