samedi 8 juillet 2017

Mrs Randa High School Muslim Salafist Wahhabite Extremist Veiled denounces abusive excavations before their trials because we are the elected and superior people

Mrs. Randa TheSalafist Muslim ycéenne Wahhabi Extrémiste VOileus denounces unreasonable searches before their trials because we are the chosen people and superior to French in the Quran we can cheat


Paris Bac 2017: Several veiled students of a school without a contract allowing the veil recount being forced to "raise their robes" to pass their early baccalaureate examinations, like all the other French.  
I wonder is it Islamist Muslim asses have different origins of French, your imams exerted by the Prophet on they can be let us know at least by marrying and being dévierger the prepubescent according Imam of Lille in France.  
Or those dirty beards that runs all your streets and Mr. Pajamas Mr. Pajamas Nabil Mhiri Amiens,filth, attacking women whose justice leaves do petasse immoral Salafi but Muslim therefore superior to Christians and Jews, this nazi these evils because it is part of its traditions and it holds the balance power, our political elites.

Note that a person among millions of others, who see enough of you complain every second in a democratic country and will never let you input the first places in our paradise will create the satanic world you want to encourage and pay by the countries of the Gulfs, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and friends of Emmanuel Macron. This is quite normal in the French secular world and if they do not like that they return to their country of origin and they become slaves to their diabolical Salafi religious barbarians.
You certainly know well in Saudi Arabia, freedom is such a woman can not even drive because she loses her eggs according to the Koran and Sharia, and Egypt can not eat and cut bananas because bananas are like the penis. And at Cairo University, a member asked a virginity testing veiled women before applying for admission to the University. Are these women will raise their dresses to see their virginity in this country and Muslims who kill Christians, according to the democratic rules of the Koran.

That's your veiled refuse to be checked very carefully because often these people with so angelic tunes lurk insane cheating enormities how things can you hidden behind veils and robes, today the miniaturization of electronics, like other French and French origins and after demanding the same rights.  
They are the immigrants, and if they have nothing to nothing, why make such a big story, and do not want to integrate with the host society, it is not the French to aplaventir if run over, to be bored by this Shari'a before them and this inhumane and satanic religion retrograde.
Randa is high school in Paris. Muslim, she is educated in an institution outside contract that allows him to wear her veil in class, the MeoHigh School High School(MHS).

France Salafist Islamic countries undergoing cultural decadence
but to spend their anticipated the baccalaureate, Randa and her classmates were called to the high school Victor Hugo, a public institution of the Third district of the capital. There, before and even during their trials, young women have been searched abused by officials of the institution as all other French during this test, so there is no injustice and racism ..
It is Randa who, on Twitter, decided to publicly denounce these excavations. These messages, posted on June 19, had a strong impact. So Randa should be returned to his homeland and his Twitter.
In a series of tweets, the schoolgirl explains understand that his ears are inspected before a test, to ensure it does not headphones and headsets.
However,  Mrs Randa, her holiness indignant at having to "shake her hair," "remove his shirt" and that her dress was raised by a woman. Above all, the young woman says that these excavations took place while the trial was about to begin, once the high school girls were installed in their examination table.

Hanane Loukili there has lying veiled from all of you in your high school and Randa is a manipulative and expert
"There is a breach of equality with the other students' protests Hanane Loukili, director of MHS school, which states that "seven students" are concerned by these excavations. "Check the ears is normal, but remove clothing, ask them to raise the dresses and skirts, that is unacceptable." The director of MHS states want to "build a case" before making contact with the high school Victor Hugo, to not leave this case without consequences.
This cursed satanic veil shameless
"These students from a high school outside contract obviously have the right to come veiled under consideration. But it is customary to carry out checks to prevent cover-ups of headphones or earbuds under the veil and even cribs under loose clothing, "says the Academy of Paris, which strongly contradicts the version of pupils MHS.
"The head of establishment, it is a woman, is not it, made as female, as a Muslim female and which may bring or bring children into the world, it is not a Martian came to the space, it is a human, from which flows blood red and she'll also do his business in the toilet. She told us the TRUTH OF MISLEADING BUT NOT INCLUDING AUDIT TOOK PLACE unambiguously.

