samedi 15 juillet 2017

Thomas Mulcair Veterans in garbage bins and Omar Khadr becomes Millionaire, thanks to the generosity of the multicultural Salafist government of Justin Trudeau and Adil Charkaoui 20 million dollars

Veterans in the garbage and Omar Khadr became millionaire thanks to the generosity of the Salafist multicultural government Justin Trudeau and Adil Charkaoui 20 million

Ottawa as the capital of the Islamic Republic of Canada including terrorist capital is now controlled in Mississauga, Ontario and several terrorist organizations and the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) and other terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Al Qaeda, etc., many deputies and members of the Canadian and provincial political parties sleep with these Salafi Islamists and moderate Muslims, extremists , and M-103 Motions.
The rebels, these veterans forgotten the terrorist profit as Omar Khadr killing Westerners and it pays to do
In Canada's veterans digest bad that this false child soldier Muslim Islamist terrorist Pakistanis his parents indoctrinated to kill, THE WESTERN  WE iNFIDELS AND 15 YEARS HE kNEW WHAT HE WAS AS A CHILD SOLDIER IS AGE 7 OR 8 YEARS AND NOT TO 15 YEARS, HE HAS NOT THE CRITERIA CHILD SOLDIER SAYS UN, HE IS A PAKISTANI TERRORIST tO BALANCE QAEDA POINT aND tHE LINE  friend of the Liberal party of Canada and Justin Trudeau the Honorable Omar Khadr has received $ 10.5 million if fast while their own cases against Ottawa dragged before the courts for years.
"Whenever we, the veterans, have applications for our fundamental rights, Ottawa says there is no money," the veteran critic Jordie Yeo, former Quebec fighter wounded in Bosnia and Herzegovina in July 1993.
hit in both legs by enemy fire during a mission by Pakistani al-Qaeda including several MPs or ministers Pakistanis in the House of Commons in Ottawa, and who control the balance of power, the Montrealers saw his comrades fell under his eyes, an event that has continued to haunt him in his return.
I fuck all Canadian: Omar Khadr
Injustice to all Canadian-born, Canada favors Salafi Islamists or Muslim Iqra Khalid Motion M-103
The Canadian government does not care less about you every veteran. You do nothing of the multiculturalists, intellectuals, Islamist lobbyists, Muslim extremists, their dependent octane levels of hatred and racism that they have built with their Koran and Sharia. Terrorists who have feet in the House of Commons and who run the country since the entry into strength for the Canadians to the total destruction of our democracy to global abyss. Koranic
"Why is the government taking more into account the rights of those who fight against their country that those who fight for their country? "Asks M. Yeo. According to the Government of Justin and friends such as Thomas Mulcair, the populist multiculturalism that is in the same mold as Justin, their only plan was to become prime ministers of Canada and didn't care totally what would come afterwards.
The sole purpose power, the people must die, and that's too bad, Pierre Elliott Trudeau wanted to destroy Quebec and he did and his son, wanted to finish the task and destroy Canada.

Like the United States with Iraq Georges bush wanted to destroy Iraq and his son Georges W Bush eventually the entire country and now we have the Islamic state created in part by the United States of America. It is exactly these same things happening in Canada, our shell has forgotten more segments of our civilization and now worships minorities and especially the Islamists or Muslims, line item.
Justin Trudeau is narcissism, populist, ratoureux, hypocrite and liar
Above all, it is difficult to explain that Canada has paid $ 10.5 million so quickly Omar Khadr, that dirty dog Islamist terrorist who married a radical Pakistani terrorist who is became a Canadian who certainly shitting on the Canadian flag and Justin Trudeau congratulate after receiving telephone Thomas Mulcair as last week, claiming that the country has not respected his rights under the constitution of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the traitor.
That earthworms vomit it with friends and Salafist
Omar Khadr, the Islamist raptor, immigrant, al-Qaida, which in no way deserves the Canadian nationality, who our laughed infaces, the terrorist Salafist crap flusher and we hope tote enough, least seven times a day, and in all mosques, be reproduced as a degenerate rabbit for at least twelve children Koranic terrorists to kill the infidels and the costs paid by idiots, taxpayers, Canadians and Quebecers waiting 24 hours in hospital emergency for the chance to see a doctor.

Canada mistreats its own military, it's a shame the world, my dear selfie who walks everywhere
"Meanwhile, the soldiers who return wounded do not even have the right to their pension for life, even if it has promised by Justin Trudeau. We would like it more quickly rule that Khadr "compares M. Yeo, who says lead this fight for the next generation of soldiers.
Six former wounded Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan lead for more than five years their own legal battle against Ottawa for entitlement to a pension for life, which is denied.
This type of pension was abolished for members who retired after 2006, and is now in the Court of Appeal of British Columbia to determine whether the injured there are still entitled.
"The veterans feel especially betrayed since the Khadr case," believes Marc Burchell, spokesman for the organization Equitas Society, which launched this class action.

Kent Hehr Minister Veterans Affairs but must submission to the Salafists who govern Canada Harjit Sajjan defense minister
in the office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs Kent Hehr, it promises that the injured will recover their pension for life by the end of year. Wishful thinking that does not mean anything.
Adil Charkaoui will receive 20 million dollars in compensation
Adil Charkaoui,imam, terrorist, who said representative of all Muslims, and who teaches openly jihadist in colleges in Montreal funded by the Ministry of Education of Quebec.
Adil Charkaoui,the Montrealer a suspected terrorist who spent years under strict surveillance, announced Friday that it had filed suit against the federal government.

The man of Moroccan descent said he asked $ 24.5 million to clear his name tainted after trying in vain to get Ottawa apology.
In an interview with The Canadian Press Friday, Mr. Charkaoui said the civil lawsuit, filed in Quebec Superior Court on 22 February, was not about money. "I do it to clear my name. It's very important for me, "he revealed.
According to several reliable sources, with the Government of Justin Trudeau in Ottawa, the Canadian Government is preparing to negotiate with the terrorist imam who plotted terrorist attacks in Casablanca and Madrid in Spain, which killed more than 30 people, a sum of more than 20 million dollars to end this.
We must remember that this bombing story in the Montreal subway, also recalls a conversation intercepted by CSIS in 2000 and disclosed in 2011 by La Presse, in which Adil Charkaoui and Abdelrazik allegedly discussed a plan to detonated an Air France flight from Montreal to Paris.

Canada gives citizenship immediately to all Islamist terrorists in the Quran

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