Philippe Couillard and the Liberal government have left the Muslim Brotherhood freely invaded our Quebecers institutions
In 2004, the Elmenyawi Sheikh had proposed that the Council of Sharia, which he belonged, could "resort to notice" Qaradawi on sharia Islamic jurisprudence. Qaradawi is a lawyer-theologian in chief of the Brotherhood.
According to him Salam Elmenyawi,the Sharia Council future could even resort to highly active Islamist opinion on Middle East politics, such as those of the Egyptian Sheikh Yousef Al Kardaoui.
Salam Elmenyawi, pure this imam, terrorist, extremist
Salam Elmenyawi is an imam is born in Egypt. He is the president of the Muslim Council of Montreal, as well as chaplain associated with the chaplaincy of the Concordia University and McGill University.
In the 1980s, he was the owner of a small company specializing in sales of electronic equipment and alarm system. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), accused of imported illegally electronic equipment, inverters and capacitors used for enriching uranium to Pakistan. Uranium is used among other things, specially in Pakistan the seventh country in the world to successfully develop and test nuclear weapons), to produce weapons of mass destruction that can shave a whole country.
Salam Elmenyawi, Christianophobia
It has many times participated in manifestations of the "Quebec Collective against Islamophobia," chaired by Adil Charkaoui. In February 2015, Canadian media reported that young Canadians, some of whom have studied at Charkaoui, left to join the terrorist group "Islamic State." Despite this, the imam condemn religious extremism.
Welcomes the destruction of our democracy, it does not integrate Justin Trudeau
He welcomed a grouping of 120 Muslim leaders of Canada has issued a statement condemning religious extremism, shortly after the London attacks of 7 July 2005. It supports the establishment of Islamic courts in Canada and said he was ready to fight if Canada, like France, promulgated a law prohibiting the wearing of the veil.
When the parliamentary committee on Bill 59, he asked the government to legislate to prevent that one can ridicule religions and members of religions. The reaction of the Prime Minister Philippe Couillard, Quebec the rug, you can spit without stopping if you're Muslim, was to retort by stating that ridicule a religion, whatever that was part of freedom of expression of the population and that his bill did not intend to withdraw these fundamental rights.
Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier, good to wipe their feet
He is president of the Assuna mosque, an incubator of terrorists of Al Qaeda, in Montreal in front of Metro Park in the district of Justin Trudeau, whose Imam Sufyan Omar,is a member of the new Council of imams Quebec the Muslim Brotherhood.
He ardently promoted the establishment of Sharia courts in Quebec, 2004-2005;
He fought with Adil Charkaoui and often officiates at his mosque. Now this mosque promotes the writings of Abdullah Azzam, the father of Al-Qaeda, a group now led by Zawahiri, former member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ayman al-Zawahiri will become the main ideologue, often considered itsNo.2 with the terrorist network led by Osama bin Laden, he was the personal physician.
Adil Charkaoui frequent very respectable terrorists
According to testimonies a former member of al Qaeda, he worked for the network since the beginning of its formation in 1988 and was a part of the shura.the co-founder with Charkaoui The Assahaba Mosque,Said Qouraimi, displayed on his page Facebook the banner of the Islamic State, an ultra-violent terrorist group led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Qouraimi Said, known by the Pentagon, USA
Qouraimi Said also serves as director of the Assuna mosque, identified by the Pentagon as "the one of nine global houses of worship where "known members of Al Qaeda were recruited, trained or assisted."
Raif Badawai
Raif Badawai
"Mentally retarded These imams are walking our streets and indoctrinate our youth to the views of all our legislation that the protect with their hate speech against our democracy. Our cowardly, our ministers, our deputies, our police, our judges do nothing for the condemned these criminal Muslims, Islamists, these beasts that proliferated sacrilege, blasphemy against Christians and Jews against the Canadian nation with approvals our Charters of Rights and Freedoms of multiculturalism's of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Canadian identity monster.
Women freedom
Women freedom
Salam Elmenyawi with Adil Charkaoui, terrorist, the mosque of the latter, named Assahaba, in honor of the "companions" of Muhammad
In addition to promoting the Sharia courts, Elmenyawi seeks to criminalize any criticism of Islam. Indeed, he declared in November 2013 its intention to meet with the police chief and the new mayor of Montreal, Denis Coderre, asking them why are not punished those who, like Martineau and Dutrizac, insult the religion of Allah ...
The Muslim schools in Montreal under the rule of Sharia in 30 years approved by the Quebec Liberal government
Four Muslim schools and two organizations of the Muslim Brotherhood in Montreal are suspected of having financial links with terrorism: the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC-MAC) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).
Toronto Ontario
Toronto Ontario
The Education Minister said Yvan Bolduc take the matter very lightly and will act by closing the eyes and correct the situation if any.
