Islam is a disease and how to cure this global curse
On the book "Out of the curse, Islam between civilization and barbarism" by Abdelwahab Meddeb, a French intellectual Muslim born in Tunis, a professor at the University of Paris X-Nanterre, France-Culture on animating the program "Cultures of Islam."He is the author of numerous books including "the disease of Islam", "Counter-Sermons"threshold. Seems this week at the "Out of the curse. Islam between civilization and barbarism."
Newspaper du Nouvel Observateur interviewed him. The full interview is reported under the title: How to cure Islam Qur'an:
outset, Abdelwahab Meddeb told us about his approach unorthodoxof the "the Koran becomes an untouchable idol when it is perceived as the very word of God, unaltered and unalterable, such that in itself from all eternity.
It is very curious that Muslims did their holy book an idol, it whose message is so fierce against idols. " Such an opinion is just as heretical because it raises serious questions about an article in the main faith of Islam.
Besides the Koran is not perceived it is according to scholars, the uncreated word of Allah and this statement is in the Koran itself. Hence one should question the admissibility of such opinion by the vast majority of Muslims. Despite these reservations, it is important to recognize that Abdelwahab Meddeb had to question the divine character of the Qur'anic text.
To "break the curse" and to "cure Islam," Muslims have no other choice but to scrap all the verses that incite to hate and destroy the disbelievers.Common sense also should it not bring Muslims to reflect on the feasibility of jihad against all infidels living in this world...
"The neutralization of this" perverted notion "of jihad is possible provided back bellicose verses as those known as the Sword (IX, 5) and war (IX, 29) to the historical context of their formulation.
The first verse calls to kill the pagans, the second fight Jews and Christians or to grant them protection at the cost of enslavement... if today we continue to read such verses literally, one encounters the peace that governs the community of nations. What Indian and Chinese pagans? What of Europe, the Jude-Christian America?
"Abdelwahab Meddeb, unlike the useful idiots who spend their time repeating that Islam is peace and love,admits without hesitation that bellicose verses of the Koran, taken literally, are a danger to world peace.In order to prevent conflicts, the way ahead is mapped out: ...
"To adapt to the reality of peace that governs international politics (despite the many conflicts that are local and yet" low intensity ") Islam must in turn betray his own letter and definitively declare obsolete reference to jihad to adapt to the values implied freedom of conscience and worship.
"The interviewer neglected to ask Abdelwahab Meddeb how it would take to bring Muslims to "betray own letter of the Quran and declare definitively obsolete reference to jihad,"however "freedom of conscience" made him raise the issue of sharia that Abdelwahab Meddeb considers " in flagrant contradiction with the declaration of human "rights.Taking as an example the death penalty forapostasy,he asked how one could "get out of the inconsistency."
Seeking a way out, Abdelwahab Meddeb invokes the silence of the Koran on the subject and says the subordination of prophetic traditions the text of the Koran: "There is no Koranic prescription condemning the apostate to death. The teachers of the law are based on a prophetic tradition to legitimize such a punishment. But the prophetic tradition is a source of legitimation second ...
"The problem with this argument is that the Qur'an which was recommended earlier"betrayal of the letter "is invoked here as a main reference not for what he said but for what he failed to say. Pirouette rather an argument founded, Islam is not only the Qur’an.
The scholars will surely point out. Therefore Abdelwahab Meddeb,ignoring the unanimous view of the different legal schools of Islam, calls for the plurality of opinions for "disturbing the law", that challenge the authority of experts,but it fails to mention that such an undertaking can not in any case obtain the consent of the jurists. To overcome this difficulty, it relies on the legislative power of the states, which must be freed from the tutelage of the scholars ...
"The legislature has to draw on the potential inherent these historical realities to deepen the disagreement between the lawyers . Whenever there is contradiction between human rights and sharia, precedence should be given to human rights ... "Whew!
The law of Allah be subject to human rights,we know many Muslim lawmakers who might on such a perilous terrain?
Not many people, so the final responsibility lies with the West, the West which is repeatedly denounced the neo-colonial interference, "... our role is to encourage official Islam, the State, to take responsibility if he wants to be a valued partner in the community of nations.
A form of cowardice grows Europeans and Westerners to ignore this requirement. Is certainly the case in Canada with our politicians on all fours like Justin Trudeau, Thomas Mulclair Kathleen Wynne Stephen Harper, Philippe Couillard and thousands more with a gold plate All Canadians to our immolation for fun Prophet by bringing the death of Western civilization. Islamic and Jewish propaganda spread in the United States with the general lack of leadership of US President Barack Obama and the Republican Party in the US. Their monetary authorities have the upper hand over all the truths of this world that our politicians love to wallow in the golden calf.
The pressure of the European and Western states is a necessity in this area. is critical "Western when they occur and are critical when they do not intervene!
Facing thethick shell ofsharia,darts ofAbdelwahab Meddeb seem ridiculous, especially since certain provisions of Sharia, including thepenalty death for apostates, are taken into supported by individuals even in the West.There is no need to state passed or law, a fatwa posted on the internet simply.
The following passage deserves attention
Islamism is in your fascism that Islam may, however,upset,otherwise win. Is it too late?
A. Meddeb. - I keep repeating that never throughout history the principle of death has triumphed over the principle of lifesince..
