Jihadist propaganda in Montreal school
and daycare El Forkane
What does the Minister of Education Yves Bolduc
and the first Minister Philippe Couillard? NOTHING
This is a personal choice
Salafidocuments jihadistsand in Arabicour investigation Bureau found on the school website and daycare El Forkane have disappeared from the site within minutes of the call owner.
Sunday, February 8th, 2015 at 6:36 p.m. START DAY Monday, February 9, 2015 10:52 Journal of Montreal
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The website of the Islamic school and Arabic El Forkane, which also operates a day care center, was a veritable mine of texts in favor of radical Islam and even the armed jihad.
The school's website Islamic and Arabic El Forkane, which also operates a day care center, was a veritable mine of texts in favor of radical Islam and even the armed jihad.
A few minutes after the call of our Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday, the owner school and the nursery has withdrawn 155 links to documents in Arabic download some of which contained the radical propaganda.
Among them, a Lebanese thesis on the role of jihad "in the construction of the Muslim military personality" that our Bureau of Investigation has translated.
"The Muslim mujahid must deny before the greatness of Islam [...] and to sacrifice for the doctrine and preaching," says the text, we checked in.
"All jihad means are legitimate to confront those trying to undermine the role of Islam, "said an imam to a Lebanese Islamic choice.
School"The Muslim soldier has a victory or martyrdom.
"ThesisAli Farid Dahrouj
The owner of El Forkane Mohamed Ridha Rahmaoui ensures that he fought all his life against fundamentalism and terrorism, but it could not explain the presence on its site . of hyperlinks to jihadist Salafist texts and from the most radical currents of political Islam
"Sometimes we download the documents; it's thousands of pages. So it is sure that sometimes it happens, "he said.
One of them bears the signature of a leading Salafi ideologues, Imam Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani.
Another is signed by Sayyid Qutb, often regarded as the father of jihadist movements, which multiplied the positions taken against the Jews.
suspended Activities
Courses in Arabic studies and Quranic El Forkane were held in rented premises at Rosemont College.But the school has decided to suspend school activities time to analyze the numerous documents found linked on its website.
"If we teach the content of these documents in this school, preparing soldiers of God, and not citizens, denounced Wael Saleh, Coordinator of the interdisciplinary Observatory of Islamist movements at the University of Montreal. The fact that the owner has removed the documents shows that it is fully aware of their nature.
"Incollaboration with Félix Séguin
• The Jews have no speech, they are liars.
• The good wife does not sleep if her husband is angry until he forgives him.
• Sermons of the Saudi imam Abdulmohsen Al Qasim
• All education is not based on religion is only failure.
Abdulmohsen Al Qasim
• How many Muslim children were processed in these schools have become corrupted thereafter the greatest enemies of Islam?
• Suggested Friday sermon, about secular schools.
Investigation Bureau Hugo Joncas and Félix Séguin Journal de Montreal
What are our governments on this? Like ostriches, they hide the truth and their heads are in the sand, and barbarians win.
The Rosemont College suspends the activities of an Islamic school who rented her classes on weekends. Our Bureau of Investigation has informed the direction that the school published links to fundamentalist texts on its website.
"We will take immediate action to suspend the activities of that school," said the Director General of college, Stéphane Godbout.
In the minutes of our call Wednesday, Mohamed Ridha Rahmaoui,which operates the El Forkane school withdrew its web page links to download 155 texts in Arabic.
Many of them had . Salafi doctrines, which include the most fundamentalist currents of Sunni Islam
Mohamed Rahmaoui did not explain the presence of these on its website hyperlinks Salafi documents.;
"Sometimes we download the it's thousands of pages. Then for sure that once it passes, he said. But if I see that there are about Salafis, I will remove them. I am not of that school.
"The owner of El Forkane also ensures that it is for the public school.this However,is not what suggests a text hyperlink on its Islam website.
"Beware of the enemies of They will always want the bad, you tend traps and traps which most is that of their schools that were built for the loss of the soul, have been built for corrupt morals and beliefs, "said a sermon suggestion for imams, translated from the Arabic by our Bureau of Investigation.
The publication of hyperlinks to these speeches is very "clumsy" said Mohamed Ourya,lecturer at the School of Applied Politics at the University of Sherbrooke. "Both are denied the values of the secular school, and sent the children take these courses in a public college!"
No choice to rent
According to the CEO of Rosemont College, the Commission on Human Rights had advised to accept the rental application area of El Forkane "it a few years ago." What is in your mind, certainly not the Commission on Human Rights on this too important to the commission.
"As it provides premises for rent, we could not discriminate by refusing religious activity," says Stéphane Godbout.
The college is already doing all it can to prevent and understand the radicalization of young people, ensures Habib El Hage, intervening head to college. He does not believe that the establishment is an incubator for radicals, but nevertheless asked the RCMP to come and train staff to learn to cope.
Why pheasants we enter the land of terrorists and Iman we give them more citizenships. Is it possible, that the Department of Immigration is not a good expertise of people who want to come to Canada to profess to hate our civilization? What are the reasons for giving Unreasonable Accommodations terrorists corrupt religious and Muslims who do not want to integrate. We are all idiots or do we have a lack of intelligence?
King Mohammed VI of Morocco
Even the King of Morocco does not accept Imams and Muslim who profess hate messages against Morocco, etc. Can you tell me that the King of Morocco is not a Muslim. He is Muslim but he does not like critics in the mosques that preach the destruction of Morocco. Here in Canada we are so nice, we are helping to destroy us? What do you think about the King of Morocco who want to protect his country against false Imam?
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