The Muslim schools of Montreal, Chester Street
One of the four schools is called Muslim schools of Montreal,private school subsidized by the Quebec government, whose primary business is in the Chester Street in the borough of Notre-Dame-de-Grâceentitled:.
The article from the fundamentalist propaganda in Montreal indicates that the investigation Bureau found in Montreal mosque, located in the school and frequented especially by children, a booklet of "propaganda advocating sharia Palestinian terrorism and suicide bombings". The controversy over this booklet written in English only:
Terrorist Mosque in Montreal
Terrorist Mosque in Montreal
Questions about Islam and Comments justifies including polygamy and corporal punishment prescribed by sharia and kill Christians. And this is not the first time that this school is controversial.
Founded in 1985 by Yusuf Ridwan
The school has forced non-Muslim teachers to wear veils until the Human Rights Commission terminates this obligation in 1995. the member Fatima Houda-Pepin had condemned this practice in 1994. Meanwhile, the Islamist Bashar Solhavait told the Gazette that the hijab for Muslim is a divine obligation ordered by Allah in the Koran. He also invoked the Charter of Rights to justify the imposition of the veil to non-Muslim teachers.
Islamic Court of Montreal
In 1994, the school hosted an Islamic court, which was the subject of an investigation in 1995
Founded there a year in 1994 by Muslim religious leaders from Montreal, the Council of Shariah, also called Islamic jurisprudence Council decides matters brought to its attention in the field of family law and civil law by confession of citizens Muslims.
The Islamic court in Montreal is the first of its kind in Canada, as one of its members, Mr. Ridwan Yusuf, also director of the Muslim school in Montreal, where the Islamic headscarf (hijab) is obligatory for Muslim .
New immigrants how to kill Christians
New immigrants how to kill Christians
Hearings, Islamic court which are held Avenue Chester,in the Notre-Dame-de-Grace, are public, said Mr Ridwan Yusuf, adding that only Muslims are allowed there (the Sharia states of Besides the testimony of a Christian or a Jew is worth only half that of a Muslim)
Council of Sharia in Montreal
"Our role is to resolve relationship problems, to help families and provide them answers to religious questions," said Fawad Sheikh Said, Al-Ummah Mosque, located rue Clark [now located on St-Dominique Street] in Montreal. In addition to Messrs. Fawaz Yusuf and the Council of Shari'ah consists of Abdul Rahman Ebrahim, who chairs the Bilal Kuspinar, Fida Bukhari, Imam of the Islamic Centre of Quebec at the Mosque of St. Lawrence and El-Tayeb imam.
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Speech
The Council will be expanded this spring to all imams (prayer directors or mosque) of Montreal, where there are about thirty mosques, and other jurists of Islamic law, has said Mr. Ehab Lotayef, the Islamic Council of Montreal [aka Muslim Council of Montreal, today chaired by Sheikh Salam Elmenyawi], an umbrella organization that coordinates various activities of the Muslim community.
"The president of the Muslim Council of Montreal, Salam Elmenyawi , said it is reviewing the specification, adding that it could have begun as an attempt to explain Islam. - which, again, however embarrassed members of a peaceful religion
School building located on Chester Street, subsidized by the Quebec government, belongs to the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)through its subsidiary Canadian Islamic Trust Foundation, reveals the Journal de Montreal. Asked by journalist Hugo Joncas, the secretary general of ISNA, Ali Abdullah Idris, said simply, "It's not your business!"Corporation.
Montreal new receipe
Montreal new receipe
Islamic Society of North America, ISNA,terrorist
The Islamic North America (ISNA) is described as follows: as "an organization of independent membership, open and transparent, which aims to be an exemplary and unifying Islamic organization in North America by helping to improve the community and society Muslims as a whole.
ISNA emerged on the infrastructure of theUS Muslim Brotherhood and documents discovered earlier in the trial, the terrorism of the Foundation, Holy Land Foundation of the Holy Land, confirmed that the organization was part of the Brothers Muslims in the United States. ISNA was named as co-conspirators not accused Holy Land as a result of what the US Department of Justice called "intimate relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Palestine Committee and the defendants in this case."
From organization in 2009, a US federal judge ruled "the government has produced sufficient evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA and NAIT with HLF, the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), and with Hamas." ISNA has had a long history of fundamentalism, anti-Semitism and support for terrorism.
Barack Obama Mohamed supports the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization
Clearly considered "rehabilitated" by the administration of Barack Obama, the ISNA has recently issued strong condemnations of terrorism starting with ISNA 2008 statement that while denying guilt in the case of terrorist financing Holy Land for the first time terrorism condemned
While identifying Hamas And Hezbollah by name. ISNA has also been engaged in an active program of interfaith cooperation that included partnerships with Jewish organizations and visits to concentration camp sites in Europe.
