mercredi 22 avril 2015

Reflection: Muslim refugees in Europe and especially in Italy - Wake Up People

Reflection: Muslim refugees in Europe and especially in
Italy,we see that throughout the world doing all this misery on humans. Nobody and no country can not accommodate all these people who are in living in tyrannical countries and professing terror every day. The majority of these countries are admistrated  by religious fanatics and everything specifically Islam.  

These Islamic countries do not recognize the right of human beings to live, work and women and females as waste of humanity only the male that is the superior being. Do superiority is only the tip of flesh he has in his legs?
When I see it on TV, they are mostly Muslims who join the European coast. In addition to these Muslim throw overboard any person who is not a Muslim. Given that their God is Merciful, they get rid of Christian rot or other religions.  
Europeans should look great, and scrutinize the new Muslim immigrants because it may be terrorists sent by the Muslim states, imbued Imams cruelty you get rid of all Christians and Jews of this planet, as specifically request the Koran.
Maybe there will be false shipwrecked in the year in Europe and will be the new terrorists, Adil Charkaoui, the Iman Chaoui Hamza professing hatred and destruction of our democracies and our customs, and our stories . We governments with eyes closed and clogged ears will of the citizens of the country.
They will want to like what is happening in Quebec and Canada crooked politicians that will help with all sorts of shenanigans that these terrorists are in demand position is remote reasonable accommodation but after a certain period of time will go to infiltrate all state institutions in order to establish Islam and Sharia law.  
The day they arrive they definitely need help, but the second day, they will require Halal food, the third day they will ask a place of prayer, the fourth day as the Islamophobia have Muslim schools and mosques. We say to all that we are racist and that we do not want to integrate with the Islamists, because it is the religion of the Prophet.
All strategist feeds by intellectual poor advocating multiculturalism as Justin Trudeau, Thomas Mulclair Philippe Couillard, that is to say the liberal parties, the New Democrats, the other parties in the corridors of the opposition to play the game pushy.

You should open your eyes and turn your head to Canada and the United States, France, Britain and several other European countries have become shelters for terrorists and the implementation of Sharia. They have installed throughout our country continual baffles religions, wars between the peoples and our values.
I am not saying they are all terrorists, but you will never give them rights as other citizens n 'not. If they ask these accommodations return them to their countries of origin and with no right of return.  
This document has no racism,but he wants us to have eyes open and guard against the different religions of the world

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