dimanche 30 juillet 2017

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - The war against Islam, terrorist Muslims invading our National Assemblies

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Emmanuel Macron - The war against Islamism, the Muslim terrorists who invade our National Assemblies

Who believes in a clear victory? No one, no political, intellectual, Fédération des femmes du Québec, Marihan Lopez and Dolores Chew. The only one willing to stand up and have some balls, Donald Trump,President of the United States of America, including those whores hereinafter referred attempt to destroy all possible and unimaginable ways.
Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel,and the majority of presidents and prime western ministers, leftists, feminists, sold to supposedly religious and imams of this nazi religion of barbarians,of petrodollars that inject into the veins of our democracies destroy them with their hateful disease, deadly, retrograde, self telling them their pure Aryan Race, Iqra Khalid, Liberal MP in the House of Commons to Hamas Ottawa and terrorist
As nature abhors a vacuum, and in Quebec we thrown the Catholic Church and its principles overboard during the quiet revolution, we have created  and probably the spirit also fertile ground for unexpected conquest of Islam.

The new converts, like our state's media Radio-Canada,CBC, our Federations of Women of Quebec, our teachers of colleges and universities, our student associations, our Gabriel Nadeau Dubois of Québec Solidaire (QS), our ministers and prime ministers, Liberal MPs who sold us all the early Muslims passing on the street, the opposition parties have rejected our secular identity, our values, our ancestors and our own culture.
Political Islam religion and deadly carcinogen
All these outcasts, these intellectual parasites in ties, skirts, high heels, and veiled thus offer a new identity, a lifestyle restricting and certainly in conflict with the natural need physical liberty and morale of the Aryan, but it is a framework, conduct of life and honor; that of the supposed virtue of Islam, which is only "LIE - MURDER - PEAR - SLAVERY" which is for a balanced Aryan mental prison "FOR WOMEN IN THE RECEPTACLES SPERMS - BEINGS WITHOUT NO SOULS AND CONSCIOUSNESS - THE EVIL THAT DESTROY tHE UPPER BUCKS BEARDED "as we aptly describes our Prime Minister, the Honorable Justin Trudeau.
The Prime Minister of Canada, officially adheres with his veiled wife in allowances and prayers on Fridays in mosques of the Muslim Brotherhood, or meetings with associations Hamas terrorists or Al-Qaeda, and when his holidays in islands private with extremist Islamist funders to the Liberal party of Canada.  
This conquering religion, who is not afraid to appear, cause by any means whatsoever, with aids of Iqra Khalid and Motion M-103 to promulgate the only racism allowed in Canada and all provinces is the Islamic racism.
The Burqa in burkinis, nothing is left to cause
Feminists shrews do not believe their eyes; their daughters Burka, up burkinis! The bourgeois chilly and neat, Emmanuel Macron,who disarmed, sees her daughter Christine leave the house to settle with Mohamed dressed in white, with a back knife in the back to sacrifice your daughter who was caught by the evil lies and marry her rites and religion and her future children.

Children Marihan Lopez, Dolores Chew, Mélanie Joly, of Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, Christine St-Pierre,and several other members and elites are finally in evil ways, authoritarian, and without returns. You can therefore tell you my elites my populists you opened all the valves of our company to this political religion, these false religious invade us like hawks who inevitably become embedded within all our systems and which are entrenched, manipulative, destructive, a virus that only be destroyed by the base.
All because the good people are emptied of religious and Catholic or Christian culture and were able to pass any of the  of values our civilization, no pride to bring it to their children against all odds.
This we call in Quebec, and as always, we are a people, friendly we give the keys to our homes to our immigration, laws of our texts so that they are torn, their sell our judges, not stone our culture, give our wife for he rapes, mutilates, hides under veils and our girls to become slaves,and our boys to become as bloodthirsty and cruel systemic racist bearded.
In Quebec, we have thrown the baby out with the bathwater and let the devil entered, Islam, the Koran, Sharia Islamists, Salafists
In this abandonment of spiritual values, there is also the loss of sense race: Supreme sacred barrier between peoples. Supreme shelter Me within the protective clan. No race, nothing!

