mercredi 12 juillet 2017

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, we must eliminate the Quebec Francophone soon as possible to the G20

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, we must eliminate the Quebec Francophone soon as possible to the G20
Justin Trudeau Prime Minister our marie-couche-toi-là international solemnly emphasizes that the French blood and Latin Quebecers unfortunately flows in veins of a people the world less organized than others as Islamic peoples Salafists believe the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

That at least is what he suggested in an exclusive interview with the Bild Newspaper,the largest daily newspaper in Germany on  sidelines of the G20 that took place in Hamburg until Saturday.
The Prime Minister will do anything to discredit the international francophone Quebec in all forums around the world just as his father did with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to kill the entire Quebec.
This is part of the vocation of the Liberal Party of Canada, Jean Chretien and his clique, and sponsorships, and its corrupt democracies thieves, like Stéphane Dion, the Muslim brotherhood and Salafist family Trudeau.
"We are tired of French and Latin blood in us to be less organized," said he finally assert. We must remove francophone Quebec and establish maximum Salafist Islamic immigrant as soon as possible to establish their Shari'a The Qur'an And the liberal values of Al Qaeda on the Canadian territory.

Quebecers destroy Canada Anglophone
For the Bloc Québécois, the remarks of the Prime Minister convey a "grotesque snapshot" of Francophones.
"Mr. Trudeau should stop being condescending to the people of Quebec and francophones in Canada," said Mario Beaulieu member, but he does not care about all non allophone Quebecers.
Mr. Justin Trudeau has always wanted to be disrespectful to francophones in Quebec and the country, noting in passing the deep Latin roots that make Canada more dynamic which he does not recognize the existence acknowledged that former Conservative Stephen Harper Prime Minister of Canada.
Grabbing up the ball, the New Democratic Party (NDP) regrets that the Prime Minister has not chosen better words to better destroy Quebec and Prime Minister Philippe Couillard as he has done in recent weeks in the dragging in the mud.
It's very clever with its politically correct vis-à-vis Canada English and allophones who vote for his political party, the Islamic Salafist Liberal Party of Canada.

But certainly: it is his Islamophile Islamist government, Québécophobia, Francophobia,  which made him lose his head or what remains of it, is disorganized, "citing the numerous fiascos from the governments in matters Francophones in Ottawa.
Governments having first anglophone ministers are much more conscious of francophones outside Quebec and Francophone Quebecers than any first French minister to become whores and sale to go in anglophone areas of Bay Streets of Toronto, in the high Finance and Jet Set Canadian.
The French Canadian,who are not Francophone from Quebec,like crooked mouth Shawinigan, or the whore of the Muslim Brotherhood of Saint-Laurent, and many others had to sell their communities, their families, their friends, enter circles directions of the liberal Ontario and across Canada.
The climb them was difficult and with the aid of the family Desmarais from Ontario, who immigrate to Quebec to build a liberal empire in the pay of Bay Street, liberal friends, in all provinces addition penetrated in all the media to control all spheres of society and become corrupt governments ever.
The Honorable multiculturalism, Justin Trudeau  is the rotten apple, fruit Pierre Elliott Trudeau who heads the country without any knowledge of the challenges of the twenty-first century. We really emphasize that it is equal to itself, it is a reflection of his own company, an air void.  

Justin Trudeau President of the UN Climate Change
When was the G20,he began to prepare a luxury job, as did the Queen of Canada, Michaëlle Jean royalty, the Francophone, the millionaire, as President to the UN "Fighting Climate Change". Knowing that you are not have no knowledge of the subject, but you are known as the Canadian selfie, is, it shows its importance.
It knows all the characters having connections with the main climatic organizations, criminals Salafi Islamists, petrodollars, investors, banks, leaders of the Islamic state, smugglers, prime ministers, presidents, kings , the mafia, critics, media, etc.
Justin Trudeau is part of who evokes the clouds and has never worked a single day in his life but that global elites chérisses because of his father. It is one of many elected officials, corporations that control the world.

We all see, making this useful propaganda with nice girls and boys around the world pay with costs for all taxpayers and it could take all the pictures they want. In addition to every four years, it would be more known that a prime minister or president, he would be the Jules César Climate to describe themselves as savior of mankind.
His knowledge and his narcissism could be useful to him during his travels with the stars of all nations through the world multicultural as he imagines.
Stéphane Dion lost this honorary position, which does not understand the meaning, but the Honorable Justin Trudeau is much higher mentally and animal beauty, like man, every woman would love to have in their beds and many men too . And the point of view knowledge as the saying Napoléon Bonaparte, "in politics, stupidity is not a handicap, it is an asset."

And the Honorable Justin Trudeau duly fulfills these qualities populist fully and openly as described in the book "How to become a politician in 18 stages and ahalf,"
At the next election vote Conservative

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