dimanche 12 avril 2015

Denis Coderre and Iman Ali Sbeiti passport revoked, terrorist in Montréal

Denis Coderre and Iman Ali Sbeiti passport revoked, terrorist
In February 2013, the Imam Ali Sbeiti received the Diamond Jubilee Medal of Queen Elizabeth II of the hands of Denis Coderre, former Liberal MP in Ottawa and now mayor of Montreal .
Tell me who you frequent, and I'll tell you who you arePost.
National  The federal authorities have revoked the passport of a Montreal imam trained in Iran, which has already been described by the Integrated National Security Team RCMP as "a subject of interest in an ongoing investigation."
Sbeiti Ali, born in Iraq and Canadian citizen since 1991, was notified in a letter of 19 November, that his passport had been "disabled" and that Passport Canada was reviewing its'eligibility for passport services.
"The four-page letter from Citizenship and Immigration Canada informed Mr. Ali Sbeiti he could not use his passport and that he should return immediately.The letter cited the federal regulations without explanation on the reasons for the decision.
The internal government documents show, however, that the RCMP is interested in Ali Sbeiti since2009.It was also reported by the security office Passport Canada after changing his passport while trying to remove a sticker on one of the pages of the passport in 2007.
Mr. Ali Sbeiti could not be reached for comment. His lawyer, Mitchell Goldberg, was not able to comment, his office said. Kevin Menard, spokesman Chris Alexander, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, said he could not comment individual cases, but that the government "will not hesitate to take action to protect Canadians against the threat posed by jihadist terrorists." 
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The cause is described in documents filed last week in the Federal Court of Canada, where Me Goldberg argued that the government had "erred in law" by revoking the passport of Imam "and refusing him access passport services for an indefinite period.
"Inhis application, Mr. Goldberg says the decision violates the rights of Mr. Ali Sbeiti to mobility, and is based on" erroneous facts resulting from a survey carried out improperly and arbitrary. "Passport Canada has also failed to observe the standards of procedural fairness, says he.
This case is the latest under federal laws that allow the government toor revoke  refuse to issue passports for various reasons, including when it is deemed necessary "for reasons of national security of Canada or another country."
The Shiite Imam Ali Sbeiti,46, was born in Najaf in Iraq, and studied religion in Lebanon and Iran, according to the website of the Muslim Community Center of Montreal (CSCM), which identifies it as its imam, although a person who responded to the Centre a call has said that Mr. Ali Sbeiti n ' working there anymore.
"He immigrated to Montreal, Canada, in 1988 and returned to Qom, Iran, to pursue his religious studies. He returned to Canada a few years later to serve the community, "the website said.

He founded" community associations and centers across Canada, "including Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Windsor, Edmonton and Vancouver shows his biographer on the CSCM site, adding that he was "an active member of several committees and organizations involved in the community and in religious activities throughout North America."
According to the register of Quebec companies Ali Sbeiti is president of the El-Hidaya Association, a nonprofit group based in Montreal and founded in 1997. The address of this Association is the same as the CSCM, according to the provincial registries.
A group ofactivists Quebecwho formed a so-called "People's Commission on Immigration Security Measures," notes without its report in 2006 that Mr. Ali Sbeiti narrated "personal and community experiences of harassment" by the Service Canadian Security Intelligence.
"He was interrogated dozens of times by CSIS (starting well before September 11, 2001), often for hours," and "people who arrive in the country are regularly ask questions about it and ask if they plan to attend prayers; they are led to believe that this isa dangerous individual, "the report of the Commission.
Mr Ali Sbeiti "started having problems at airports" and complain of delays in obtaining their boarding passes, and having to "hold short while we proceeded to the boarding of other passengers" the report said.

"He finally discovered that he had been placed on the No-Fly List from the United States and that this affected the same when he was traveling within Canada."
When he tried to enter the United States, it was "arrested, handcuffed and placed in a cell for six or seven hours"before being returned to Canada, the report said. "He was then informed by the bank that the Canadian authorities wanted to investigate his finances."
His "history Safety Data Sheet" Passport Canada shows that in 2007 his passport was damaged when he tried to remove "sticker." He said it happened in Saudi Arabia and denied that he had tried to withdraw his passport visa, which was later seized at Trudeau airport in Montreal because he had changed.
Two years later, on August 31, 2009, the integrated national security team of the RCMP in Montreal asked the passport office to put an "alert" on Ali Sbeiti because they regarded him as "a person of interest".
M Ali Sbeiti teaches terrorists in Montreal
passport he was using at the time had more input and output stamps of Lebanon, and an Iranian visa, and indicates that he went to Kuwait , Saudi Arabia, Australia, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey.
When Mr. Ali Sbeiti applied for a new passport in 2012, the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET) again signaled its interest in Ali Sbeiti Passport Canada.
"As previously discussed, we would like to obtain a copy of the passport application of the subject and any other information you have regarding the application. It is a topic of interest in an ongoing investigation, "wrote Samuel Mikhail INSET in Montreal in an email dated 5 September 2012.
Canadian Passport Office is he blind?
Despite the request of the RCMP, Passport Canada has not received "no response from the police," and issueda new passport to Mr Ali Sbeiti two weeks later, allowing him to travel to Lebanon via Paris. An internal e-mail said he was not to be told that he was a subject of interest to the police.
September pages of the record of Mr. Ali Sbeiti Passport Canada were redacted before being filed in the record of the court. The government has declared its intention to contest the disclosure of information under the Evidence Act in Canada.
It sells for any suspicious individuals in Montreal, regardless of religions
Tell me who frequent you I would tell youwho you are
It is dating that determine the personalities of many politicians nations.;
it goes, so remarkable in its original and concise simplicity, exists in most modern  but it is older among Arabs than among the others because it is literally in the Award Series of Ali ibn Abi Talib (seventh century), cousin and son of Muhammad, the prophet.
As for the thought that expresses, it is of great antiquity. The early sages knew very well that we take the manners of people that regularly attends, and they had a maxim that is good with the good and bad with the wicked.
The communication indeed has so much influence on man,it does not allow him to have a character itself. It modifies it and knead it a soul on the mold of its links. It nourishes Achilles with the marrow of lions among the Centaurs, and dressed as a woman among the courtiers of Lycomedes. So we can not go wrong by prejudging the morality of an individual from that of his close friends.They characterize it, and it is in them to look for it, if it takes the party to conceal. It should for sure find the way it is.
He knows no one by itself is known by hiscompanion.
Since it is proven from time immemorial that human actions are generally determined by least the reason that a natural propensity to imitation, it follows that the most important rule of education is to provide the youth with examples worthy of emulation. These examples can animate a generous emulation the most apathetic natures Saady.
Persians say in a proverb formulated by
The Houndthe ofseven sleepers, locked up with them in the same cave, eventually becoming aman;wonderful fact that Qur'anic commentators have added to the Christian legend relates that seven young noble people of Ephesus to escape the persecution of Emperor Decius, hid themselves in the spacious cavity of a mountain and there remained miraculously asleep until the advent of the younger Theodosius, that is to say, during one hundred seventy to seven years.
Are our politicians support the crusades to kill Christians around the world?
Unfortunately the good examples excite too often a sterile admiration, while the poor have a contagion whose strength is even on the minds that seem most likely to resist the strength of their principles.
It is a very fine and notices judicious moralist Nicolas Chamfort (1740-1794)  however that,unwelcome, however we seem unbearable defects of those with whom we live, we do not allow to take part; being the victim of such foreign to our character defects is not even a condom against them
Considering all these facts, politicians should reduce their dating and sell to anyone to fill the coffers of their political parties

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