As we regularly emphasizes the Prime Minister, the man without any specific culture, multiculturalism,Canada welcomes all people, good to the murderers, the Islamic terrorists, coming across the United States, etc. . We in Canada are for non-violence and to be sacrificed on the altar of Sacrifices of Islam.
The Elysee moved to southern Libya by Emmanuel Macron, President of
France,we Canadians, we are grazing to be stoned. During my religious discourse in mosques in Canada I often make relations with our political party, the Party Liberals of Canada. Even members of the Mafia, the Hells Angels, are welcome.  
We even have a new section in our ministries cannabis that their profits are not too affected by the arrival of cannabis decriminalized market July 1, 2018, during the National Day of Canada. We have made available to all Canadians criminal groups a sum of 5 billion for their loss of income.
The Canada open to all for destruction
To silence the gossips, Christians, I hear all the time, we decided to put 550 thousand dollars for those who need care after using Cannabis .  

Knowing that the Islamists can use cannabis for themselves because in the Koran forbid them, can freely smuggle between Canada and the United States and other countries with official permission of the Federal Government and take profits for teach jihadist, the stoning of women, the barbarities towards other religions.
We in Quebec and Canada, we celebrate our weaknesses, our cowardice to our newcomers, our dictators, our religious superiors, surly, stubborn and loyal to their ignorance.  
We WESTERN as we aplaventrissons rags to Muslims
No civil society takes to the streets on a beautiful sunny afternoon to hit pans Pauline Marois. No civil society is indignant for a particular privilege Gabriel Nadeau Dubois who manipulated the Supreme Court of Canada by his deceptions.
But civil society who puts his head on the block and his life at stake to save democracy! It is civil society as a best sense ... Are is he among all politicians in all your countries who would be ready with the judges, the police, the army to stand up and tell these Islamists that is enough, and should disappear?None of these populists, careerists, leather benches such that Emmanuel Macron dare not raise his voice.
Who of our great professional protesters dare the media today, go to the major international meetings ondata the truths these massacre political Islamist religious. They are all connected to kill the only one who wanted to stand, Donald Trump,despite the awkwardness.
Justin Trudeau, the Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel of this world, and the international and local media paid by Islamist Salafists to send us screens smoke favorable to Islamophilia.
Islam the religion of the devil
is giving up before the Islamic-fascist! We do not even defend our values! It is even more barbarism refers by name! Justin Trudeau, he said, the Islamic terrorist is mentally ill. Emmanuel Macron,a Muslim terrorist is a plus for the French company. According to the queen of Europe, Angela Merkel, Islamic terrorists, Salafists are here to stay and reduces congestion virgin vaginas German.  
The Prophet Muhammad said: "Islam is deception."
Generally lying is not permitted in Islam. But unlike other religions, there are certain circumstances in which a Muslim can lie and where it is considered acceptable, even encouraged. They always lie. This concept is called "al taqqiya". Al taqqiya means "preventive perceptive concealment" fashioned truth as politicians but of ways to destroy other religions, people,people.A Muslim is allowed to lie to save a bad might happen to him, to him or to Islam.
When one Muslim, an Islamist, a Muslim Liberal MP in Ottawa, Iqra Khalid,is pressurized, it can lie in order to protect religion. It's from the Koran verse 28 Chapter III and Chapter XVI, verse 106.
Abdullah Al-ARABY:There are certain clauses in the lie. Thus, a Muslim may lie to the cause of Islam, or to easily destabilize a country like Canada carefree Justin Trudeau, the empty noodle.

Muhammad himself ordered people to lie as the Prime Minister of Canada. When people with whom he had ordered to go and kill someone said to him, "We would not know if we kill him do not lie," he replied,"Okay,that's good, and lying" as did Omar Khadr and receives 10.5 million as a thank you.
The Life of Muhammad, p. 367: Allah's Messenger said, "Who will rid me of Ka'b bin Al-'Achraf (...)?" Muhammad ibn Maslama brother Bani Abdul-Ashal said, "O Messenger of Allah I myself to occupy; do you want me to kill him? "Certainly yes, if you can," replied the Prophet.

