dimanche 23 juillet 2017

Justin Trudeau - Thomas Mulcair - Denis Coderre - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - hypocrisies politically correct feminist intellectuals and leftists on stomach

Justin Trudeau - Thomas Mulcair - Denis Coderre - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - hypocrisies politically correct feminist intellectuals and leftists on stomach  
Do you know what I find more disgusting with political correctness? Is that it pushes us to be hypocrites as they are for their personal profit.

People now are so afraid of being fascist, racist, sexist, macho, intelligently, participate in discussions and confrontations beneficial and what not, they say things they do not believe two seconds because of the leftists who controls the thoughts of the masses flattened before these people dying nazistes dictatorial religious Koranic Salafists blocked forever.
I am con who does not think of itself as certain religion, I AM THE CURRENT politically correct
"Ah, yes, I am for openness and diversity, I can only read the statistics of past sports pages newspapers and talk about my dear wife how she dusts wellfleet down on my return in the evening when it opens me a beer well "cold."
We must stop derail front of women who wear a full and vaginal sailing, these superior beings to other Canadians, these infidels, these fucking Canadian and Christian and Jewish Quebecer, live and let live in their Islamic crusade barbarian on the destruction of Canada and Quebec as planned by the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal team.
There is no possible confusion with women's Association of Canada, or Quebec on this, because they respect the distinctiveness of the Islamists as the systemic racist Islamist Muslim Aryan race on American soil to control the few remaining brain of these acid attacks females dying before our National Assemblies services barbarians and bearded.  

We are tired of multiculturalism
Do you two seconds that people who say it would hire a woman veiled from head to foot to keep their children at home or to be a receptionist in their business? Of course not, never in a hundred years!
But that does not matter, they say that because it's cool, because it looks good and it's the thing to say in 2017. These people are liars, they are populist Justin Trudeau, of Mélanie Joly , Thomas Mulcair missed Islamist Denis Coderre anti General de Gaulle, and other elites who greasy paws in universities, faculty, student associations, intellectuals, moralizing, the Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, etc.
Our world lives hypocrisy, the correct policy, the cursed rectitude that denies all real and positive intellectual debate, Gaétan Barrette
We live in the era of bullshit, everyday lies, our politicians and media lie to us without stops. Only a few journalists or columnists can us tell the truth unless they are fired by Cogeco or another large house Médiatique because they talk too much and say what people are thinking.

Bullshit of International Justineries the
G20 Justin Stupidities,he disguises himself in Native American in toilet for transgender in Gay for Gay Festival and Lesbian in Scythian to celebrate the Pakistanis and the minister of the Islamist defense Harjit Singh Sajjan by Islamists Salafist every Friday when he will preach in mosques with his veiled wife. He takes off his shoes and my feathers when he will meet with Indian, he puts the kippa or Schtreimels with the Jews, when he goes to see the president of the United States, it puts a cowboy hat, etc. Our beloved Prime Minister has no specific culture and certainly Francophone Quebecer, it is multi "bullshit"
We know him as a man capable of any meanness.He is a politician. This remarkable man, who runs a dictatorial hand of countries, iron and sensitively. His economic record highlights the fine.
All Canadians stem and without stem and those who received millions for killing our democracies and continue to kill us every day through our rule of law and which serves as this one with the approvals of our governments . And all this time, considering that this is the time of the Calgary Stampede, really worth the trip for the common man, assured pleasures.
The Prime Minister will distribute itself treats, hots dogs and will take children only with Muslim veiled Salafi Islamists Koranic Men bearded and their husbands as the Koran requires and the Liberal Party, a refugee newly arrived Canada, the Honorable Prime Minister will exhibit as guinea pigs to the cameras and asked them to sign membership cards of the Liberal party of Canada.

Allah is always happy to have a fan as punctual as the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) international terrorist organization, requires the Government Canadien.Le Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met little Justin Trudeau, son of immigrants Syrian born after his parents arrived in Canada.
In Calgary, Justin two for the price of one, as a thank
Justin Trudeau Two for the price of one. Saturday at the Calgary Stampede, a rodeo event held last weekend, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Canadian Salafist took a walkabout and met a particular spectator: little Justin Trudeau, a baby of two months half that bears his name. He is the son of Afraa Hajj Hammoud and Mohammed Belal, a couple of Syrians who fled to Canada in February 2016, a little over a year before the birth of their son. After fleeing their country in war, young parents spent three years in Lebanon before joining Canada.
The boy has two middle names, Adam and Bilal, but parents have chosen this original compound name: "It will be a great story because, among Arab names and English names, there is a big difference, explained Afraa CBC shortly after the birth of her son.
In Syria, we give the boys the names of parents, like my father or my husband's father, but by gratitude to Justin Trudeau that we named after him.
"The two Justin Trudeau were somet for the first time, the prime minister even taking the newborn in her arms, under the tender gaze of her mother. The official photographer Justin Trudeau immortalized the scene for posterity of humanity Muslim multicultural

Justin Trudeau in feathers.
If Justin Trudeau really wants to help them, instead of inviting them to dance and sing to Parliament or to dress up like Indians Village People, rather it should pass legislation requiring leaders to be transparent in their management public funds.
We must respect women, do not hide them, they can dress and speak as they wish, making them as they wish, without having to ask their husbands or community.  We refuse to see them as slaves in our Western democracies, or nations, or in certain religion and religious and I make no amalgam or systemic racism not to displease certain associations.
Justin Trudeau and Western governments have forgotten VOLUNTARILY majorities profits of minorities, straightness Politically INCORRECT

We are so free here we became anarchic straightness of the leftists.

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