lundi 3 juillet 2017

Michaëlle Jean - Queen of Canada - Michaëlle Jean Her Foundation Contest - To Encourage Systemic Racism Youth Application MUSLIM ONLY 15 to 30 years old

Michaëlle Jean - Queen of Canada - Competition SA Michaëlle Jean Foundation - To encourage systemic racism Application young MUSLIM ONLY aged 15 to 30 years
Michaëlle I color, Salafi, narcissistic, rich, egocentric and racist on television waves Sahara, she's crazy

Fondation Michëlle Jean: Muslim Youth Take the Lead - Our Crusade to Conquer Canada
All the racists are there
Hurry, there are only a few days to submit your application for an art competition organized by Michaëlle Jean. But beware ! To participate, you must be a young Muslim from 15 to 30years.You read correctly. In a supposedly secular country, it favors one religion over another. Separate the citizens according to their religion, their superiority as is the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau.
Donald Trump was quite right to stop the bleeding of the Islamic Muslim immigration to the United States. When our elites will they do so and when they cast Michaëlle Jean in the desert of Saudi Arabia without the millions that we taken off throughout the year.

Michaëlle Jean breeds hatred towards the Muslim community, it is Islamophile and bitch
If you are the only true religion, Islam and so the Government of Canada and the Liberal member for Mississauga, Ontario, faithful friend of Hamas and Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood,  Iqra Khalid,was passed unanimously in the House of Commons motion M-103 and Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair,  solemnly we have in our press suddenly gorge feet and villainous lies and populist propaganda that all citizens belonging to Islam, the Koran, sharia, the barbarians of Saudi Arabia, you are the superior beings of all religions in Canada and all Canadians and Quebec.  

The Quran says, kill all the Christians and Jews, so kill all Canadians who are not Muslims said Michaëlle Jean, Ambassador of myass.You have until Wednesday to submit to the Michaëlle Jean Foundation your 'proposals for the realization of a video work in digital format. " All floggings, beheadings of women, stoning, fornication with animals of your choice will be admitted for educational purposes.
The selected works will be part of a traveling exhibition called us integrate Islamic hatreds Salafists and terrorists, promote inclusion through the world and the black Francophonie.
It is assumed from the outset that young Muslims are victims of hatred and afterwards asby claimed the Qur'an that the practice to Christians and Jews. We impose the narrative of victimization before knowing the content of the videos.
Looks like Justin Trudeau,before all forums Canadian media to declare that the madman who attacked the mosque in Quebec was a terrorist and not a psychopath as he says and repeats every terrorist attack Islamists or Muslims that are solitary or insane crazy, but he never pronounce terrorists or Islamists, Muslim extremists.

See where even the hate propaganda and populist federal and provincial government when they talk about religion to gain political capital and remain in power. Our political elites, these viruses in our National Assemblies never realize how much that they spread hatred across communities.
Putrefaction of our elites, Michaëlle Jean
Michaëlle Jean now that propagate hatred and this should be reprimanded by Canada and take away his salary for a period of one year for thinking.
If a Muslim girl wanted to witness the freedom of thought and of action it enjoys in Canada compared to her home country, is it acceptable for the Foundation? No, because it must be veiled, and be a true Islamist Saudi Arabia or Qatar, not Morocco.
Imagine a young Muslim who denounces gay hate homosexuals, lesbians, transgender, transexuals, drag quuens, LGBT, liberal in his country of origin, or kill Christians, Jews, no right to eat pork, drink alcohol, no sex before marriage, for women not allowed to drive cars, or to go out without the permission of her husband, commit honor killing, joy of those almost democratic countries, etc.  
Michaëlle Jean she will put on all videos atrocities that Muslims must suffer every day in our Christian and Protestant schools in addition to no longer use their brain throughout life. Goodbye freedom of thought, action, the book says it all, you are Mrs. John flipped over and fell on his head,there is a place in the slums in Haiti for you, and you  can catch cod, it will go very well, a codfish.