The world is witness almost daily, Arab leaders say one thing to Westerners and the exact opposite to their fellow Muslims. It is difficult for most of us to understand the Islamic dualistic ethics, it does not exist in this political religion, just lying there. They may say one thing, such negotiations "peace" with the Israelis, and the opposite to the jihadists, like all our politicians, populist we have among us.
The Prophet Muhammad encouraged deception kafirs and the Koran echoed these sentiments. But the apologists of Islam, Islam is only a religion and an Islamic religious leader would never lie to us. They do not see that political Islam has no meaning honorable, and they have no understanding of the duality of political Islam, religious barbaric.

samedi 29 juillet 2017

Justin Trudeau Prime Minister - Ahmed Hussen -Minister Islamist of Immigration,the Refugiés and Citizenship Canada - - Immigrant Information Booklet - Canada authorizes excision of clitoris, killings of Islamic dishonors, religious barbarities in Canada

Justin Trudeau Prime Minister - Ahmed Hussen -Minister Islamist of Immigration,the Refugiés and Citizenship Canada -
Canada Islamist permits excision of the clitoris, the murders of dishonors Islamists, all religious barbarities as ever, Sikh, Shiite, Sunni, Spaghetti religion, Jehovah's Witnesses, cults of Tahors, everything you can imagine for not paying taxes and taxes in Canada .
The Charter of Right and Liberties and my lovely father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, proud planetary dictatorship, like me, you allow the supremacy of your religion except Christians over all other civil rights and secular native country. You will then have the right to spit on all backgrounds citizens, ie Francophone Quebecers, holders of water, with the exception of feathers who vote for our party.
Be and remain calm
Be and stay calm, the French language is not recognized by the Government of Canada and even rejected, we have seminars in several languages to make Quebec Bashing and subsidies attached to them. When you participate in these seminars, these readings, the Government, the Kommandantur, promises honorary positions until Governor General of Canada or the Minister of stonings. If you want to be in the good graces of the Canadian Parliament, defecating as possible on the Quebec Francophone Quebec and Canada will guarantee Paradise Justin and Ahmed Hussen.

The new glossary of terms, how to give thanks to kommandantur
As a minority community, Canada will operate the office of the Prime Minister, the State Networks such as Radio-Canada, the CBC, the local media, parades, women's demonstrations, or during the slaughter of sheep during the feast of Sacrifice, or in mosques every Friday, fairs where our commander in chief can take pictures and put them on the biggest magazines worldwide, Rolling Stones, the BBC, Playboy, the LBGT2 magazines and other magazines that look prick the containers and do not see the content.

The kommandantur is fond defender of minorities and repudiated by the populist circumstances
Our commander in chief, the Grand Mufti is at the head of the standing committee researching Islamophiles and racist approved by his Liberal party of Canada.
The Grand Mufti use as is his habit, his prowess unilaterally perennial systemic racism, victimhood to continue his Koranic Islamist crusade inside the Islamic Republic of Canada.
Asymmetric multicultural racism that distinguish us, we Canadians Salafistsofliberalorigins,from the arrival of the newborn, the Honorable Justin Trudeau,son of the father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau,the traitor to the long knives.  
His son, the Islamist Muslim Salafist ally Muslim brothers with Quranist deputies, veiled and wearing all kinds of toilet paper rolls on their heads to the Ottawa House of Commons have concocted us a new text dilatation book for newcomers not to shock their medieval religions, discriminatory, apartheid, what!

The government of Justin Trudeau openly Islamophile
The Islamophilia is a neologism used by our politicians Federal, Provincial, Municipal, at all levels of society, by sociologists, journalists, media, to describe a craze for values Islam generally associated with an admiration of Islamic civilization not having never created a single positive thing throughout its history.
The Islamist front aplaventrisme, the symbol of our time intellectual leftist
dictatorship of the look, narcissism, emptiness, cutesy multiculturalism, politics reduced to a display of good feelings, the pipolisation politicians ...
Hypocrisy Justin Trudeau says is feminist, but backs gender segregation practiced by some religions, including Islam, where he will pray in the mosque with his veiled wife he strews on the second branches in high, and require segregation equality in the Quran and Sharia.  

His long speeches that mean nothing, unable to name our enemies, the Muslim terrorists, Islamist, racist, Koranic are only unbalanced people lack love, lone wolf.
Justin Trudeau will never say the words as they are, terrorists are Islamists, Muslim, psychopaths who call for help because Western cursed have created evil in the world of desert, the Koran . Our government centralisateur and moralizing that we seek to hide the Islamic Crusades forgers who roam our cities and streets with the approval of our politicians and our laws.
The Conservatives wicked who protected the Christian and Jewish cultures of Canada.
The "bad guys" Conservatives included a warning noting that some "barbaric cultural practices" such as honor killings and female genital cutting were considered crimes in Canada.

