lundi 10 juillet 2017

Pakistan - Islamist country - Koran and Shari'a - It is better not to be born WOMAN - Federation of Women of Quebec - Marihan Lopez and Dolores Chew and his other acolytes - No amalgam - No harm - No malice

Pakistan - It is better not to be born WOMAN! Federation of Women of Quebec - Marihan Lopez and Dolores Chew and his other cronies - Do not to confuse - No damage - No Malice
Pakistan - It is better not to be born MUSLIM WOMAN, ISLAMIC, ladies,angelic blinded voluntarily submitted to the Salafists who terrorize you and impose their dictatorships nazistes within the Federation of Women of Quebec and their discriminatory charianique agreement, authoritative, Islamophile of apartheid, segregation and Hitler Islamic purity in your  constitution!
It is tyrannical as isIslamsalafaiste of veiled identity that dictates your behavior, you become identity lambins wassabittes, the members intolerant towards real women trying to get rid of bearded men and religion tyrannical slavery uncompromising policy you purchase briskly for your future children and your own daughters, your Quebec women who are raped, subjected married 10 years.
How good it is to live in Quebec secular woman to be freely dressed in Quebec, ladies of the Women's Federation of Quebec
You despots, leftist intellectual news that betray your mothers and fathers to better participate in their evil crusade have the most money in their community by killing your own children, your Christian values. Your liberal treachery, ministers who endorse you, from the fifteenth century absolutism of the dictatorial spirit. You the representatives of the Quebec Women's Federation you are all ball ankles real women who want to get rid of this cursed retrograde religion that wants to evolve as it should.
This wonderful lady, Salafist or more within your movement for several years, are paid handsomely to introduce barbarian minds of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, the School of Knowledge of Adil Charkaoui Montreal, Muslim Brotherhood whose Prime Minister and his deputies and ministers are all members. Done the brother of the Prime Minister of Canada will protect members of al Qaeda. And how many ministers and deputies, mayors, and other elites, intellectuals veiled or not go to the mosque in Brossard.
Or the mosque in the Al Sunnah Al-Nabawiah is in his riding of Papineau of the Honorable Prime Minister of Canada who lives at 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa, Ontario, the Honorable Justin Trudeau who hates the entire Quebec that would eliminate all Francophones if he could.
It is good to live in secular Quebec for girls to bathe in pools with the boys and have the joy of living together in Quebec
Liberal leader, the Honorable Justin Trudeau, ladies Marihan Lopez and Dolores Chew, has confirmed late last week that he was presented to the Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiah that respects a strict interpretation of Islam based on Wahhabism. Women must be submitted and men can beat their wives if they want, whenever they want. Furthermore he added, that women must obey their husbands and give them all the sexual joys when they have needs.
This mosque has also questioned the appointment of the mosque as a recruitment center by the US government of Barack Obama, the FBI and the CIA and the Government of Canada, the RCMP and the CRS.
The worst enemies of women are blind Federations invaded the Federation of Women of
Quebec's what the Federation of Women of Quebec approves Muslim barbarians disfigure again women, but we must not make amalgam because these women are true veiled female Quebec paid $ 150 000 per year Salafist
Muslim Pakistani Islamists who follow the Koran to the letter each year are victims of vitriol.
Our Federations of Women of Quebec and other nounounes elsewhere in other provinces and countries, such as France or the United States or in Britain, multicultural country without culture,does resent no women share this world which are mutilated, beaten, these bearded.
Women must ask permission to go outside. They are like dogs. Bitch is the female dog, and not an amalgam or systemic racism according to the dictionary The Larousse,may be under Sharia.
How good it is to live in Quebec secular for girls and women to say no to malesachalent you, annoy you as Mr. Pajamas, a Muslim who lives on the arms of all the French, Amien in France who put you his hands under your dress in your underwear and the judge let him do it because it is part of sharia, it is good to be in Quebec, that girls can dress as they wish.
Like that damned Sri Lankans, this criminal idiot Muslim, the Honorable Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham,who cut the throat of his wife and his  sister-in Montreal felt that this barbarian had done nothing wrong by cutting the throat of hallalement a woman, a human trash, ie that it could have been Marihan Lopez or Dolores Chew who were married to this wonderful beards dressed in white, but I make no amalgam and looks at his hands in prayer as bloody Muslim Prophet Islamist had enough of being in prison, so that on Thursday asked to be deported to his native Sri Lanka "as quickly as possible." None can mix, this is Islamist Muslim Christian, or Jewish, or Japanese as Ralph Goodale in Ottawa.