Yet despite these new efforts, ISNA continues to maintain close ties with States - States and the global Muslim Brotherhood and has failed to date to recognize any aspect of its real origins or history of fundamentalism, anti-Semitism and support for terrorism. For these reasons, the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch concluded that ISNA remains, as it always has been, an integral part of the US Muslim Brotherhood.
When he see a banana he think of a penis this imam, look his joy!
When he see a banana he think of a penis this imam, look his joy!
In Raqqa,the Syrian stronghold of the Islamic State, they are in the forefront during crucifixions and public beheadings. We use their blood to transfuse the fighters of the Islamic State injured. It pays to denounce unfaithful or those who criticize the Islamic State.
It trains them to become suicide bombers. They are children, aged for some of barely 6 years, the Islamic State turns into soldiers of the future.
To recruit children, the Islamic State has developed a comprehensive and extremely well organized, aimed at indoctrinated with extremist beliefs of the group, before they learn rudimentary fighting techniques. The jihadists are preparing for a long war against the West and hope the young soldiers trained today will still be in front in several years.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, we are tolerant,fools
We in Montreal, Quebec we protect them against the French, Christians, those infamous people taking a glass of beer, celebrating Christmas, loving their neighbors, these people who invite you home them to eat, drink, and you steal their house, their dog, burn their property, made aspersions on them, requested the Government of accommodation to silence Christians once and for all.
How to feed a cow
How to feed a cow
You sit comfortably cruelly on a soil you have sprinkled with blood and 'pitfall, lies, you even managed to convince the Pope of your purity.
The blasphemy,as you say so, you out of the mouth as bloodthirsty snakes for thousands of years. If Hell is composed of 80% of Muslim women as stated in the Qur'an, and 20% Muslim man, it means that Christians and Jews will never go to hell you join, is not this. So hell is Muslim by your own thinking. Here, the absurdities, you plan most often through your hats.
A woman can not eat bananas, because she thinks the penis. A woman can drive a car because Muhammad was not driving a car. Muslims can use a liquid with alcohol to wash the rectum because it not put it in the mouth. You know that taste is different because Muslims can not drink alcohol. Muhammad, according to the writings, he drank, attended the whores, partying! And soon after he forbids you to you all, it's not of him, nice it's even selfish!
Archangel Gabriel
why he was afraid of the Archangel Gabriel? In all other religions, the archangel Gabriel did not scare anyone, he was nice, honest. But with Muhammad, he was different, why? Muhammad was there something special to ask him and he was embarrassed to do so? May be? We were not there to interpret as do your imams, your bearded your constant sexual obsessions, your lack of democracies communications.
Perhaps, you should write to him, send him an email asking if Allah approve? You are so stupid assertions, without any values of your imams, that sometimes we wonder if your imams come from schools with books of self-appointed clown Saudi Arabia.
You should write to the Minister of Education of Quebec and the Minister of rags Quebec StéphanieVallée,and they could give you courses by correspondence TV, normal, moderate, extremist, extremist great, really extremist, according to your faith. These courses will always be free for your entire community, as long as Liberal will vote.
The Minister of rags, you will visit two or three a year to get back certificates rentals, places, neighborhoods where you can grow up in peace with Muslim children without any constraint of having Christians or Jews near you. We, the government of Philippe Couillard, are here to help.
We took the decision to cut the city of Montreal in two sections, west of Décarie Boulevard, will be Muslim, and there will be a wall with entrances, with police, Muslims, checking the identities of passers, property, food, books, clothes, everything should be Muslim, halal, according to the laws the Koran and Sharia law. the Government of Quebec will pay all expenses , salaries, rents, as we do with first nations. This land will be yours for eternity.
The east side of Décarie Boulevard, will be for non-Muslims, who will pay for all of you good people of the west. Allah is great, the Canadaistan Signed:
The Honourable Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier, for life, Islamophile, Arabophile, Francophobe, Québécophobe
What are the reasons for politicians around the world are they protecting these birds in our country with this barbaric religion. A deadly religion, anti-human, bloodthirsty, without body, soul, destructive, an empty religion as the desert that sows hatred, despair, emptiness of humanity. All religions are not equal, and the Muslim religion, Islam is the worst religions on the planet. It is the religion of Satan on earth, protected by our laws, licking asses, our judges, our forgers, our feminists, our perverse intellectual, our liberal, welcoming our companies.
We let go the evil in within our borders, and it grows so fast that it is spirit to take total control of our youth, our futures, our lives, our deaths, our eternities.
Can you imagine, who diedin Muslim and go to paradise of Allah, you get raped every second of eternity?
Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party of Canada and the Muslim Brotherhood, which ethics?
Stéphane Dion
Justin Trudeau is not even able to handle a matchbox, how is it that it is the first "mini minister" of a country definition.
"minustre" very small, very small, very small, mini, mini, mini, Minister
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