This passage will be removed. Too hard, I guess. Not enough "politically correct". But it's not possible amalgamation with the Quebec Federation of Women approving the Sharia.
Our peephole politicians are at work
the land of unicorns, we must respect the culture of others, it's not polite to say to some communities that stoning of adulterous women, cut the clitoris of girls and killing teenage girls because 'they dared to kiss a boy, wearing a skirt or remove their veil is "barbaric." Now, Canada will stoning learning courses for young male under seven years and a tax credit will be given to parents of young said.
Justin Trudeau and the premiers of Canada, populist, feminists,  during all parades Pride of the country, but never, I never criticize homophobia of some religious communities and speech Islamic hate..

Justin Trudeau, who lost her clitoris, became a feminist, but Justice Minister personally called a woman chia on the Canadian flag Zunera Ishad of Mississauga,Ontario,a terrorist Pakistan working for al Qaeda, and a member of Liberal party of Canada, which refused to remove the veil that hid his face in his citizenship ceremony to congratulate her.
That's right, Justin Trudeau, the identity murderer Canada
Cool with everyone. The lambs and wolves, homophobic and gays, misogynistic and women, Raïf Badawi and those who lash Raïf Badawi in Saudi Arabia.
In Canada, we do not like the chicane, Justin Trudeau offers citizenship to all the terrorists and even for their wedding with a terrorist of Al Qaeda the sum 10.5 million inquired Wedding Gift Omar Khadr have murdered Christians.

May possibly be the $ 100 Canadians carry the portrait of Omar Khadr as a religious symbol of the Ottawa House of Commons with his friends Sikhs ministers or other origins with mounds papers coated  or cloths on their heads by prayers for males only with the applause of our male ministers only.  
Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, the Three Amigos, sow the end of the West as Koranic Salafi Islamists currently want.  Those who weand government working officially for our dear Emirs Gulf fill their pockets and open the doors to their crusades barbarian West.
The Liberal Party of Canada has he swallowed the clitoris of their ministers
SunNews, the last week in Toronto, in an interview with the Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a reporter asked if member the honorable MP Igra Khalid Mississauga Erin Mills if she had found her clitoris lost during a meeting with the Prime Minister and other ministers and MPs in the mosque Jame Masjid Mississauga when the Liberal party patronage section Mississauga.  

Her husband can no longer look through the covers her clitoris had been taken away by mistake by Islamophobic imams time. The Prime Minister's response was very short.
I, the Honorable Prime Minister of Canada laxative, dear idiots, fellow citizens, this file will be submitted to the Minister of Justice Judy Wilson Raybould,who will discover the function of the clitoris of Islamophobic who robbed him. Our Minister of Justice instruct the section of the Federations of Free and veiled women in Ontario and who will make a statement on the clitoris lost or swallowed by one of my ministerial members.

We Liberals of Canada want the destruction of  Christians and Francophone

jeudi 27 juillet 2017

Philippe Couillard, Premier of Quebec, Justin Trudeau, and other premiers, FATEONURS OF HATREDS RELIGIOUS SYSTEMICS

Philippe Couillard, Québec Premier, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada and all the other premiers of Canadian provinces, mayors, intellectuals, leftists, etc. ., develop, edify, design, provide the framework for, pattern, shape diabolically, slyly, religiously and build racial hatred and barbaric nazistes, Islamic Salafi Aryan systemic solely populist electioneering purposes.

Our political elites are murderers of our Western democracies by creating research committees and demonize the people of Quebec and Canada with their false electoral propaganda as we know them.
We certainly do not need the hate speech from Justin Trudeau, face two front, one in Canada and another abroad.The terrorist alone, it is he who cultivates his words and laws for the Islamization of Canadian laws, and Islamophobia with its Motion M-103, Iqra Khalid terrorist and Muslim MP in Ottawa, associations with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) international terrorist organization, Hamas, and several other terrorist organizations.
Our laws and CURSED AND CRIMINAL CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS embedded IN THE TREATY FATHER PIERRE ELLIOTT TRUDEAU which only protects terrorists Islamists entrenched in the Constitution multicultural Justin Trudeau will not open because he loves dictators and dictatorships. We must subtract these Islamists, these Muslims, themselves all other people of all origins terrorist laws of our States Rights who use our laws to our laws do not work with these terrorist criminals.