According to their husbands these women deserved to be disciplined under Sharia as the Federation of Women of Quebec would be proclaimed for Quebec and all of Canada to please the Muslim community and Deash.
At least five young women were attacked with acid by men on a motorcycle in the last 24 hours in the southwest of Pakistan, said Tuesday the local authorities. In the latest incident, two men on a motorcycle were variolated adolescents aged 14 and 15 who were returning from the local market in Mastung, a town forty kilometers from Quetta, capital of the volatile province of Balochistan.
"One of the girls was injured in the face and the other a burnt neck", told Agence France Presse responsible local Wazir Lango police, without specifying the severity of the injuries.
It is good to live in secular Quebec to leave girls and women drive cars, trucks, buses, as they want without approvals bearded
The two teenage girls were admitted to hospital and police ordered an investigation to identify the assailants whose motives are still unclear, said the official.
The day before, two men on a motorcycle threw acid in the face of three women in their twenties who were returning from a market in Quetta, told AFP the head of the local police Abdul Razzaq Cheema. Young women were partially burned in the face, he said.
It's good to be in secular Quebec for men and boys to have real wife to whom they can talk as equals and not with poisons.
According to local authorities they should not make a drama, it is that women, receptacles semen, and their deaths they will go all to hell, because they will not be recoverable for our brave jihadists who kill infidels Christians, Jews, children and spouses of Marihan Lopez and Dolores Chew as an example or other conardes symbolically protecting and motherly, but no confusion with any specific person.
Over a hundred women disfigured each year the government does nothing to stop this crime. Their so-called religion allows torturing women and raped as they are at the service of MAN as PETS. Pigs are not all in the barns are Koranic
good it is to live in Quebec secular girls can choose their men in their lives without any connection with religions and ancestral falsehoods.
In Pakistan, acid attacks are punishable by law but nevertheless disfigure every year more than a hundred women. An amendment to the Penal Code adopted in late 2011 provides for a minimum sentence of 14 years in prison, up to life imprisonment - against a maximum of ten years ago - and a fine of one million rupees (10,000 dollars) for anyone who is convicted of assault vitriolic.
This amendment gave more credit to the word of the victims and raise public opinion on matters that often remain in the shadows. A small stab in the archaic religions can never convince these criminals.
Very rarely men that disfigure women are brought in prison since even women approve of these men as members of the Federation of Women, Global nounounes leftist intellectuals approve of what the Koran tells them crying to be punished for their tower.
The Qur'an, Islam, Sharia is incompatible with democracy, Imam Adil Chaoui and women must be subject to man
a result, the charge rate has increased significantly since the entry into force of the amendment, but also the number of known cases, victims are now more willing to testify, according to the NGO Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF).
The Federation of Women of Paris, veiled in La Trappe and the Muslim liar during his Bac in Paris, Ms. Randa, veiled Lycée Victor Hugo Not believe the information or information given by the NGO Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) because they are political amalgams against true Salafi values it preaches ..
Mr. Prime Minister please no confusion, if they are burnt with acid in Pakistan, it is the fault of separatist Quebec
The case of Balochistan bring to at least 125 the number of acid attacks recorded in Pakistan since the beginning of this year alone, against 143 for the whole of last year, according to the FSA data .
Ms. Masarrat Misbah diverts money from Pakistani disfigured what is natural practice all corrupt in the world,same for Islamists who practice the Qur'an and the prophet who prays is not it..
Ms. Masarrat Misbah is accused of embezzling money from beauty salons supposed to help and employ Pakistani disfigured.
The godmother crook, Muslim Salafist, Islamist women burned Pakistan
From Célia Mercier / Liberation, Le Monde FR
Unfortunate women become beauticians acid attacks in a beauty salon. This is the fairy tale loves telling Masarrat Misbah,director of Depilex Smile Again Foundation, when it presents its protected disfigured with acid. A beautiful story that beauty salon proprietress was staged for the media worldwide. Except that the supposedly good fairy turns out to be a Carabosse.
Clarice Felli, an Italian with the humanitarian fiber who met in 2003, regrets having trusted him. At the time, Clarice Felli, moved by the plight of women burned, created Smile Again, a foundation to rehabilitate the victims of vitriol, a form of widespread violence on the Indian subcontinent.
Traveling in Pakistan, the Italian, on the advice of a friend, chooses to entrust Masarrat Misbah the leadership of NGOs in the country.
How good it is to live in Quebec to have secular intellectuals nounounes several Federations, in universities, invertebrates Leftists that protect the multicultural ignorance to Justin Salafist.

