samedi 21 mars 2015

Cain and Abel The Origins of Sects and Muslim Tribes - SHIITES AND SUNNITES -RELIGOUS WARS AND POWERS

Muslim ancesters Cain and Abel


Muslim down there the Jewish, Christian, or is it their cousin?
Cain and Abel

There creationist theory. In this theory, it is God himself who created Islam at the same time that the human species. Adam was the first Muslim who rushed to build the Kaaba in order to make his hajj. The uncreated Qur'an existed, and when Adam did not understand a verse he said it was because of the context in the future, because it was too scientific miracle looks like BTS. Brief in this theory Islam exists from the creation of the world exactly as it is today. Cain and Abel was Shiite Sunni and Eve wearing the full veil.

And then there are evolutionists. Noticing that religions are very different but some are very similar and can be classified into families, Darwin made the assumption that they evolve over time. Initially it was believed that the Muslim descended from Christian, who himself was descended from Jewish. But research has been progress, and showed that in fact Muslims, Christians and Jews are cousins, and descended from a common ancestor, now extinct.

We note that the Koran indeed sharing much of his stories with the Bible, and that it all goes back to an Eastern Syriac Christianity who believed that Jesus was just a man, a bit like the Nestorians. The early Muslims were still very close to the Christians. For example Muhammad himself was rather pro-Christian, his companions would take refuge among the Christians of Ethiopia, he was friends with the monks, supported the Christians in their war against Persia, and the Koran recommend reading the bible Christians and ask for clarification on religion. In the earliest Muslim caliphs currencies still wearing crosses, and Christian holy monk John of Damascus caliphs ranked religion among Christian heresy, heresy "Ismaili". It describes their holy books not as a book attributed to God, but as a series of books attributed to Muhammad, some of which are now in the Quran but others do not.

Similarly, some Syrian Christians were still very close to Muslims. On the lintels of the monasteries of northern Syria found inscribed in Greek "Christ the son of Mary." In the eighth century the Christians were iconoclasts, as Muslims, and destroyed all the icons and the human and animal figures mosaics churches. Under the Umayyad caliphs mosques existed only in large cities, only he seems to officials and the military, and also the Muslims would normally pray in churches. Logo Muslim الله (Allah), as we calligraphed under the Umayyads, is actually the logo of the Christian era ω + α (alpha and omega) which was just removed the cross.

Since Christians and Muslims have changed, evolving independently of each other. These are becoming quite distinct religions, diversified into a multitude of churches: Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant one hand, Sunni, Shiite, Druze, Ismaili across.

Creationists reject all that bulk, and cling desperately to their version that Adam was a Muslim and slaughtered ritually his *velociraptor for Eid so that the meat is halal. Especially what bothers is that we can treat the first Muslims, companions and successors of the Prophet, of "missing links".

  • Velociraptor : These reminders being made, let us hadiths themselves.

So these are short stories, written mostly in the form: Doe said that ... Doe in question was a companion of Muhammad or any Islamic authorities.

The objective of these hadiths, canonically established in the ninth century, including Al Bukhari, is to provide a concrete framework for Muslims to live well according to Islam. I stress again, the fact that these hadiths are almost as normative as the Qur'an itself.

Many of these hadiths are focused on the oneness of God and the importance of following Muhammad (recalling the way that the Jews and Christians, to say nothing of the polytheists, are doomed to hell, contrary to what would keep saying the politically correct commentators).
But many others, the most surprising for a Westerner, are devoted to everyday life.
It reveals a particularly painful for the reader (I said that Bernard Antony retained only a few dozen representative hadiths, but the canonical corpus has thousands ...) insistence that the woman is only half man, because of his low intelligence and his duplicity.

I pass over the unsavory hadiths relating to the hygiene or what is lawful or not during female menstruation.
They are also hadiths that essentially set the judicial punishments (amputation for theft, stoning for adulterers ...).

Some texts seem more fun, but equally exotic, like this: "The Messenger of Allah forbade the price of the dog, the dowry of the prostitute and pay the diviner. "

Among the topics that will be decisive for the freedom of the West in the next few years, there has, in particular, the issue of Islamic finance. In this area, I learned during this reading, the concept of wear applied to any forward sale, which should pose few problems for moral Wahabi oil. But as said Tartuffe, it is ac ¬ commodements with sky ...

The list of topics covered in this little book is beyond the scope of this column, but I invite you gladly, dear readers, to discover the world surprising (and often disgusting) Hadiths if you want to improve your knowledge of Islam where the political caste media lies to us to day length  born ...


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