Our charters protect terrorists, barbarians, instead of protecting the innocent victims.
Our elected officials are not doing their job properly, they fan the embers constantly with Muslims and the media to give them supposedly accommodations that are displeasing to the majority of citizens. Instead of simple tags to this invasive community, it leaves this community to destroy our ancestral values instead of including them with our culture.
Canada and Quebec are Christian denominations for 500 years and not Muslim.The Islamists you must say once and for all. If you do not like this situation, go, home, if your religion is so important to you and your family. If you think for one second that the people after the long years of torture and racism of your Islamic Salafi you make people suffer strain will not react strongly and put you in line. You put your finger in the eye.
The are revolutions between peoples and religions will come soon, and many people spend a bad time, and I hope our politicians will be among those people from the most because they, by their pettiness that will caused these systemic religious hatred, and all the women veiled as is the Quebec Federation of women.

Islam a political conflict unhealthy universal religion degenerative
Of all the intransigent religion, Islamists, moderates, super extremists, extremists, imams especially in Montreal and in big cities cause more problems. In towns of less importance, the Islamists, the Muslim, their propaganda is less because their population is smaller and is better acclimated to the area with their fellow citizen.
Here in Montreal, and in the districts of the city, this is the complete mess, as in Paris, London, Toronto, the metropolis what. The identity of the city is gone, prosperous anarchy through 22 mayors, councilors, politicians, dictators, school commissioners, representatives of hospitals, English, French, Jewish, Chinese, etc., everything is allowed there. Eventually in Montreal there will be a hospital for transgender, toilets for children without sex, and an airport for uncircumcised politician.
We are so fired "on the top" as they say here, the minority, newcomers, immigrants, leftists intellectuals, federations connes Quebec LBGT2 or any idiot, or group of two or more persons may require the government to remove the liberties of the majority by going before the cameras by posing as a victim.

Racism against strains of Christians
today in my community, I am from Pakistan, oriental, child of eight, at the school cafeteria, eating with a spoon and not with forks and knives and j ' asked the Commission of Rights and Freedoms of Quebec that my boy could eat according to religious rites, with a spoon and the school Board had to comply, pay $ 50,000 of damage to the family.
Racism against strains of Quebecers
My daughter is Muslim, in his cooking class, she had to cook a pork roast at the Institute of Hospitality of Quebec, but according to the Koran, the Muslim can not eat pork and it demands a different meat to cook, and she had chicken that costs beautiful more expensive shot. Et at the same time a Quebec Catholic, in another room, must bake a pie with strawberries but is allergic to strawberries and raspberries request instead.  
The Institute immediately grants the Muslim chicken meat without any additional charge. Regarding the Catholic Quebec is a refusal because the budget of the Institute can have no substitute between foods. So. The Quebec Catholic vilo seeMedia Cogeco to tell him what is happening between the Muslim and was accepted for her refusal.

The next morning the Quebec Catholic, see the padlocked door of the Institute of Hospitality of Quebec and throw out because it was to the media. And the story will continue and that Quebec will never have the chance to finish his course. Muslim Yes - Catholic Not
An Ordinary Woman
In Montreal, the University, a woman will be less pulling teeth charges at the Institute of dentists with students. A veiled student, enters and prepares to remove his teeth and the lady said gently, I have nothing against you, but the university is secular and I wish you remove your veil or have another student perform the procedure.
The veiled Muslim Is very shocked about the lady and went to see the president to tell him about her and it comes back to the lady and can not comply with this request because it is the blatant racism annoy Muslims.  
The replica lady she also has the rights that Muslim women who demand to be treated by women. But the latter counter that the Muslim religion and allow Catholics their are lower.
The lady is outraged by the comments of the President and will Cogeco Radio and complained about the rector. We do not know what became of the teeth of the lady,but everything suggests that this lady did not have the requested services considering that it is Christian, not Muslim. Yes Muslim - Christian NO

Sherbrooke my Muslim neighbor becomes veiled Catholic
One day my neighbor, Germaine became Muslim and veiled, and then I ask him what is going on with her. Its new name, Khadija, and she said she has to change religion and that henceforth I should be more respectful with her and her religion.  
The days passed and Germaine was still doing jokes about it and asked him the reason for his change of religion.  Khadija, veiled Muslim and going to the mosque to pray was fed up of the discussions on this new religion which rendait merciful. Khadija felt like a virgin with her two children up to paradise of Allah but having his way detestable, Germaine.
The Imam,pointed out to him that in Quebec that Muslim are higher on Christians and Jews which features all the accommodations and religious racism towards their communities. The Liberal government had established a specialized court for for Human Rights who feels frustrated and appeals against religious discrimination Khadija faced with Germaine, Christian, francophone, Quebec strain.

