mercredi 8 avril 2015

Our political leaders cost a lot of money changing public servant

Our political leaders are very expensive rework us at every change of political party officials in
the one political party to another, musical chairs never stops with the senior officials and the taxpayers who will pay as always invoices.
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Premiers and Ministers make a clean sweep of the officials without any consideration of their skills or incompetence. If you're not a good political party in power, take your luggage and moved. We will give you a handshake, again at taxpayers' expense, and you'll have to find you a job elsewhere for the next four years. The majority of these people back to work fired for their political party waiting for re-election to be over.  
The outgoing Prime Minister has the right to recognition of one or more of their officials, who will never be touched by dismissal . These officials thus become permanent officials of the public service. They will have a job producing nothing, can not affect the conditions of the new government, they will be shelved until their pensions with salaries of $ 150,000 more or take them retire with premiums departures of all kinds, a royal retreat, again paid by us taxpayers.
Another consequence of this musical chair,all laws, decrees enacted by the previous government, institutions must renew their personal directions and change the institution's management. All this will create uncertainty in the positions of civil servants and customer service, which is us taxpayers.
We can certainly say that governments both new and old live on planets outside of our salary system . They revolve around a buffet with unlimited money and power. Their political acrobatics never cease to amaze us to mix us all things.
Liberals Péquistes, Caquistes, always the same acrobatics
Friends of liberal replace mandarins PQ of persuasion. But the salary never decreases in paradise senior employees of the government. The only ones who go to the fund are ultimately taxpayers.
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La Presse has requested under the Access to Information Act,the list of travel in the senior civil service or the deputy minister positions, or Assistant Deputy Minister and Secretary General holds that changed since the last election. A long list of senior employees, good weather, bad weather, do not see their working conditions decrease.
MarioAlbert,former President of the Authority financial markets, became patron Investissement Québec under the Marois government. He no longer holds that office since the summer; he returned to his home ministry, Finance, but he kept his salary ($ 389,714 peryear).
Hubert Bolduc was responsible for all government communications in the Marois government.The day after the election, he was sent with his permanently, to a more obscure post to Investissement Québec, the same salary ($ 208,000).
This has placed Christian Lessard,a senior advisor Mr.Philippe Couillard during the election campaign, this coveted post and equally rewarded.
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Juliette Champagne was Deputy Minister of International Relations, chief of protocol under Pauline Marois.She was sent on a siding at the National School of Public Administration (ENAP), immediately after the election, but his salary remained at $ 146,000.
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Sylvie Barcelo, associated with the PLQ,had been sent to a sinecure, a Vice-Chair of the Pension Board. With the return of the Liberals, it was propelled Deputy Minister of Cultural Affairs, to $ 202,000.
Christian Barrette,former press secretary Jean Charest was in reserve of the Republic to the car insurance company. Since the summer, it is the Assistant Deputy Minister for Seniors and keeps his salary. $ 151,000
Ann Champoux,former chief of staff Christine Saint-Pierre for Culture, was on a siding to the Régie des Olympic facilities. She obtained a long-term contract at the head of the Régie du cinéma at $ 154,000.
Marie-Claude Champoux was also shelved, as Acting President of the Labour Standards Commission ($ 202,000), this old  office Jean Charest's became Deputy Minister for Education after the election ($ 208,000) .
At the CNT, it is replaced by Jean St-Gelais,former Secretary General under Pauline Marois, which retains its processing $ 318,000 per year.
The list does not include newcomers like Pietro Perrino,Liberal other (179,000$), or the boss of all officials, .Roberto Iglesias ($ 310,000)
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Responsible for all these appointments, André Fortier,former chief of staff Claude Ryan, has not forgotten; it was parked at ENAP, 179, 000, and became Associate Secretary General for Senior Positions ($ 197,000).
Former adviser Guy Chevrette, but official for years, Charles Larochelle has not escaped the radar . Pauline Marois had appointed at the helm of the Société d'habitation du Québec (SHQ), and he became a member of the Municipal Board, always at a salary of $ 179,000.
Michel Gagné,a former Liberal cabinets, took over the SHQ. In obedience PQ as well, but Mandarin in ages, Gilbert Charland had known a long winter at ENAP Board.;
Under the Liberals, he became president of the Municipal  Then, under the PQ Deputy Minister in the Ministry to build or higher education. Enjoyed the Liberals, it was kept under Minister, but the Environment. His salary was unchanged at $ 208,000.
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Marc Lacroix,parked at ENAP under the PQ became president of the Public Service Commission, with the same salary, or $ 208,000.
The former director of the City of Montreal Rachel Laperrière replaced in the tranquility of ENAP; Deputy Minister for Culture, she became "Director invited" but always at the same salary $ 175,000.
Another deported to ENAP, JoséeTremblay,who was deputy minister for the Capitale-Nationale, retains its pay $ 148,000.
Martin Philippe Côté,former Chief of Staff Bertrand Saint-Arnaud for Justice, was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance (Tourism) to $ 148,000. The government appointed Couillard, at the same salary , to the less strategic functions, Infrastructure Québec.
Jean-Philippe Marois,right arm of Jean-Marc Fournier for years, comes from the same organization and became Deputy Minister of access to information, under its former political boss . His salary increased from 150000 to 157 000.
Marc Croteau,former chief of staff of Jean Charest, then Deputy Minister of International Relations, has experienced a resurrection. Relegated to ENAP under the PQ, he became Deputy Minister of Tourism, still $ 202,000.
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Marie-Claire Ouellet,General Secretary of Communications under Jean Charest, became his right arm, while maintaining its processing $ 191,000.
Raymond Lesage,also from the personal guard of Jean Charest, was parked at the Convention Center of Quebec, $ 179,000; it is for Natural Resources as assistant deputy minister, the same treatment delegate.
Another liberal deputy minister sent button at the Francophonie Centre by the PQ, Marie-Claude Francoeur,became  Québec in Boston, and has retained its salary $ 154,000government.;
Mario Laprise was the boss of the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) under the PQ  he returned to "loan service" to his former position at Hydro-Québec, SQ but always pays his salary of $ 194,000 per year.
Martin Prudhomme,replacing the SQ, was previously Deputy Minister of Security public. His salary remains the same ($ 208,000).
Pierre Hamelin,long in the private practices of Finance, was on a siding under the PQ to $ 180,000. After the election, he was appointed secretary general priorities, to $ 197,000.
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Georges Farrah,a former member of the Quebec Liberal Party, had remained in the Company during the ferry Marois mandate, to $ 165,000. It has since become conductor of the "maritime strategy" at $ 178,000.
André Boisclair,former Minister of Quebec and Quebec representative in New York, which will receive all his life a salary of more than $ 150,000 a year for doing nothing.
Chantale Landry,aforementioned POST-IT madame will different new function with no liability 180$ 000 which called for Mr. Jean Charest list of good Liberals who filled the coffers of the Liberal Party of Quebec.
This list does not end ever, every year governments add their boyfriends new paid by us taxpayers. While here be the Social Riches, who still continue with obsessive obesity. Can be part of this exclusive clan of Social Well-being of the rich.The only requirement you need to have is to have a beautiful voice, to present themselves as having knowledge and be ready to sell politically and without conscience|.

La Presse Published December 10, 2014 05:00 AM  Updated 10 December 2014 to 6:34
- With the collaboration of Serge Laplante

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