vendredi 17 avril 2015

Immigrants minorities in Quebec discriminate against the majority of Quebecers

Minorities immigrants in Quebec  discriminate against the majority

With Canadian and Quebec Charters that still protect the guilty rather than innocent. This is the world upside down! Minorities and the majority rule under attack of reasonable accommodation, the most wacky requests, to have the power super impose their will on the majority? THIS IS THE WORLD UP SIDE DOWN.

At the greatness of the world, the power of minority groups is now required. Some individuals connected by technological means, especially through social networks, disturb, destroy, kill and spread terror.
Countries, peacekeepers from the UN, NATO troops are unable to stop with minimally effective the various abuses often in the name of Allah or extremist ideologies of left and right.
Muslims Illuminati
It took a few enlightened God supported by a few hundred individuals around the world to destroy the two World Trade Center, a symbol of American power. In Nigeria, Boko Haram and his minions who kidnap, rape and torture of girls and torment their Christian enemies always stand up to the Nigerian troops mocking of those in power become powerless before their attacks.

In the West, no government can really stop mad God to take action. Either in France or Canada or Britain or Australia or Scandinavia. This fact is distilled in our minds socially deadly poisons.
The "law" of minorities discriminate against the rights of the majority
On a different scale, in recent decades, there has been home to a political phenomenon which, to be enlightening, is not less worrying. This is the non-recognition of the law of the majority. The proliferation of parties results in fragmentation of the vote with the result in our system to encourage minority governments.
But attitudes have evolved to the point where many citizens do not respect the law of the majority. As if a government is legitimate that having the support of 50% plus one of the voters. Unrealistic and impossible situation in our time in democratic countries.
This undermined the majority concept opens the door to abuse. UQAM is living proof and a continuation of spring maple that was the laboratory of political action for the future. Indeed, the desire of the street in 2012 was the overthrow of the Charest government.
It happened. But the government's failure Marois after a year and a half of minority power has allowed the majority election of the Liberal government of Philippe Couillard. Part of Quebecers is still in shock about these results. Therefore, a minority of young people, including those who oppose the majority vote of their colleagues against the strike at UQAM, dreams of blowing the rector, the Minister of Education and, ultimately, the government who was elected democratically.

Respect for the common good
should not forget that they are encouraged by pro strike teachers, themselves a minority and who preach the "good word" for young offenders while facing injunctions. But they are financially protected by their collective agreement.
A company requires its leaders a sense of the common good, respect the laws and the ability to exercise authority without which even the security of citizens is threatened. Minorities have the right to protest in the streets, but will never have the right to interfere with the freedom of the majority of institutions and rules without suffering the legal consequences, criminal and social.
Quebec, for over twenty years became so weak, spineless who lets pounding on the feet of the first arrivals. We did these minorities are angry and afraid that the planet talks about it.
I would say only one thing, and this truly real thing, the Jews of Israel stand on end and do not bow down before these minorities and Muslims who want the destruction of Israel. The Government of Israel stands before all the nations of the world and not said. You have to respect us and respect the autonomy of my territory. We are all ready to fight to the last drop of blood to preserve this right, not a privilege of a nation.`

But as we are in Quebec and Canada, our politicians and elites prefer to sell first came to filling their pockets filled envelopes of dirty money so they remain in power as long as possible. We agencies are infiltrated by these minorities, who graciously distribute money to corrupt our political, and they send their directives through all levels of society, adding laws to the minorities can be the first to order and destroying the majority.
Politicians who do not respond to this situation because all minorities, are traitors to the nation. Thomas Mulcair and Justin Trudeau who want the destruction of the Canadian identity for their personal profit. Besides the premiers of several provinces kneel before no matter which minorities not only religious, first nations, trade unions, students, anarchists, etc. Our elites have lost their pants.
Justin Trudeau He's our man in Ottawa.jpg

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