dimanche 1 mars 2015

Maroccan immigrant says discrimination victim employemt

A Moroccan immigrant says discrimination victim employment but does not add the accommodations that his whole community asks Canadian are less he who, according to their religious principles. "Mea Culpa"
Moroccan immigrant in the borough of Saint-Laurent suspected victim of employment discrimination. Since he got his Quebec university degree in accounting in January 2014, the man sent more than a hundred resumes. More than a year later, no employer has contacted in order to convene theinterview, he told TC Media.
Upon his arrival in Quebec in 2011, Mohammed, who preferred to hide his surname has done his best to fit in his new home ground. But your congeners that ruins your life are not Quebec entrepreneurs with their incessant demands borne by delayed as Bouchard and Taylor Commission.
If you are hired by a new employer, how could he know that in a month , 6 months, one year you will not ask accommodations at the expense of other employees? It's up to you and your community to respond and especially to keep your word. Because for some of the rabbis or imams or other Quebec have very split foundered words and lies, in order to install their convictions.

He holds a university degree inaccounting,he has accumulated nearly 10 years of experience its field in Morocco. Upon his immigration, he still ordered to upgrade training at a university in Montreal to get the maximum qualifications here, before you start to actively seek employment.
Bouchard and Taylor Commission, Rabbi
Efforts however, have not borne fruit. "I have received no response other than automatic receiving messages, laments Mohammed. Yet I have used several strategies. I applied for jobs posted, I made ​​spontaneous referrals, I introduced myself personally, I enlisted the help of an employment agency. Nothing works.
"SinceMohammed n ' was that the income provided by social assistance to provide for hisfamily.
In front of his lack of success, the man thought several times to change their domain or return to Morocco. However, fears of reliving the same scenario.
"This is an extremely difficult decision to make. Even if I go back to Morocco, I am not certain to find a job, as I lost many years of expertise in immigrant here. And I am not alone in this decision. There my family.

generalized phenomenon
"Themanis far from alone in his situation. According to the 2006 Canadian census, the highest unemployment rate in Quebec is observed among Arabs (16.7%). The situation tends to be even more serious for those with a university degree. The unemployment rate is 10.5%, more than three times that of the native of Quebec with a university degree (3.1%).
This catastrophic unemployment rate among Arab-Quebecers surprises all more than 89% of them speak French.
"At first I thought the problem might be found in my CV, says Mohammed. Yet I have consulted the local employment center at the end of my studies so that advises me to adapt my documents as well as possible to the Quebec context. All industry professionals I contacted assured me that there was no obvious problems that could explain that I was eliminated from the outset Mohammed.
"Discriminationin employment

I think it ' is false that you highlight below, if Muslims, Jews, and others begin to integrate you and NOT ASK FOR MORE ACCOMMODATION DESRAISONNABLES EMPLOYERS WOULD NOT AFRAID OF YOU ENGAGE.  


You say you are ostracized, not you who have cultivated for decades of your world 'Islamophobiccreate by all the religious communities at theexpense of all the values ​​of the Canadianpeople.  

We are the silent majority who suffer your incessant demands using all laws and Chartres against ourcivilization.  

I wish you good luck because it is for Muslims, Jews and other religious sects to require those who want accommodations to let go or to return to their country of origin.  

The day that you and your community will do this, employers will have no fear of committing.  But for now with the help of corrupt politicians, your religious sects have created your own discrimination and you'll pay the price .

Your rabbis, imams and others should kneel before you all to ask your pardon for having created the culture of the company denies that greeted you. These people should say "mea culpa" because they brought as a community to create a tunnel of intolerance by them.

My question I and many Muslims and Jews why are you in Canada, as you know us before you leave to come here to make us humble ourselves constantly every day of the week.  

I can also be added, knowing many businesses, shops, grocery stores do not want Muslim engage Muslims because you are a source of trouble.
The problem is not to be Maghreb but attitudes Muslim religions, Jewish and others against our Western culture.
Mohammed concerned isdeeplythat the problem is more connected to his name tosound. North AfricanA hypothesis investigated in 2013 by sociologist Paul Eid, in a study entitled "Measuring employment discrimination suffered by minorities ravisées: results from a" testing "conducted in the greater Montreal."
By applying a "testing" by send CV fictitious, the author was able to measure in the Montreal context, the extent of discrimination in employment experienced by racialized minorities in five different professional fields, three of which correspond to skilled jobs (marketing, communications and human resources, customer service and secretariat).

For both skilled and unskilled jobs, the study determined that "a little over a third of refusals suffered by candidates from racialized minorities may be due to discrimination."
"In profile and qualifications are equal, a Tremblay or Bélanger at least 60% more likely to be invited to a job interview that Sanchez, a Ben Saïd or Traoré, and about once three (35%), the latter may have been ignored by the employer on a discriminatory basis, "the study concludes.
Because you also know these people will never ask accommodations, this is the where is your answer. Your communities have only blame herself, make your "mea culpa" again.

This systemic discrimination may have different causes, according to Sid Ahmed Soussi, director of the Centre for Research in Immigration, Ethnicity and Citizenship (CRIEC) of UQAM.
"This is partly due to the fact that employers are not trained to recognize the validity of the professional experience and qualifications acquired by immigrants before they arrive.

Besides religious discrimination, that can be called Islamophobia created by Muslims against the Canadians, where it deviates from the outset ofEasternimmigrants Middle and countries related to the Muslimreligion,"he explains to TC Media.
To remedy the situation The researcher believes that a multitude of solutions are possible. He believes that the federal government should continue to create links between the local labor market and training of immigrants that one wishes to recruit, especially with the recognition of diplomas effort.
"We must put in place policies to encourage large public colleges, who are the real managers of the market for skilled employment, to better recognize the training of immigrants. So is the future of this country that becomes extremely costly immigration benefit it should be already, "he added.

A priority for the department

at the Ministry of Employment and SocialSolidarity,one ensures that immigrants are a priority client.
"In addition to having access to all of the public employment services, they also have access to the programs and measures that are set up especially for them, says David McKeown, Director of Communications. For example, the support program for the integration of immigrants and visible minorities in employment (PRIME) helps them get a first in Quebec work experience in their field of expertise, using a grant salariale.»


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