So Khadija,veiled Muslim began prosecutions and un beautiful day Germaine receive a court summons Rights And Quebec Freedoms,my neighbor Germaine feeling raciser by my discriminatory statements and as punishment the court condemned me to a fine of 10 $ 000 and keep peace with my neighbor Khadija. YES Muslim - Christian - NOT
In Canada and Quebec, and in the West, you should never be born only Christians Muslims
vi Considering that I'm on social assistance, Germaine has asked not to have to pay the fine, but that asks was refused. Since then, Germaine n'dare look out the window. fear that this Quranic veiled  
This veiled, Khadija, who walks near Germaine window and tries to be reimbursed the $ 10,000 penalty. The story does not say whether Germaine was able to repay his holiness, Khadija  or Germaine has been in prison, or if she died because of this anti-Christian judgment of this course is pleased to grant this nonstop only community that fat coffers of liberal parties in Canada and Quebec, which preserves the balance of powers in all elections in all provinces including Quebec.

Our own politicians populist racism designers
Today, in Quebec, the Prime Minister, the Honorable Philippe Couillard who spent five long years in Saudi Arabia learn the Koran and Sharia launches public consultation throughout Québec to demonstrate that all Quebecers Francophone  strains are systemic racism.
The Honorable Premier of Quebec, our lovely water carrier so hate Quebec, he can feel his parents were not born of father and mother Anglophone and Protestant. It's terrible to be a grown also be a surgeon with so much future, aspiration, hope and be a little Quebecois French, in the small province that all Canadians hate English, Quebec Bashing.
Muslims - Islamists - Koranist - Charianistes Islamophiles = YES
The Premier of Quebec, has done just as other Francophone Quebecers, selling his own, to be able to rise to the level of English Bay Street in Toronto. And Toronto, they needed more evidence of your treachery show and your nationalism, patriotism Canadians know the complete destruction of Francophones in Quebec in order to install Quebec Bashing usually including their racism in their hands all the decisions taken on Canada's economic Ottawa important of which are seen particularly Toronto receives all units of the Federal against Quebec since Pierre Elliott Trudeau, multiculturalism, the man who will destroy Quebec and Canada later with his son Justin Trudeau, the Salafist.  

The Honorable Prime Minister must have all the minorities in his pocket in order to achieve and play the cards racism Francophone Quebecers who have been so ridiculed by English Canada and Quebec Francophone élites sold as Jean Chrétien, Stéphane Dion, Justin Trudeau, Denis Coderre, and thousands more.
The strains of Francophone Quebecers so the habits of being spat on by the media to be a racist, intellectuals, leftists, feminists who dig the graves of our company every day.
Christians - strains of Quebecers - Democracies - Laïcités - Majorities = NO
We Quebecers, stay down, and our own government, the National Assembly of Quebec, the Liberal Party of Philippe Couillard request to newly arrived immigrants to Quebec territory tell us, very loud voices, we Francophone Quebecers we are racists, half of a people, we are disgusting creatures, like the Islamic community wants to hear to continue his crusade.

Radio-Canada and the French and English media will be happy to loop all the wrong and false claims on all of us because we stand even standing.
Justin Trudeau, from the minaret therefore able to tell the world, Canada is unmanageable because of Francophones in Quebec and English Canada applaud
Prime Minister of Canada, the Honorable Justin Trudeau, being too Islamist and attending mosques and that his male veiled female MPs and we reveal their populist intentions in the matter.

In Canada and Quebec elected politicians love the Islamists for the moment, who hold the balance of power, before it was the Jews, but now they are no longer on the list

Wake up, in the next election, to stop the crusade World Islamist, Quranic, Charianique, Barbaric, vote CONSERVATIVE!