lundi 28 novembre 2016

Philippe Couillard - Dolphin of Saudi Arabia, perverse, Machiavellian, unfair to the origins Quebec and pro-Muslim

Philippe Couillard - Dolphin of Saudi Arabia, perverse, Machiavellian, unfair to the origins Quebec and pro-Muslim
Philippe Couillard, its strong commitment to Saudi Arabia, a monarchy blithely flouting human rights, a regime that sharia law to the letter, where women are less than nothing and where homosexuality condemned to the gallows, blasphemy cut your limbs, a barbarian countries where sharia is applied to the letter .
Gate to Aramco
Philippe Couillard will work for Aramco company, largest oil company in the world. This company whose facilities are in Darhan the territory, Saudi Arabia, this ultra conservative and barbaric monarchy. This small plot of land, this ghetto, opulent, is right inside this wonderful country where sharia is applied to all citizens except for this small parcel of land owned by the company.
The freedoms banned by the royal family in the rest of the country are hypocritically allowed the Americans, Canadians, French, English, Germans, all Westerners, and other profiteers of all kinds who get rich from oil, and that, because " they are applied behind barricades, well out of sight of the little people who, he is beaten up by the Saudi police if he does not respect the violent sharia.
The rich sheikhs,imams, preachers, rapists, members main royal rulers are not subject to the same rules as the little people. Sharia law applies to everyone everywhere except in the enclosure barricaded Aramco, it is true and friends of royalty including Philippe Couillard and Arthur Porter, the Bush family in the world including the National Guard of Saudi Arabia has the mandate to protect the country's oil and the Aramco company for which Philippe Couillard worked in the 1990s These are foreigners living like pashas behind the ramparts of Aramco.
Children go to school Aramco
The permissions come from the king of Saudi Arabia where no imam dare not ban against decisions of royalty and imams, preachers, these religious barbarians mistreat and tear to the maximum with the miseries of the Saudi people and ignored by Philippe Couillard Arthur Porter and sleeping under the covers King and corruption it will be important later in Quebec with the Koran, sharia, and the principles of Allah, the suppression of our democracies, secularism, our Christian values,
In 2014, the Canadian company General Dynamics, Ontario, under the Harper government, signed a contract worth about $ 10 billion with Saudi Arabia. This contract was contrary to Canadian standards of safety devices for countries not respecting the Rights of Men and Women, gentlemen, Stephen Harper, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau and Stéphane Dion.
We must add that the United States, France, England, Germany, too, have all come against against their own laws and rules for selling weapons to this country of barbarians, the bearded, the bloodthirsty criminals, the devils, but with diplomacy, a delicacy that our Western leaders have named the head of Human rights and Women in the United Nations, the country behead the more people around the world who blew up the twin towers in New York on September 11, these criminals dressed white, stained with bloods of Allah.
Aramco Soccer
Never forget that when the airspace of the United States was closed to flights of all aircraft flying over the country, the country of George W. Bush, only aircraft with Sheikh of Saudi Arabia, endorsed by the President of the United States of America had permission to take off and fly to their countries. We learned several years later that it was these same Cheick, the same country, the same barbarians who blew up the twin towers with the approval of George W. Bush, President of the United States of America. How can we trust these presidents, prime ministers, who are lying without stops for their personal benefits Mr. Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau.
A totalitarian regime  trampling human rights in everyday life, where corporal punishment is practiced, there is ample evidence that civilians are directly threatened by such weapons Philippe Couillard, the Premier of Quebec, wants so protect immigrants in the province of Quebec that creates their laws to meet the expense of the population, unreasonable accommodation, violates the rules of Laïcités and its own rules of his own political party, the Liberal party of Quebec for many decades.  
Employe's house
Philippe Couillard, since his return to American soil, he is obsessed with the Koran, sharia, the Muslim, secularism, the Islamic veil, the niqab, the burka, hijab, everything is desert and sandy . I wonder when he was in Saudi Arabia, if they have circumcised his brain and remove several shingles in his skull as any to Prime Minister Mohamed Justin Trudeau.
The Islamic religion, this corner of the world, these bad Muslims, these Salafists, Wahhabis, Sunnis, these devils, these demons who torture their own people, the barbarians, bloodthirsty these imams, without any human morality in the name of Allah, a murderous god, vindictive, devastating, that our politicians sell us all to this stinking dictatorship we have several imams in Quebec and Canada who make the laws to their own species under the eyes of our governments that aplaventrismes to collect maximum votes in the next election by not caring result of these aplaventrismes result in our democracies. Knowing that the politician manages day by day, he cares little about the people, the taxpayers, he thinks of his own pocket.
Elastic Morality
The Philippe Couillard and Arthur Porter and thousands of other people in this world are people, beings with no morality, no name to be at the service of such a dictatorship. A dictatorship that kills its opponents. Who decapitated in public, dancing, combing the blood of Christian and Jewish victims of genocide of Christians in the Middle East, the pope Francis did not dare to speak, for fear of offending Islam.
Pope François is very bad road, approaching the devil, the evil of Saudi Arabia, these false Muslims. Pope Francis should negotiate with the king of Morocco to get rid of the king of Saudi Arabia, and preserve Christians and stop washing twisted feet of these Muslims in full media. It is reneging Jesus Christ in the square, public and it is a great pope, but when he speaks of Muslim, Islam, it falls on the head.
Aramco Street
Who whips women to punish rape that 'they have suffered. Some point, we must call things by their real name. A guy who was enriched with dirty money, placed in a tax haven and more with a dictatorship cutthroat administered torturers he still refuses to condemn today is a scoundrel who should never lead a people.
Money and power have no smells in the time of Aramco,
Philippe Couillard  Saudi friend and adviser to the Minister of Health, helped create the neurology department of the oil company Aramco, Saudi Arabia.
Behind that wall, there are several, Couillard, Bush, Merkel, Cameron, Hollande, Trudeau, Obama, Clinton, Desmarais, Putin, Assad, etc., earning a fortune by negotiating their business at the expense their flexible consciences. The rampart Aramco brings together hundreds of luxurious villas, hospitals, American schools, mixed pools. Sharia does not exist inside the walls and imams if they penetrate to offer the joys of West's like real pigs they are away from their Koran, Allah is Great!
At Aramco, one sell and consume alcohol and pork, which is forbidden in the kingdom. He who drinks alcohol in Saudi Arabia, Aramco off, imprisoned or whipped in the public square. At Aramco, women drive their cars, enjoy life, like their husbands, are celebrating, are happy, then that Saudi women are not allowed to drive a bike, are slaves of their religion, their spouses , bitches that bring children into the world to satisfy the sex of their husbands only. A life of hell on earth for these women, and Philippe Couillard wants this religion or that of Quebec.
Aremco's employe
Behind this wall, the Americans are the shorts, bathing in a bikini and go out alone, there are sections for nudists while on the other side of the walls, Saudi women are beaten by the religious police, armed to the teeth, if they do not wear the veil. As said so well, our Minister of rags Stéphanie Vallée embellishes the Burqa women and makes it inferior to man which makes him divine grace of Allah on earth.
Saudi women can not go out alone, they walk behind their husbands about five meters and only when they are not menstruating. So they can not have bank accounts because they are too stupid to know how to manage money. This country really protects equality between men and women and Françoise David, President of Québec Solidaire, encourages all feminists Quebec to become veiled as the Saudi and stay home and they close their mouths and be submitted.
The feminist Justin Trudeau during his visits in mosques with his wife speaks very well of gender equality, the rights and the other. I can not know if the other sex that Mr. Justin Trudeau, think the other sex is female.
 Saudi Arabia freedom
There are so many problems with this man to circumscribe the majestic verb, selfie, with minorities of all ilk, gay, transgender, lesbians, transsexual, unisexual, multi sexual, Toilet, Muslims, first nations, excluding Francophone Quebecers and Christians you hate above all. Mr. Justin Trudeau, perch his wife, the second roost like chickens in the henhouse, from the top, with veiled women, away, the eyes of other men because he does not trust her and her honesty with him.  
Mr. Justin Trudeau meets all Islamic teachings, the Koran, sharia, petrodollars, the day of sacrifice when sacrifice the lamb and he returns home full of blood. It celebrates Ramadan with smile, it is multicultural.
At Aramco, the Couillard, Trudeau, Bush, Blair, this world lived and continues to live like kings and condoned the thieves which is cut hand in public, on injustice, punishment, stoning inflicted on women, crucifixions, Jewish and Christian, the slavery of girls, drafts girls, sales armaments, arms sales to Islamic State, provide money to terrorists to come kill us among us in the West, paid by Saudi Arabia to the views of our politicians.