The Thousand Year Reich invoked by the Nazis did not last more than thirteen
Say Islamism triumph 1979. This may seem long especially since we do not perceive the signal exhaustion. But this time on is explained by the fact that fascism adapts to an Eastern anthropological reality that does not know march, which retains the use of improvisation and wandering.
It is difficult to differentiate Islam Islamism insofar as they are part of a continuum. It is true that Islam A staff. Meddeb is far removed from Islamism but it is not less than official Islam. How in such conditions Islam imagine working for his own purpose? Majority of the Muslim people has almost no education, education, jobs, live in the countries of the third world dictators and dictatorships and to make their laws every day.
Not being able to fight, their monetary forces, religious legal knowledge, and culture can not face such barbaric. Consequently, they let indoctrinate these watches so-called religion to inhuman jihad by making them hang over their poor head hope Allah will give them a place in their sky. Women and their children are also uneducated, with no job or work or income indulges confront the West, because for them it is the West, Christians and Jews are the woes of all.
Having no force against them, these religious come to our country wests lie to us and they are embedded across all our institutions, buy buildings, schools, religious sites shenanigans with our politicians and elites are manufactured canvas spider net to stifle us and there Barbary their own values.
Does Y is a difference between Islamic fascism and Nazi fascism of Hitler?
Many experts have broken teeth trying to design a compatible Islam with democracy and human rights.A chance, Islam does not contains in itself the elements necessary for its own transformation,so the only way out for him is to win to survive.
Meddeb is surprised that the Islamic fascism can last and continue his conquests while Nazi fascism collapsed after thirteen years.
He attributes the success of the first of its ability to adapt to the reality of Muslims.The neutral observer can not however ignore the factors contributing to the rise of Islamic fascism,which oil money, the media, the lack of democratic alternative in Muslim countries and of course the almost total absence of resistance from the West. Nazism when with him has not collapsed by itself, it was buried under the smoking ruins of Europe.
With respect to the future, A. Meddeb reveals is optimistic the deadly Islamism is opposed to life and will be defeated.
If allowed to share his optimism regarding the long term, however it is not possible to predict the amount of suffering that humanity will have to endure to get to this result.
The example of Iran is far from reassuring.The prediction to the effect that: "... This country will emerge from fascism and totalitarianism imposed on the Islamist ideology it since it retains some of its fringes manifest modernity through the achievements of its artists, filmmakers, photographers, visual artists, poets, thinkers, men and women ... "err on the side of confidence in that totalitarian mullahs make abundant use of the Iranian modernist to make a image of moderation to better disarm the opponent, and the least that we can say is that this maneuver gives excellent results intellectuals.
Meddeb is right to remind certain truths as self-hatred forget to"The double standards of an open society, free of archaisms, can be spotted through the provided against women and minority foreigners. "In this chapter, the Westerners are unaware of their achievements in terms of openness and little incentive to protect the gains threatened by Islamism.
Women and Jews
The condition of women and Jews in the West is deteriorating and no shows willingness to place Muslims to account. Yet recent developments in Islamic countries shows us where Islamism may lead us: "The fear engendered by women and foreigners is the sign of a gregarious community closed in on itself entangled in inbreeding The seclusion of women, xenophobia ".
And A. Meddeb does not mention the extreme violence that feeds such a community on the other. The support as get the perpetrators of terrorist attacks from the Muslim population and especially young people is proof.
This interview is interesting in more than one point. First reflection: no Western intellectual adopting a similar position on Islam does deserve the honor of an interview in a large periodically as the Nouvel Observateur Newspaper. Phrases like "disease of Islam" "fascism of Islam" "out of the curse" would be immediately denounced as Islamophobes.
The fact that they are conveyed by a Muslim thinker gives them legitimacy and respectability natural. It is as if the criticism of Islam can not be legitimate and credible coming from a Muslim source.
A. Meddeb it clear that our journalists and intellectuals refuse to think. By providing such a opinion, heterodox it is exposed to the vengeance of the majority of Muslims. Few of our thinkers can boast such courage.
Speaking of "disease of Islam" A. Meddeb pose the correct diagnosis, the violence of Islamism is rooted in the Koran. Our "intellectuals" who persist to make mea culpa to the West and accuse him of all evil. If the violence of Islamism comes from the Quran, then treatment should target the cause of evil.
This is why A. Meddeb prescribed a drastic treatment to the extent of the disease,or render obsolete and inapplicable repeated injunctions to jihad. But that's easier said than done, so the "healing of Islam" and "out of the curse," it is not for tomorrow.
The optimism of A. Meddeb is it justified?I think we have a duty to be optimistic even if the test looks harder and longer than those that the West went through with the Nazi and communist tyrannies.However, I believe that the policy of accommodation and appeasement, and more voluntary blindness, make it even more difficult test that the fight against Islamic fascism is hampered by the very people who claim to be advocates and freedoms.
Islam is he collapsed or rule the world? It is for you to wake up and beware of politicians, critics, journalists, intellectuals, manipulators pay under tables and several others because they do not want happiness, but their own pockets caring no patriotism you you, your stories and cultures that our ancestors instilled in us? Beware, as saying in the Bible, false from the Temple, their wiles were matched only by their wickedness and treachery.
Wake Up America
Your statue is leaving America
Helios Alexandria Islam diagnosis-and-treatment /
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