dimanche 23 juillet 2017

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada interview with BBC NEWS INTERNATIONAL disorganized the country because of Francophone Quebecers

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada interview with BBC NEWS INTERNATIONAL disorganized the country because of Francophone Quebecers
The blood of the French of New France that bubbles in the veins of Canadians Christian native French Catholics and made them the people planetarily less organized, the most idle, who works the least, which is still on holiday. Francophone Quebecers are the most poorly organized that all other civilizations of all other religions and cultures known to date, according to the Prime Minister the Honorable Minister Justin Trudeau.

We Trudeau family, love dictators and dictatorships, and multiculturalism according to the teachings of the Prophet
This is at least what is suggested in an exclusive interview with the BBC, the chain nationals of Great Britain, sidelines of the G20 that took place in Hamburg until Saturday after to have talks with the Prime Minister Theresa May in which he praised the keenness and tenacity of the British people in their struggle against lone wolves lost attacking the empire.
Justin Trudeau through the treachery of his father, multiculturalism,Pierre Elliott Trudeau was always fascinated by Fidel Castro's dictatorship in Cuba, Mao in China, Lenin, Joseph Stalin in Russia, Augusto Pinochet in Argentina, Adolf Hitler, and finally his father Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
Where I was raised to love the German culture, hot dogs, and food in Ottawa, being millionaire from birth my father had absolute power over all provinces except Quebec Francophone who always wanted to separate from Canada English.  
My father always said to me that it is always easier to run a dictatorship, to hate francophone Quebecers, these water carriers, a people subjected to barbaric religion as extremist Salafi Islamists as practiced there in Saudi Arabia or Qatar with Sharia, and the people follow without complaint.
There are no amalgam to avoid offending the Federation of Quebec Folles
My ancestors are progenies nazistes, Aryan, my only feeling is to rein in the Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard and his team and the Francophone minority, which is not even recognized as a people builder, founder of Canada in the same level of our Islamic brothers newly arrived Muslims.
We consider the construction of Stalags north of Quebec in60th parallel to build the New Francophone Quebec, such assertions Prime Minister. The reconstruction will be sponsored by the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) and the Muslim Brotherhood for Quebeca aswhole and the name of the province will now be named under the term liberal Al Muslim Shia.
Southern Quebec will be transformed into an independent state of Canadian civil laws and will be a protectorate of Saudi Arabia together with the Ottawa Salafist government of which I am the only master after Allah!
The Office of Censorship of the Prime Minister in Ottawa
the Prime Minister's Office in Ottawa stated in a communication, official languages, English and Arabic Yiddish the Honorable Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, also thought his microbial thoughts during this interview. Considering he was tired of thinking how to continue the work of his father to destroy piece by piece the whole Quebec, it was also hiding a monumental blunder that was preparing in silence Salafist Canada.
CanadaSalafist had hidden he handed to a terrorist Pakistani, Omar Khadr the $ 10.5 million an al Qaeda for killing manufactured bombs, raise funds throughout the world, to eliminate Westerners , American and other nationalities with his father or his father and mother.  
To thank him for his heroic action, Quran, terrorist, the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, through his security minister, Ralph Goodale, handed him  $ the 10.5 million dollars tax free paid by every Canadian taxpayers, that is to say the cons of Christians and Jews.
During this time our international selfie rides his princess at our expense as flavor climate and forgets to properly manage the country and not only for the Islamists and the newly veiled Muslim refugees in Canada.
The Honorable Omar Khadr
Besides learning that the Honorable Omar Khadr has married a Pakistani radical and terrorist lately Muna Abougoush and with 10.5 million dollars, they can begin recruiting many jihadists across the country and subsidize the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist organizations registered on the cards of the Liberal party.
When asked about this, the hon Iqra Khalid Mississauga maid of Hamas Zunera Ishad,the Pakistani member of al Qaeda and several other Muslim terrorist organizations in Canada, Ontario Center section, said we "This is very awkward on his part, our charming chef should have been much more subtle than I did with the Motion M-103 on Islamophobia.I managed to tell everyone they were racism but in reality we are Islamists racist.
But certainly: it is his government that is disorganized, identity-rot "like father like son we stressed the Minister of Canadian official languages, English and Caribou, the Honorable Mélanie Joly from the House CBC with journalists having locked hands and bound with millions of grants to the party of Justin Trudeau, the party of populist monocles Canada.
Muna ambulatory radical terrorist Abougoush
Canada supports global terrorist organizations

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