Wahhabism, barbaric religion
As another sensitive issue in Saudi Arabia, there is the 'powerful influence of religion on politics which is called the "Wahhabism" is a strict interpretation of Islam. Philippe Couillard bathed in this atmosphere and wants to install this religion inside of Québec institutions by denying all the secular aspect.
Petrodollars from Saudi Arabia protected by US Roosevelts
Dr. Philippe Couillard in Saudi Arabia involves the construction of a neurosurgical center in the city of Dhahran, which is also the world headquarters of the company Aramco. Dr. Philippe Couillard alongside the largest investors worldwide including the most influential presidents, politicians, crossers, liars, dictators that puts us in the presence of an explosive cocktail otherwise instructive power of oil and some of its ramifications. It is an alliance between Saudi Arabia and Standard Oil of California and the USA agreement

The Quincy pact and non-intervention in Saudi Arabia
Quincy Pact was sealed in February 1945 the cruiser USS Quincy (CA-71) (in) between King Ibn Saud, founder of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and US President Franklin Roosevelt, back from the Yalta conference. The duration of this agreement was expected to last 60 years and these agreements were renewed for a similar period in 2005 by President George W. Bush
It is based on five points:

- The stability of Saudi Arabia is part the "vital interests" of the United States that provide in return the unconditional protection of the Saud family and incidentally that of the Kingdom against any external threat extension the stability of the Arabian Peninsula and regional leadership of Saudi Arabia are also part of "vital interests" of the United States return, the United guarantees most of the US energy supply, the Saudi dynasty alienating any part of its territory, the concessionary companies are merely tenants of land .

- the other points relate to the economic, commercial and Saudi-US financial partnership as well as on the US non-interference in Saudi domestic policy Arabia issues.

Philippe Couillard become Muslim imam sleeping

Suite: Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - SAUDI  CONDITIONS oF ENTRY AND EXIT -

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