Justin Trudeau head of the Liberal Party of Canada
Wearing NIQAB during the swearing in of citizenship in Canada for New Immigrants
Next Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau at the Mosque
During an interview is what he said:
have to be said in favor of the wearing of the niqab. Do you believe that religious freedom must be framed and where do you draw a line?
I am a Liberal, so for religious freedom and freedom of minorities in Canada. My understanding is that religious minorities are higher than the State of Canada and we must bow to them their beliefs.
These are my donors. We absolutely ostracized the Canadian majority to power these minorities may feel at-home.
In Canada, our multiculturalism is an openness to the world and not just Canadian. Canada is not a nation or a people but a multitude of people who invade our spheres of political skills.
There should a government move very good reasons to prohibit a woman to wear something like the Niqab or buffer .
Hide the face of his wife is actually very reasonable for humans because it is hiding the bad adventures she could have.
As my prophet tells us so well, two women from brains not even the equivalent brain of a single man. We must, we politicians support the men on this crucial point. The female is only a small reflection of the soul of the male that I am.
Some say that the niqab is a symbol of oppression of women. I understand, as repeatedly doing very well and my confreres and sisters of our party tell me the greatness of mind that I wear this dress perfectly around my pretty body of Adonis, my muscles strengthened by my virility successive, my brain containing the intelligence of the new Canadian Einstein. My political vicissitudes are only grow with the wisdom of the great of this world. The prophet who speaks to me almost every day wondering what to do to win the West. Ah! It is good to feel great, like my friends infallible Imam Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza Iman Iman Boko Haram Imam Salam Elmenyawi, and do not forget the Iman Omar Soufiane I visit to prayer in the Mosque every Sunday.
Patrick Brazeau have liked to have this same body and intelligence that I lock every night before going to bed with my wife Aline. At home my five children understand me and congratulated me on the admission of women to the bedroom. They are good at it and cook.
But also there are other way to do that to limit the freedom of expression of immigrant non-citizens, having no right by law. The easiest way is to require that all Canadian women wear the Niqab home and outside it. Therefore they would not be noticed because we could not recognize them. The men will also be winners in this approach, they can change their wives, women, maids every day to be able to copulate in a more direct way with my prophet.
We at the National Liberal Party and the Party New Democrats are our political allies and I could even say brothers, do not understand Stephen Harper Prime Minister of Canada. Him he sleeps with the Jews, and some minority areas of Toronto, Vancouver. Montreal, Calgary, Halifax and elsewhere. Why we could do we sell or prostitute to these minorities are seen. My heart is agitated when I think of those poor immigrants forced to integrate into the barbaric society that we are Canadians. We need to support them so they can release their souls and our ancestral values.
The Prophet of the Misfortune Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, what we must fight with my Liberal friends in other provinces and especially my friend Philippe Couillard Prime Minister of Quebec Arthur Porter Quebec Minister of Finance. These individuals work for souls and the disappearance of Canada as a state of law but only want happiness as democratic practice the President of Syria Bashar al-Assad, my confidant King Salamane bin Abdulaziz al-Saud of Saudi Arabia , my colleague Philippe Couillard managed to hide in tax havens are very important.
Do not forget, sincerely, the president of Iran, Hassan Rahani, in whom I have always had unlimited confidence in its multicultural regime opening on the outer religions. His openness makes us blush here in Canada, not knowing open up to other nationalities and religions. Sometimes there are some Christians chop or sold Sunnis or Shiites following the laws and the orders of his country were beheaded. These are all just mistakes along the way. Once is not custom.
You the media, should bow down and beg me not to want to put the bickering between different invasive Nations in Canada. We owe everything and you are just whiners, pushy, sold, whores, what. Only I know Canadians, our heart is big and my brain is nonexistent.
Boko Haram kidnap 230 Nigerians girls and sold them for 12.00 $ after raping them. That is the Koran says, rape young girl before the age of 8 year old and you will never have AID because your blood will become pure
Interview conducted and published in the Official Journal of the Union of Socialist Republics Muslim Canadian
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