mercredi 4 mars 2015

Educator refuses to animate festive days Disturbing accommodation at the School Board Patriot

Educator refuses to animate festive days

Accommodation disturbing School Board Patriots

Director of childcare services of a primary school found itself in a dilemma over the past month. One of his teachers, a member of Jehovah's Witnesses, refused to lead activities related to children's birthdays or holidays such as Christmas or Easter, on the grounds that it was against his religion.

"I went on site to meet the director of the daycare. We approached the Halloweenparty.What to do for that day. " Says Ms. Houpert

It was finally decided that the teacher does not animateactivities of thethe day and it would change rather its tasks with another teacher.  Mrs. Houpert is doing very well on his knees.

The situation seems to have been settled later as the director of the daycare did not appeal again to the services of the School Committee.

The sect Jehovah's Witness

The sect of Jehovah's Witnesses is lying to you she?

The sect of Jehovah's Witnesses psychological and financial abuse of its members, uses lies,propaganda,misinformation and mindcontrol.

This organization sectarianextremist and does not respect humanrights.Its purpose is to maintain ulterior his followers in the Middle Ages intellectually to better control them. It is the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, also known under the designation ".Watchtower Bible & Tract Society"
This sect is a true "guru" does not like to be questioned or challenged. The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses use various techniques of mental manipulation and fallacies within his publications and speeches that pre writing. She likes to show only one side of the coin.

For example, since the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses extremist impose moral values, it prohibits sex without beingmarried.So the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses will say the people living in fornication are unfortunate people who get sexually transmitted infections and have unwanted pregnanciesc.

What the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses are not told,  is that there are people who use condoms and have some of these problems! But the option of condoms, she never speaks of, as if it did not exist! Same thing when it's time to talk about the evolution or creation debate.
They are politicians around the world

The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses always gives arguments for the creation and arguments againstevolution.She never shows pictures of fossils that have been discovered and demonstrate a gradual evolution of species. As if they had never been discovered. What hypocrisy of the leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses!
If you want to become a Jehovah's Witness, free to you.

However, remember thatthis sect you will abuse and that once she has finished with you, she will reject you as a merewaste.The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses will take away your freedom to think, your freedom of expression and your freedom of action. Certainly, in the beginning when you start to go to their meetings and assemblies, Jehovah's Witnesses will prove kind to you. But gradually as time goes on they will show more and more firm to you. Accepting no difference. If you dare to challenge the directives of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses or its representatives, Jehovah's Witnesses you réprimanderons, culpabiliserons, humiliate and mock at you.

They destroy your self esteem and call that of"humility."All this, Jehovah's Witnesses you will suffer no matter what you have endured, or made ​​to this sect. Is this how you want to be treated? Do not you deserve better than that? Do not be fooled by appearances.

Although they are well dressed and smiling when they go door to door and they are clean on the outside, inside the Jehovah's Witnesses are generallybad, hard, cruel and have no heart, without compassion, intolerant, misogynistic, homophobic, full of prejudices and preconceivedopinions.Jehovah's Witnesses have no pity for the poor, the weak and the sick. Jehovah's Witnesses despise and judge those who do not follow the Watchtowerguidelines.
Freedom of religion should not be absolute. It should stop where begins the freedom of individuals. All freedom including freedom of religion is part of the rule of law and must respect the law and human rights. Why governments do nothing against the sect of Jehovah's Witnesses? Is that sects methods and strategies of infiltration, influence and lobbying in all places of power at any level that is.

For that reason this person in such accommodation right but the people of Christian denominations? Two weights and two measures that school board without vertebral cowards and our governments.

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