And if a young Iranian woman whose parents fled a country where the veil is obligatory, highlighted how Canada is a country where women can walk hair flying, does it coincide with the narrative of " hatred "of the Foundation?
How does one measure the degree of religiosity of the candidate? A certificate of his imam attesting to his attendance at the mosque? If it comes from a Muslim family, but he is an atheist, he is eligible? And if he is a Muslim but not practicing? If a young converts to Islam, is it permissible? At the age of 10 years should she be married and raped? Should it be sold to an Imam pig?
"Ten submissions will be selected by a jury to be part of this original exhibition on Muslim youth", we read on the website of the Foundation.
I may be naive, but I thought we had a single "Canadian youth." Not a Buddhist youth, youth pastafariste, a Jewish youth, a Scientologist youth, youth Jehovah's Witness, etc.
Michaëlle Jean back in France, close to Paris and La Trappe the veiled Muslim and raped await and you can make long speeches before them with the Salafist Emmanuel Macron. We knew that you were not racist but at that point.

I thought it was not good to show a young finger, saying "You, you're a Muslim, you, you are a Jew and you, you're a Christian, you you are a Protestant. You're different.
And if an immigrant as a native citizen can not stand sometimes Jokes some people, it should begin to look at. You will always fools, idiots and cunts like you, almost all of us, wanting to stir up hatred of all kinds as often ministers of the Government of Quebec.
We are all attacked by hatred, not just Muslims, because it is they who dress to be recognized, and it is the choice if they want to be victimized. It is their problem and not a societal problem. Islamist Muslims came to settle here, and they do not want our secularism of our democracy, to integrate but they want to continue with the war, the same religion, the same conditions, the Sharia, as in the country original.
In short, it is not to us to integrate ourselves to them, but to them to take the first steps of integrations. We Quebecers, we humble ourselves to give them all accommodation, unreasonable  their open our doors to our homes, our schools, government services, etc. and there you want again aplaventir us like rugs, Michaëlle Jean.
You are so bad faith, Michaëlle Jean you make me vomit Islamic. Seeing these items this morning, I thought you were a cow bitch hard pressed to hide his lavish spending at our expense. If this is the case, you definitely missed the boat.

If it's someone else, and I think these people like the Federation of Women of Quebec are riddled with Islamist  veiled women Muslim they want to continue their jihad Koranic across all of Canada by voice of young Muslims and Muslim
bad faith Michaelle and Justin Trudeau
the exhibition will be inaugurated in September 2017, at the 2017 Symposium of the Canadian Commission on human rights entitled beyond labels.It did not invent ... You denounce the labels, but that's precisely what you are encouraging: you say some young people are different from others, since then Bump the you're label of "Muslim" with "terrorist "to" Islamist "to" Islamist racist " to" Islamophile "to" Christianophobia "to"anti-Semitism".

This project aims progressive, is actually regressive, racist, barbaric, apartheid, dehumanizing, is black sense and promotes intolerance that Muslims have the integration of their religion Quran
Michaëlle should you nazi also according to the Koran
Is it racist these requirements of this wonderful religion Michaëlle?
The Qur'an tells us to kill all Christians
the Koran told us to kill all the Jews
You must kill all the infidel
Americans, Canadians, the French, British,
Israelis, Russians, Westerners
You should treat women and sisters like animals, whores
women must obey men and are the sex slaves
If there is need of food you can eat your wife
you must sacrifice your life and lie constantly to Allah
you must say it is always the faults of others that terrorists exist

The Québec Women's Federation offers you a job as a gravedigger identitées of Canadian and Quebec, Christian, Catholic and Protestant, in the 1867 Canadian Constitution
not the charter traitor Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his son, the uneducated, the empty shell, multiculturalism that will sell you when the time comes, liberal faith

At the next ballot vote CONSERVATIVE OR LIBERAL NDP and NEVER they are the same

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