The gracious patron of Depilex shows is a "self-made woman" who plays the card of feminism and trust. Depilex Smile Again is launched. Italian surgeons are involved to repair the destroyed faces of acid attacks women.
Rift. The rehabilitation project is glamorous: victims are trained as beauticians in the salons of Madame Masarrat. The businesswoman unturned to raise funds, showing off her disfigured protected on the screens, and managed to collect millions of rupees in Pakistan but also in the UAE, Europe and the United States.
Masarrat Misbah announces the construction of a specialized hospital for burn victims, with a budget of 380 million rupees (€ 3.2 million). In 2006, a large owner offered him land to build the building. But two months later the work is abandoned without explanation. The beautiful story starts to crack.
A former employee of the foundation tells how she took to his heels after three months after finding huge holes in the accounting. "Masarrat evaded my questions, she refused to explain where the money was spent," she explains. The former co-director of Depilex Smile Again, Manzar Mian, begins to have suspicions: the money flows, often in cash, but it does not include receipts, and large sums never get in the crate ...
You see corrupt not only in Quebec or Canada are also among several Federations I make no amalgam.
He resigned in turn in 2007. "I estimate there are at least 1 million dollars that disappeared in the wild, says Manzar, Masarrat actually used these vulnerable girls as a showcase to make money."
the authorities were alerted and an investigation is launched, Masarrat is required to submit its books. She says while his former accountant has just steal all its archives. This one has been arrested and is to be tried soon, with the only witness to his "theft" Masarrat.
Lies authorized by veiled in the Qur'an
Taqiyya: Islam allows deception and concealment and no amalgam
Islam: "religious deception" (al taqiyya).This principle encourages Muslims to deceive non-Muslims to advance the cause of Islam. Muslim groups in the West today use concealment and failure to give the impression that Islam is a "religion of peace", which is totally wrong fiction.
The "deception" has its origins in the Koran. Sura 3:28 says although a believer "should not take unbelievers for allies" ... unless it's for "protect them".
"Let not the believers take for friends of the infidels, but to protect them ...." "We smile at them in front, but behind, we curse .."
Islam is a religion and a political system that dictates that one should make war against unbelievers until they convert or submit. And so the terrorists around the world justify their actions, and this justification is based on the core elements of Islamic tradition.
No possible confusion
According to the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya, the "white lie". Or they do this simply because they are unaware of what Islam really teaches. Sahih Bukhari Volume 4 Book 52, Hadith 269:
The Prophet Mohammed said: "War is deception" ladies of the Women's Federation.
Generally lying is not permitted in Islam. But unlike other religions, there are certain circumstances in which a Muslim can lie and where it is considered acceptable, even encouraged.
This concept is called "al taqiyya". Al taqiyya means "preventive concealment"; a Muslim is allowed to lie to save a bad might happen to him, to him or to Islam.
When one Muslim, an Islamist, a Muslim Liberal MP in Ottawa, Iqra Khalid,is pressurized, it can lie in order to protect religion. It's from the Koran verse 28 Chapter III and Chapter XVI, verse 106.
It is good to be in secular Quebec, for girls and women to have the words of Rights and lie to us freely and shamelessly when they represent women
Abdullah Al-ARABY:There are certain clauses in the lie. Thus, a Muslim may lie to the cause of Islam, or to destabilize a country.
Muhammad himself ordered people to lie. When people with whom he had ordered to go and kill someone said to him, "We would not know if we kill him do not lie," he replied, "Okay, this is good lie."
The Life of Muhammad, p. 367: Allah's Messenger said, "Who will rid me of Ka'b bin Al-'Achraf (...)?" Muhammad ibn Maslama brother Bani Abdul-Ashal said, "O Messenger of Allah I myself to occupy; do you want me to kill him?
""Certainly yes, if you can, "replied the Prophet.
(...) Muhammad said: "O Messenger of God we shall have to tell lies."
He replied, "Say what you want, you are free in the matter".
The world is witness almost daily, Arab leaders say one thing to Westerners and the exact opposite to their fellow Muslims. It is difficult for most of us to understand the Islamic dualistic ethics. They may say one thing, such negotiations "peace" with the Israelis, and the opposite to the jihadists.
Muhammad encouraged deception kafirs and the Koran echoed these sentiments. But the apologists of Islam, Islam is only a religion and an Islamic religious leader would never lie to us. They do not see that political Islam has no meaning honorable, and they have no understanding of the duality of political Islam / religious. / world / 2010/02/02 / the-godmother-crook-of-women-brulees du pakistan_

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