dimanche 20 novembre 2016

Philippe Couillard Quebecer nightmare in 3D

Philippe Couillard Quebecer nightmare 3D
If Jean Lesage came back to life, it would be horrified to see what Sissy Philippe Couillard Saudi Premier groveling before Muslims that their licking their rumps without stops to reveal their salt. Philippe Couillard flouts its liberal heritage, Quebec, French, Christian, treachery are her own.

The party that combined so progressivism to the basic national aspirations of Quebecers turned into a monster destroying decades of identity struggle of a nation within an Anglophone ocean that is now swallowed by the Quranic drawings Islamist extremists of petrodollars Salafis who invade our Western democracies
Yet if Lesage showed up today, Philippe Couillard the insult. The "Master home" slogan? Philippe Couillard today vomit on his face Jean Lesage. He showed him his pretty monstrous anti worth Quebec charter protects only the Muslim minority against all Quebec nationalist values and laws that have been passed against all the people of Quebec.
Philippe Couillard hate Québec
Philippe Couillard is so blind and Islamophile, that he returned the worst racist francophone in Quebec, it is Québécophobe. Racist, Lesage, in the eyes of Couillard, for Lesage did vote shy first language laws. He gets up at night near his bed, there is a large laundry basket of galvanized metal, a spittoon, and inside, encrusted faces, René Lévesque, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Jean Chrétien, Gaétan Barrette, Pauline Marois, and many others, they throw their mixtures expectoriées bodily substances from the respiratory tract or elsewhere and saliva that is ejected from the mouth or elsewhere.
Keep unhappy and foreign minorities within Quebec to keep the electoral monopoly, and then rely on pure-wool division to retain power despite everything, that the strategy of the very few worthy successor to Jean Lesage.

Who is Philippe Couillard?
Affirmations peremptory primary analyzes bordering on simplicity, your affirmative and final, populist, anti-French, pro-Muslim Salafist, arrogant attitude of the poseur who feels smarter than his opponents, demagogue who turns their every word in a settled position paper while nothing is, contempt, morgue, narcissism, and condescension are his sharp tools to try to silence its policies vis-à-vis.
This man is blurred, surrounded by darkness, darkness and veiled in an aura of secrets with petrodollars and terrorists from Saudi Arabia, tax havens, the Porter of this world, religious shenanigans and so on. Yet his return to Quebec in policy is that the total destruction of the province to be placed on a silver platter to the domination of the Muslim minority in Quebec and Canada came with the National selfie Justin Trudeau, multiculturalism the son of the father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Liberal cultural Loss
Since his return to Quebec we witness the incredible performance of deconstruction and demolition allowing the emancipation and cultural development of Quebec social and economic since the fifty last years. It destroys everything in its path, as taught by the Koran against rebellious. Philippe Couillard did to the infidels, we Quebecers, Christians, fighting Allah to conquer America.
Philippe Couillard sword of Allah
Everything in his attitude and his approach to any question exudes tyranny of omnipotence. The bearded, white-bearded, religiously follows the precepts identity, and practice all the verses according to the principles that his friend Adil says.
What I say, what I decide what I think, even what I see is indisputable and any attempt to waive or remit in the issue is qu'amalgame, radicalism, lies and incompetence. Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier, is like saying Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq, what I write on a piece of paper, it's the law, that's all, and you obey. Philippe Couillard is the same Islamic and Koranic democratically, Allah does not like democracy.

Philippe Couillard contemptuous
Philippe Couillard control like no art contempt and short interventions, final, ex cathedra and tinged with arrogance are the hallmark of many specialists including nurses, emergency responders and caregivers make us witness when they talk about their bosses; these good specialists doctors, Doctors Barrette of this world, which we can not question the decisions.
Philippe Couillard dangerous manipulator
This is wormy and undemocratic tactics he used to get elected, that he uses for he is elected and that he will continue to use until the next election and believe me, it will go by becoming increasingly demagogic, more radical, more extreme , increasingly absolutist increasingly authoritarian, increasingly unilateral, less democratic. Join there one day extremist Islamist terrorist state, which do I know, at least he has a beard!
Philippe Couillard has weakened Quebec
Since the arrival of Philippe Couillard as Premier of Quebec Province Quebec became the remains of Quebec René Lévesque. We have become the pariahs of Canadian and Justin Trudeau provinces we actually pay the maximum price.
This government will not dialogue, monologue under table, distributed gifts to friends, continuous liberal corruptions, they pick up the dirty monies they reward liberal fraudsters. It requires so dictatorial decisions and exceeding its prerogatives in governance.

The political past Philippe Couillard, his contacts with the private health, cover-ups that let show through its links with the federal government and its inability, and lack of firm determination, to take a stand on issues concerning Islam, extremism, radicalism, religious practices, the demands for accommodation and the rise of terrorism we are good examples of unilateral attitude that conceals a typical single thought of the tyranny of omnipotence
Philippe Couillard and the Quebec Liberal party do they have ties with the Muslim Brotherhood as the Liberal party of Canada
Michel Pepin, CBC journalist.
It is interesting note that Philippe Couillard did not use the "Islamist" label in speaking of these radicals (guilty of the attack Charlie Hebdo). In fact, I see that the Prime Minister never used that term. I listened to his statement of 21 October, following the killing of a soldier in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Although he then felt there was a connection between this attack and the Canadian response against the armed group Islamic State, Mr. Couillard had managed to never utter the word Islamic in the briefing.
A review summary of articles on the Liberal leader confirmed his reluctance to make a link between individuals who have become radicalized and the Islamic religion. It seems to take special care never to use the word "Islam" or any of its variations in a negative context. (End of quote)

Dear Prime Minister, the main threat to the lives of our citizens, it comes from radical Islam that Philippe Couillard endorses all accommodations against Quebecers. Relatives organizations of the Muslim Brotherhood are present in Quebec and that the jihadist propaganda is offered in some mosques Quebec, your refusal to name the problem is worrying Philippe Couillard. Your refusal to act is even worse.
Message from the Prime Minister of Canada                         November 20, 2016
Justin Trudeau
the Honorable Premier of Quebec
Philippe Couillard
Jame Masjid Mississauga
5761 Coopers Avenue
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
The Prime Minister of Canada, Honourable Justin Trudeau, there will be prayer how it is usual next Friday in the mosque, and he would like you to be present there with your minister rags Stéphanie Vallée, and it is also veiled, and I forgot the first Ontario Minister Kathleen Wynne,veiled.We would also have a delegation of Québec Solidaire Françoise David, veiled, Amir Khadir, veiled, and Lise Bacon, unveiled with you.
Our Minister of Justice, will also veiled Jody Wilson Raybould, and my mistress,my wife will also veiled, second floor with Zunera Ishaq, our dear personal friend, friend of al Qaeda and the Muslim brothers and sisters of Muslim Pakistani, Muslim associations, INCA, Stéphane Dion, Minister of external Affairs.

After the Speaking of the Prime Minister, sir, the Honourable Premier of Quebec, Mr. Philippe Couillard you will be prompted to pronounced first a speech on sharia and benefits for all Canadians to sign up.

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