mardi 28 avril 2015

Thomas Mulcair with the lobby of the Muslim Brotherhood in Brossard, Quebec, Canada

Thomas Mulcair with the lobby of the Muslim Brotherhood in Brossard
Thomas Mulcair met with the lobby of the Muslim Brotherhood at the mosque in Brossard. Thomas Mulcair he promotes terrorism in Canada with his friend Justin Trudeau? You see our dear Canadian and Quebec MPs sell and we sell to anyone. Mr. Stephen Harper supports Jews. Françoise David woos Muslims and Philippe Couillard courting all minorities except the Christians and the French-speaking Quebecers. The CAQ and the Parti Québécois do the same things. We are, dear taxpayers turkey stuffing.

As you can see no political party of consciousness, what they want is to be elected, have the power to become rich and the majority of the population.
The Muslim Brotherhood is classified as a terrorist organization by the United Nations, Canada and several other countries. What are all our politicians with terrorists, or associations more or less desirable, as the Liberals with the Mafia?
What is the prostitution of our politicians?
Prostitution of our politicians is an activity of exchanging relations against disparate groups remuneration.Although practiced by members of all political parties, it is mainly exerted by different people related to MPs and politicians. The legal status of prostitution politicians because it is the politicians who make and pass legislation.
Prostitution of our politicians is regularly the subject of heated controversy between politicians, intellectuals and the general population, that is, tell us, the taxpayers. Taxpayers help pay politicians so they can continue to engage in prostitution. These prostitutes are given to the first coming with the money to increase their power at the expense of the majority community, as did the Bouchard Taylor Commission with their unreasonable accommodation for newly arrived religious in our territory.
April 24 2015
Thomas Mulcair today met the lobby of the Muslim Brotherhood at the mosque in Brossard, whose imam Foudil Selmoune was denounced by the National Assembly for the justification of punishment Shariah-compliant.
The mega-mosque in Brossard, opened in 2004 and can accommodate over 2,000 worshipers, plays a central role in the proliferation of Islamists on the South Shore. Capture d’écran 2014-09-05 à 18.05.50
In the early 2000s, Salam Elmenyawi,chairman of the Muslim Council of Montreal (MCM) and Youssef SaidFawaz,the representative of the Muslim World League (LIM) in Canada, sponsored the purchase of land from the City of Brossard for $ 400,000.
Both ardent promoters of sharia were then employed to obtain permits necessary for the construction of the mega-mosque, which began in October 2002. (SOURCE: Quebec's largest mosque is in Brossard, Karim Benessaieh, La Presse, October 5, 2004)

Thomas Mulcair, MP'sDjaouida Sellah ( riding St-Bruno / St-Hubert) with the president of the Canadian Muslim Forum, Samer Majzoub, now
Mr. Mulcair was accompanied by the member Djaouida Sellah,memberof the Standing Committee of Women of the House of Commons. The latter adorned veil of Sharia to meet the lobby of the Brotherhood, called the Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF) ...
Normally, the NDP MP Djaouida Sellah, from Algeria, does not carry the hijab ; but she chose to adorn the veil of Sharia for this encounter, even in the office where the meeting is held:
The NDP member Djaouida Sellah (Quebec riding of Saint-Bruno-Saint-Hubert) chose to submit to Sharia sailing to the discussion table today during his meeting with the lobby of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Djaouida Sellah is not the only member of the NDP in Quebec to counter the veil of Sharia when encountering Muslims. Lysane Blanchette-Lamothe, NDP MP for the riding of Pierrefonds, had also veiled when she visited the al-Hidayah school.
In March 2012, theCanadian Muslim Forum(FMC) sent a delegation to Ottawa to lobby the NDP.
Before Kathy Malas,FMC vice president was Bilal Hamideh.
Samer Majzoub directs the FMC. Hewas spokesman for the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), which claims openly of the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood.
We do not recognize Canada as a country.
The FMC chaired by Dr. Majzoub is the first political lobby media of the Brotherhood in Quebec.
"Islam must be seen by our new generation, as a system of life. A system with rules and recommendations that guide and influence all aspects of our lives.
"-Samer Majzoub, president of FMC

Hoang Mai (NDP member in Brossard / La Prairie), Hanadi Saad and Thomas
Hanadi Saad Mulcair,former director of the mosque in Brossard,near the Islamist Salam Elmenyawi,participated in this meeting, which was considered "excellent."
NDP MP Djaouida Sellah with Samah Jebbari and Hanadi Saad
Hanadi Saad actively campaigning for this lobby 100% the Brotherhood policy.
Capture d’écran 2014-09-06 à 01.00.13
According to the Head of Public Relations of the CMF, Yasser Dhouib,priority CMF for elections in 2015 is the fight against what they call "Islamophobia."
Who is Yasser Dhouib, head of Public Relations for the CMF? 6a01156fb0b420970c01a73e115a56970d-800wi
Thomas Mulcair with spokesman FMC Samah Jebbari
"We will not accept to be slaves nor" niggas "Quebecers."
- Samah Jebbari
Samah Jebbari was also present. However, the latter did not hesitate to lie to the people of Quebec about the links between the Canadian Muslim Forum (of which she is a spokesperson) and the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) of the Muslim Brotherhood:
Last fall Justin Trudeau had also met the lobby of the Muslim Brotherhood in the same mosque.
This is not the first time that Thomas Mulcair spawning with this lobby of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood. Here in February 2014 (details here):
The leader of the NDP had met Samer Majzoub,Mohammed Nur Alsaieq and Samah Jebbari (pictured) atits Montreal office February 17, 2014(source)
Read also:

Through their religious texts, Muslims naturally enjoy supremacy and the status of "minority" they use with very large forces and beliefs to destroy Canada and Quebec with the help of all our politicians of all stripes confused.

Written on 04/24/2015 in the Muslim Brotherhood, Quebec mapping l'islam

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