Students have opposed any obstacle. They went into an adjoining room and not in front of all other students. There was no order to remove clothing, shake hair or lift their robes insists are we at the academy, emphasizing the goodwill of seven students involved during the excavation . "They immediately removed their veils, and one of them took the initiative to lift her dress, a gesture that was later imitated by his comrades. There are in any case had no orders to do so.
"The prohibition does not apply to applicants from the private
In a note entitled" Secularism and exams, "National Education said that the ban into law 2004 regarding "students of public education." As for the candidates from the private, if they are to "submit to the rules of organization of the examination which aim to ensure compliance with the order and security, to enable verification of the identity of candidates or to prevent the risk of fraud, "nothing prevents the wearing of religious symbols.
The Salafist Islamist Muslim student writing in their crusade to conquer France advises you to attack
Bac Ramadan, Muslims hot as everyone, so he dresses like everyone else and eat like everyone this is not the problem of the french
Report - While all french graduates toil under the hot weather, some of them are faced with an additional challenge: Ramadan.

Small have hot and fains
On the large slab stairs placed before the high school Paul Eluard, bachelor's come to dry in the shade of the plane trees of the avenue Jean Moulin. Today is Tuesday, June 20 at noon under a leaden, the majority of them did not drink or eat for 3 hours in the night. Ramadan, which ends Saturday evening, fell during the baccalaureate exams.
For Muslim candidates from France, fasting is this year coupled with a battery of tests and a heat wave that dries the north to south France. Yet in this high school in Seine-Saint-Denis, bachelors, uninhibited and proud of their spiritual commitment, do not feel disadvantaged
Poor them, they become secular or that the French government, Emmanuel Macron, and whores, ask Allah to reverse the summer in January and winter in June and July for their pleasure. This religion loves trampling all over the world, why not trample God also.
There are more bills than the people of his own country, the French Collaborators;
Baccalaureate  authorized religious symbols,and without its signs they can no longer thinking and ovulated? Existential problems, they arrive in France, they are Muslims, Islamists, Salafists, after Tunisia or Algeria or the Maghreb and after they become European and away after they become French.  
You see, they will never and never progenies real French are forever invaders religious orders of the Koran and Sharia, and petrodollars to end their crusade.

Bac Are religious symbols allowed?
Governments and politicians who do not make the decisions for the general population but to sell their own people to the Muslims who hold the balance of power, Allah is great in France that is dying with this destructive religion.
"Secularism in review." "On the occasion of the baccalaureate 2015 and before are the first reported incidents in this area, the SNALC reminds its commitment to the law of 15 March 2004, which prohibits the wearing of signs or dress through which pupils conspicuously show religious affiliation in schools, colleges and public high schools, "says the teachers' union. If these incidents are marginal, the SNALC is concerned about the positions of the Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, a ledge outpatient cover that supports him as an "open secularism, variable geometry". Minister's Kneels before the demon.

In Muslim countries, the veiled Muslim must be disclosed and verified but in France, the French Muslim Have an Islamic Koranic Special ass Salafi Wahhabi terrorist, Mrs. Randa
In a note entitled "Secularism and exams," National Education recalls that the prohibition in the 2004 law concerns "students of public education." As for the candidates from the private, if they are to "submit to the rules of organization of the examination which aim to ensure compliance with the order and security, to enable verification of the identity of candidates or to prevent the risk of fraud, "nothing prevents the wearing of religious symbols.
Does not apply to BAC But what is on the ground, the distinction between public and private?
Some principals and other specialists secular issue, the 2004 Act can not be applied baccalaureate first review of higher education, which is not subject to the law of 2004.
"If the we stick to this, schools must accommodate students regardless of their outfits. However, nothing prevents the examiner to verify that the candidate does not conceal headphones or an instrument of fraud, as is the case in Jordan, Egypt and Palestine, "said Jean-Louis Auduc, specialist secularism."Secularism is a principle. Why is it not valid from kindergarten to college? "He asks.

In principle, it could therefore prohibit a student Cned go veiled tray.
Muslims make shit the world and this is part of their tradition as the Prime Minister of Canada, noodle, Justin Trudeau, paradise Salafists, Canadian citizenship to all Islamic terrorists with immediate pensions and pensions for life.  
Canada is multicultural, so without any culture like France Emmanuel Macron during his inauguration as president, because for him the only cultural, it is the Quranic Islamic barbarism and hate Christians, Jews and francophones. When will weup get up and say enough is enough, the joust is over for all of you, and your departure is coming soon, if you do not change your habit.
Charles de Gaulle should curse the French today beings new collaborators with Angela Merkel, and Justin Trudeau
Donald Trump might right to us -fouilles-abusive-before-their-epreuves_deb1c43e-565a-11e7-a55a-1181ae6a8cf3 /

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