samedi 29 juillet 2017

Justin Trudeau Prime Minister - Ahmed Hussen -Minister Islamist of Immigration,the Refugiés and Citizenship Canada - - Immigrant Information Booklet - Canada authorizes excision of clitoris, killings of Islamic dishonors, religious barbarities in Canada

Justin Trudeau Prime Minister - Ahmed Hussen -Minister Islamist of Immigration,the Refugiés and Citizenship Canada -
Canada Islamist permits excision of the clitoris, the murders of dishonors Islamists, all religious barbarities as ever, Sikh, Shiite, Sunni, Spaghetti religion, Jehovah's Witnesses, cults of Tahors, everything you can imagine for not paying taxes and taxes in Canada .
The Charter of Right and Liberties and my lovely father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, proud planetary dictatorship, like me, you allow the supremacy of your religion except Christians over all other civil rights and secular native country. You will then have the right to spit on all backgrounds citizens, ie Francophone Quebecers, holders of water, with the exception of feathers who vote for our party.
Be and remain calm
Be and stay calm, the French language is not recognized by the Government of Canada and even rejected, we have seminars in several languages to make Quebec Bashing and subsidies attached to them. When you participate in these seminars, these readings, the Government, the Kommandantur, promises honorary positions until Governor General of Canada or the Minister of stonings. If you want to be in the good graces of the Canadian Parliament, defecating as possible on the Quebec Francophone Quebec and Canada will guarantee Paradise Justin and Ahmed Hussen.

The new glossary of terms, how to give thanks to kommandantur
As a minority community, Canada will operate the office of the Prime Minister, the State Networks such as Radio-Canada, the CBC, the local media, parades, women's demonstrations, or during the slaughter of sheep during the feast of Sacrifice, or in mosques every Friday, fairs where our commander in chief can take pictures and put them on the biggest magazines worldwide, Rolling Stones, the BBC, Playboy, the LBGT2 magazines and other magazines that look prick the containers and do not see the content.

The kommandantur is fond defender of minorities and repudiated by the populist circumstances
Our commander in chief, the Grand Mufti is at the head of the standing committee researching Islamophiles and racist approved by his Liberal party of Canada.
The Grand Mufti use as is his habit, his prowess unilaterally perennial systemic racism, victimhood to continue his Koranic Islamist crusade inside the Islamic Republic of Canada.
Asymmetric multicultural racism that distinguish us, we Canadians Salafistsofliberalorigins,from the arrival of the newborn, the Honorable Justin Trudeau,son of the father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau,the traitor to the long knives.  
His son, the Islamist Muslim Salafist ally Muslim brothers with Quranist deputies, veiled and wearing all kinds of toilet paper rolls on their heads to the Ottawa House of Commons have concocted us a new text dilatation book for newcomers not to shock their medieval religions, discriminatory, apartheid, what!

The government of Justin Trudeau openly Islamophile
The Islamophilia is a neologism used by our politicians Federal, Provincial, Municipal, at all levels of society, by sociologists, journalists, media, to describe a craze for values Islam generally associated with an admiration of Islamic civilization not having never created a single positive thing throughout its history.
The Islamist front aplaventrisme, the symbol of our time intellectual leftist
dictatorship of the look, narcissism, emptiness, cutesy multiculturalism, politics reduced to a display of good feelings, the pipolisation politicians ...
Hypocrisy Justin Trudeau says is feminist, but backs gender segregation practiced by some religions, including Islam, where he will pray in the mosque with his veiled wife he strews on the second branches in high, and require segregation equality in the Quran and Sharia.  

His long speeches that mean nothing, unable to name our enemies, the Muslim terrorists, Islamist, racist, Koranic are only unbalanced people lack love, lone wolf.
Justin Trudeau will never say the words as they are, terrorists are Islamists, Muslim, psychopaths who call for help because Western cursed have created evil in the world of desert, the Koran . Our government centralisateur and moralizing that we seek to hide the Islamic Crusades forgers who roam our cities and streets with the approval of our politicians and our laws.
The Conservatives wicked who protected the Christian and Jewish cultures of Canada.
The "bad guys" Conservatives included a warning noting that some "barbaric cultural practices" such as honor killings and female genital cutting were considered crimes in Canada.

This passage will be removed. Too hard, I guess. Not enough "politically correct". But it's not possible amalgamation with the Quebec Federation of Women approving the Sharia.
Our peephole politicians are at work
the land of unicorns, we must respect the culture of others, it's not polite to say to some communities that stoning of adulterous women, cut the clitoris of girls and killing teenage girls because 'they dared to kiss a boy, wearing a skirt or remove their veil is "barbaric." Now, Canada will stoning learning courses for young male under seven years and a tax credit will be given to parents of young said.
Justin Trudeau and the premiers of Canada, populist, feminists,  during all parades Pride of the country, but never, I never criticize homophobia of some religious communities and speech Islamic hate..

Justin Trudeau, who lost her clitoris, became a feminist, but Justice Minister personally called a woman chia on the Canadian flag Zunera Ishad of Mississauga,Ontario,a terrorist Pakistan working for al Qaeda, and a member of Liberal party of Canada, which refused to remove the veil that hid his face in his citizenship ceremony to congratulate her.
That's right, Justin Trudeau, the identity murderer Canada
Cool with everyone. The lambs and wolves, homophobic and gays, misogynistic and women, Raïf Badawi and those who lash Raïf Badawi in Saudi Arabia.
In Canada, we do not like the chicane, Justin Trudeau offers citizenship to all the terrorists and even for their wedding with a terrorist of Al Qaeda the sum 10.5 million inquired Wedding Gift Omar Khadr have murdered Christians.

May possibly be the $ 100 Canadians carry the portrait of Omar Khadr as a religious symbol of the Ottawa House of Commons with his friends Sikhs ministers or other origins with mounds papers coated  or cloths on their heads by prayers for males only with the applause of our male ministers only.  
Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, the Three Amigos, sow the end of the West as Koranic Salafi Islamists currently want.  Those who weand government working officially for our dear Emirs Gulf fill their pockets and open the doors to their crusades barbarian West.
The Liberal Party of Canada has he swallowed the clitoris of their ministers
SunNews, the last week in Toronto, in an interview with the Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a reporter asked if member the honorable MP Igra Khalid Mississauga Erin Mills if she had found her clitoris lost during a meeting with the Prime Minister and other ministers and MPs in the mosque Jame Masjid Mississauga when the Liberal party patronage section Mississauga.  

Her husband can no longer look through the covers her clitoris had been taken away by mistake by Islamophobic imams time. The Prime Minister's response was very short.
I, the Honorable Prime Minister of Canada laxative, dear idiots, fellow citizens, this file will be submitted to the Minister of Justice Judy Wilson Raybould,who will discover the function of the clitoris of Islamophobic who robbed him. Our Minister of Justice instruct the section of the Federations of Free and veiled women in Ontario and who will make a statement on the clitoris lost or swallowed by one of my ministerial members.

We Liberals of Canada want the destruction of  Christians and Francophone

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