Mr. Thierry Vandal Retirement
Cost of electricity in Québec
Type of accommodation approximate annual cost
Average annual cost of energy for the principal residence of Quebec households.
Detached house (not attached) $ 2,400
Townhouse or semi-detached and duplex 1760 $
Apartment 4 1 /2 $2,920
Cost of energy for heating, cooking and lighting. All households are considered even if it happens that some respondents have a zero energy cost. These are almost exclusively tenants who probably said these costs with the cost of rent.
Retirement Thierry Vandal
Thierry Vandal May 1, 2014, salary as CEO of Hydro Quebec $ 469,188 and a personal friend of Mr. Jean Charest
Thierry Vandal May 1, 2015 severance pay $ 565,500
Thierry Vandal: annual pension $ 452,402, it is 54 years old with an indexation of 2.1% annually and by 2040 it will have a $ 760,621 retirement
Thierry Vandal will receive your pockets expensive payers by the year 2040 approximately $ taxes over a period of 25 years, an amount of $ 14,750,000
Thierry Vandal: how many households will pay for your retirement 25 years? Approximately 300 homes Quebecers annually.
Thierry Vandal Will yield any service to the people, it will only pocketed rich buffet Gaz Métropolitain and Liberals. The electricity costs continue to rise to pay for the Social Well-being of the rich
Thierry Vandal: with an average anticipated indexation of 2.1% over the next 25 years, his annual pension could reach 760,621 dollars 2040.
Thierry Vandal: each year of service counts as two years 3.5% 2.5% binds to other employees of Hydro-Québec
Thierry Vandal had already accumulated, with a contribution of 2.25 credit %, equivalent to 20.25% of his salary as an indexed life annuity during the nine years preceding his appointmentVandal.
Thierry in May 2015 may receive a severance pay 565,500 dollars either the addition of the average salary of the last three years and its average annual bonus for the previous three years of 105,085 dollars as mentioned above it.
"I've never seen such a generous plan," said on condition of confidentiality actuary the private sector. Liberal corruption is widespread. Is vandalism StateCompilation:..
Source: Statistics Canada, Household Expenditure Survey (PUMF)
Institut de la statistique du Québec
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